اهليــن يالغــلا ,,
انــا نفســك على حساب عمي ,,
انــا بعطيك صيـغه نسخه من اللي عندي اوكي ؟!
من بنـك البلاد
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Madam
We Bank Al Bilad hereby certify that , Mr. Your Uncle Uncle of Mr.Your name, is one of our client's since june 04,2005 and the balance of the accounts with us of Novermber 10,2008 as follows
Account Number - Account tybe - Balance RS - USD
000,000,000 000,0000,000 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0000000000000000
000,000,000 000,0000,000 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0000000000000000
This certificate issued at the reqused of our customer without any responsibility or commitment on the part of the bank or any of its offices.
Best Regards
Bank Al Bilad
December 3rd, 2008, 06:30 PM
ابي صيغة عشان اختمها من عمله عشان السفارةطبعا انا بقول للسفارة اني طالع على حساب عمي ضرووووري.