انا ليا يومين سددت عن طريق الكريديت ونفس المشكلة يكتبلي كلام بالاحمر ... مع انه جاتني رسالة من البنك تقول انه اتخصم المبلغ من البطاقة وهذا الرسالة عند التشييك ..
هذا الكلام اللي طلعلي
- ou did not enter the information exactly as it appears on your Form I-20 or DS-2019. Press the "Check Status" button below to try again. Please verify that you are entering the information exactly as it was entered on your form.
- We have not received your I-901 fee remittance form and fee payment. Please check again in two working days to see if we have received your I-901 fee remittance form and fee payment.
- There was a problem with your I-901 fee remittance form or fee payment, and we had to return them to you for correction.
If you believe sufficient time has passed for us to receive your form and payment, contact I-901 Customer Service for assistance at (US) 1-314-425-1809.
alprince1406 March 17th, 2012, 01:36 AM
7 "
هذا الكلام اللي طلعلي
If you believe sufficient time has passed for us to receive your form and payment, contact I-901 Customer Service for assistance at (US) 1-314-425-1809.
المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum8/threa...#ixzz1pK1ty43w
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