الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


متطلبات فيزا دراسة لأمريكا .. سؤال .؟!

متطلبات فيزا دراسة لأمريكا .. سؤال .؟!


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6317 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Dr.MaTriX

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Dr.MaTriX الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    Dr.MaTriX , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى IS , بجامعة Michigan State University
    • Michigan State University
    • IS
    • ذكر
    • Lansing, Michigan Stat
    • السعودية
    • Jun 2007

    October 21st, 2007, 03:45 PM

    السلام عليكم ..
    شباب .. هذي متطلبات الحصول على فيزا طالب لأمريكا ..
    بغيت اسأل
    الطلب اللي باللون الأحمر إيش قصته بالظبط .؟ ومن وين أقدر أحصل عليه .؟
    أرجوكم ساعدوني ..


    All applicants must present the following documents at the interview:

    SAMBA: Samba Banks Receipt

    PASSPORT: Current and previous passports issued in the past ten years. The current passport must be valid for at least one year from the program start date.

    COMPLETED DS-156 APPLICATION FORM: Please complete the on-line version of this form, print it out, and bring all three pages to your interview. Applications for children below the age of 14 and adults over the age of 79 can be submitted by a family member. Download the DS-156 in English.

    PHOTOGRAPH: A 5cm x 5cm photo with a white background, taken within the last six months. The head (measured from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin) should measure between 25 to 35mm with the head centered in the frame facing straight ahead.

    - Men should not wear any form of head covering, including headscarves or hats.

    - Women must have the hairline and jawline clearly visible.

    - Covered women will be required to unveil at the interview for identification purposes.

    - Please staple the photo to the DS 156.

    COMPLETED DS-157 APPLICATION FORM: This form is required for all male applicants 16 and older, and all applicants born in or citizens od Sudan, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Libya or North Korea. Download the DS-157 in English.

    COURT AND/OR POLICE RECORDS: Applicants with an arrest or criminal records must provide a copy of their court and/or arrest record (including cases that ended with an acquittal or pardon) and an English translation of those documents. In the event that there was no trial please bring a letter in English that explains, in detail, the circumstances surrounding the arrest.

    COMPLETED DS-158 APPLICATION FORM: Download the DS-158 in English. Applications for family members do not require this form. This form must include all brothers and sisters, paretns and children.

    I-20: For F1 and M1 students the original I-20 form must be included. Family members seeking F2 and M2 status need their own I-20 form, which indicates their dependency status.

    SEVIS FEE RECEIPT: Students and Exchange Visitors visa applicants need to pay the SEVIS Fee before applying for visas. They can come for their interview without SEVIS receipt but the receipt is needed for visa insurance. See http://www.fmjfee.com.

    PROOF OF FUNDS TO COVER ALL EXPENSES: This could include bank statements or pay receipts. If you are applying for an F1 visa and planning to study for more than one year, you must bring proof of funds to cover the first year's expenses.

  2. الطلب اللي بالأحمريقول لك،،
    PROOF OF FUNDS TO COVER ALL EXPENSES: This could include bank statements or pay receipts. If you are applying for an F1 visa and planning to study for more than one year, you must bring proof of funds to cover the first year's expenses.

    مطلوب ضمان مالي لتغطية جميع التكاليف:
    من الممكن أن يكون الضمان كشف حساب بنكي أو فواتير مدفوعة. إذا كنت مقدم على فيزا F1
    وترغب في الدراسة في أمريكا لأكثر من سنة يجب أن تحضر ضمان يغطي تكاليف الدراسة طوال فترة الدراسة .

    يعني جيب لهم ضمان مالي شخصي أو من الوزارة

    ربنا يوفقك دعواتك
    7 "
  3. شكرا أختي مسافرهـ .. ماقصرتي ..
    الطلب اللي تحت .. ؟ من وين أجيبه .؟ ماأدري عنه شي ..
    أنا ماني فاهمه .. أرجو مساعدتي
    وآسف على إزعاجكم

    COURT AND/OR POLICE RECORDS: Applicants with an arrest or criminal records must provide a copy of their court and/or arrest record (including cases that ended with an acquittal or pardon) and an English translation of those documents. In the event that there was no trial please bring a letter in English that explains, in detail, the circumstances surrounding the arrest.
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Dr.MaTriX
    شكرا أختي مسافرهـ .. ماقصرتي ..
    الطلب اللي تحت .. ؟ من وين أجيبه .؟ ماأدري عنه شي ..
    أنا ماني فاهمه .. أرجو مساعدتي
    وآسف على إزعاجكم

    COURT AND/OR POLICE RECORDS: Applicants with an arrest or criminal records must provide a copy of their court and/or arrest record (including cases that ended with an acquittal or pardon) and an English translation of those documents. In the event that there was no trial please bring a letter in English that explains, in detail, the circumstances surrounding the arrest.
    هاذا اللي عنده سجل إجرامي أو موقف من قبل يجيب اثبات من المحكمه او الشرطة ويكون مترجم للانجليزي
    7 "

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