الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Meicine in Holland

Meicine in Holland


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة يراع الذكريات
    Thank you for the information
    I just want to to ask about the Qdrat and Tahsyle
    How many deegres should i supposed to take to be sure that i will be in Holland ?
    Do all the students in Holland got over 90 or just they got normal deegres ? What the average of the deegres ?
    Do u have any idia about how many students study in holland now from the last year?
    Thank u

    I am not sure if there is spesific requirements for Holland only, I don't think so to be honest, but it's no different than Scholarship's requirements,
    this year we are only 8 and we are expecting 5 more in Sep, and this is Groningen only, Maastricht has more students than us, and last year Groningen had 20 I think or something, but notice the requirements for the scholarship are less than this year, so fewer students got the scholarship

    you welcome brother, anytime.

    Good Luck
    7 "
  2. Good subject for those interested in studying medicine in Holland.
    The thing you failed to mention was the fact that last year the competition on the seats was mainly on Ireland (RCSI) not Holland the reason mainly was the fact that..all the years are taught in English of course and that its in Dublin which is the irish capital the only upside that Holland has on Ireland is the "Ranking" which can be explained by the fact that goroningen and maastricht are both universities when RCSI is just a college (the largest med college in Ireland) \
    and another thing worth mentioning is the fact that Hollands visa is shingan ...other than that Ireland is a better option in my personal opinion
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rakaNATION
    Good subject for those interested in studying medicine in Holland.
    The thing you failed to mention was the fact that last year the competition on the seats was mainly on Ireland (RCSI) not Holland the reason mainly was the fact that..all the years are taught in English of course and that its in Dublin which is the irish capital the only upside that Holland has on Ireland is the "Ranking" which can be explained by the fact that goroningen and maastricht are both universities when RCSI is just a college (the largest med college in Ireland) \
    and another thing worth mentioning is the fact that Hollands visa is shingan ...other than that Ireland is a better option in my personal opinion

    sorry but I could barely understand you, I never said there is a competition on seats in Holland, as soon you pass the pre-mid year, your seat is for granted, I was talking about German, the seats there are competitive.
    and thanks for the drop by
    and don't you study a year or 2 English or A-levels before you start your sudying in Ireland ?
    7 "
  4. well then ....

    as u already wrote In English I should do the same

    who ever asked me which country u recommand for bechlor's degree in medical sciences I always suggest germany as I know the most valuble and best universities providing medical majors are the germanian universities and those universities has been ranked in earlier positions among world universities

    but now I get it its risky !!!! I have not to suggest people to go to the germanian un until they can take the risk and the're sure the could pass it with no problems.

    will, talking about keapword I'll try to help u fix this issue

    every computer whithin windows 98 or higher versions has over 50 languages . these languages contains Arabic as well as English and world's most popular languages

    well then how to enable the Arabic language

    take these steps as your guide

    First of all go to start >then control panel<then time and region and languages < then change keapword and other input devices < then click on change keapword then you well find add button click on it ...> then choose Arabic language add it and ok ok ...

    I hope its easy to follow the steps whether u understood nor not u can stay in contact with me I can also send u my cellphone number or email

    best wishes

    Abdullah Alotaibi
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rakaNATION
    Good subject for those interested in studying medicine in Holland.The thing you failed to mention was the fact that last year the competition on the seats was mainly on Ireland (RCSI) not Holland the reason mainly was the fact that..all the years are taught in English of course and that its in Dublin which is the irish capital the only upside that Holland has on Ireland is the "Ranking" which can be explained by the fact that goroningen and maastricht are both universities when RCSI is just a college (the largest med college in Ireland) \and another thing worth mentioning is the fact that Hollands visa is shingan ...other than that Ireland is a better option in my personal opinion
    he is right !!!!
    i belive that studing whole course within one language make the course so much easier
    but the main factors of choosing whether to study in Ireland or netherland are those I''ll list it bellow:

    First factor is the each countries universities ranking and educational opportunitiesand I gues both of u guys agree with me in this point specifically

    Secound factor is security and safey as we all know the american popluar idiom (safety first)and I gues u guys agree with me here

    third factor is living costs

    fourth is culture and nature of society's relations and acceptence of foriegn cultures ..this factor is very important for me cause I don't want to live in society wich has racism against me and my culture
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة SaLo7
    مشكور اخوي ع المعلومات والله يوفقك ، طيب وقت ماقدمت عالبرنامج طلبو منك الآيلتس قبل الابتعاث ولا بعد ؟!
    قبل ألأبتعاث

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة shy heart
    well then ....

    as u already wrote In English I should do the same

    who ever asked me which country u recommand for bechlor's degree in medical sciences I always suggest germany as I know the most valuble and best universities providing medical majors are the germanian universities and those universities has been ranked in earlier positions among world universities

    but now I get it its risky !!!! I have not to suggest people to go to the germanian un until they can take the risk and the're sure the could pass it with no problems.

    will, talking about keapword I'll try to help u fix this issue

    every computer whithin windows 98 or higher versions has over 50 languages . these languages contains Arabic as well as English and world's most popular languages

    well then how to enable the Arabic language

    take these steps as your guide

    First of all go to start >then control panel<then time and region and languages < then change keapword and other input devices < then click on change keapword then you well find add button click on it ...> then choose Arabic language add it and ok ok ...

    I hope its easy to follow the steps whether u understood nor not u can stay in contact with me I can also send u my cellphone number or email

    best wishes

    Abdullah Alotaibi

    مشكوووووووووووووووووووووؤ اخوي وربي فكيت ازمه, يعطيك العافيه
    و المانيا من وجهة نظري ما انصح فيها... لأن اول شيء, لااازم تتعلم اللغه بشكل مكثف من اول ما توصل البلد, لازم تكون لغتك الألمانيه في خلال سنه تكون عاليه لدرجه تدري الطب حقهم بالألماني بعكس هولندا, معطينك 4 سنين تتلعم فيها اللغه, 1 سنه تحضيري و 3 سنين طب بألانجليزي
    ثانيا, حتضبع سنه كامله بس عشان لغه, وبعدن حتا لو نجحت في التحضيري امكن ما تنقبل, حيكون قهر صراحتا, اما هولنا بس تنجح و مقعدك مضمون

    مشكوين علا مروركم
    7 "
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