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7 " هل جامعة تلسا موقفه من التعليم العالي لدى المملكه الفزعه ابغا الجووواب
هل جامعة تلسا موقفه من التعليم العالي لدى المملكه الفزعه ابغا الجووواب
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4595 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- الولاية : oklahoma7 "
المدينة : tulsa
الجامعة معترف فيها
والتخصص الموقوف فيها : هندسة البترول لمرحلة البكالوريوس
باقي التخصصات غير موقوفه وتقدر تسجل فيها
بالنسبه للمعهد
انصحك تسجل بمعهد الجامعة
- هذا رابط معهد اللغة التابع للجامعة7 "
English Institute - University of Tulsa - اخي سعودي ماجك لقد تم ايقاف موضوعي بخصوص جامعة كنساس ولم استطيع ارسال رساله على بريدك الخاص لقلة مشاركاتي وعذرا من صاحب الوضوع اما بخصوص الاسئله التي طرحتها هي كالتالي7 "
ابشر من عيوني .. القبول المشروط معناته ان الجامعه تشترط عليك دراسه اللغه لديهم ولما تجتازها تدخل الجامعه
والقبول الغير مشروط معناته انك مستوفي شروط الجامعة وعندك توفل او ايلتس ..
لاتشيل هم امورك طيبه ..
بسالك مين الي قدملك ع الجامعة انت او صديق او مكتب؟؟ تم التقديم مباشره عن طريق موقع الجامعة بواسطة والدي الله يحفظة
بعدين انت وش ناوي تدرس اي تخصص؟؟ هندسة صناعية
ومتى قدمت طلبك للجامعة ؟؟ وهل ارسلت لهم متطلبات القبول من شهاده بنكيه وغيره؟؟
تم التقديم بتاريخ 18/06/2012 وارسلت جميع الاوراق المذكوره بالاسفل وهي كالتالي
1. K-State Application Confirmation
2. High school official transcripts with certified English translation
3. English language course in UK
4. Affidavit of financial support form
5. Bank Statement from both (Saudi American & Al-Rajhi Bank)
6. Parent affidavit of Financial Support
7. Father’s Company/Sponsor letter
8. Valid Passport copy
9. Complete set of all above documents
وفقك الله
- طيب انت ارسلت لهم ايميل علشان تدرس باللغة وقالوا لك انه الوقت مايمديك7 "
ياليت تنسخ لي ايميلهم بقراءه - ابشر7 "
-----Original Message-----
From: Office of International Admissions [mailto:intladmit@k-state.edu]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 4:09 PM
To: Kuait
Subject: Re: Information from Kansas State University
We are unable to change your application to the Fall 2012 semester due to there will not be enough time to process your application and send your I-20 if you are admitted in time for you to arrive to Kansas State University by August 10, 2012. If you wish to take the English Courses offered by Kansas State University, you are welcome to start them when the Spring 2013 semester starts. After you complete the courses, you may them start your academic courses.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Elizabeth Anderson
International Admissions
Check us out on facebook!
K-State International Admissions | Facebook
----- Original Message -----
From: " Kuait"
To: "Office of International Admissions" <intladmit@k-state.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 7:22:40 PM
Subject: RE: Information from Kansas State University
Dear Elizabeth,
Is it possible to change the status of admission in Spring 2013 semester to fall 2012 in order to attend the English Language Courses offers by Kansas State University or is there any way to join the English Language course earlier than the any semester.
My aim is to attend the English Language Course recommended by Kansas State University prior to startup of actual course
From: Office of International Admissions [intladmit@k-state.edu]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:19 PM
To: Kuait
Subject: Re: Information from Kansas State University
Once your application documents has been received we will start processing it. An admission decision will be made in the next 2-4 weeks. If you are admitted, you will be notified by email from Fed Ex with the tracking number when your admission documents are sent.
You will only be able to come into the United States 30 days before the date printed on your I-20. You will not be able to come sooner and start the English courses here at Kansas State.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Anderson
International Admissions
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kuait"
To: "Office of International Admissions" <intladmit@k-state.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 6:47:04 AM
Subject: RE: Information from Kansas State University
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Upon receiving the documents from your Main Admission office, please review them and give us an initial admission in order to start the visa processing.
Once we received all the necessary documents from your end I will start the visa processing and this process may take little time.
However, once I got the visa I will visit Kansas State University for EPT to determine whether do I need further English instruction, if yes then I will join
English Language Courses offers by Kansas State University.
However, I would like to join the English Language Courses prior to start-up of Spring 2013 semester which will help me to utilize my time in a best possible way and to improve my English Language proficiency before 2013 semester
I would really appreciate your guidance on this matter.
From: Office of International Admissions [intladmit@k-state.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:43 PM
To: Kuait
Subject: Re: Information from Kansas State University
Thank you for letting us know you have faxed your documents. The number you have faxed them to is our Main Admissions fax number. Our office should be receiving them in the next day or two.
You will not need to fill out a new application to attend the English Language Courses offer by Kansas State University. If you do not have a test score showing proof of English proficiency, you will be required to take the English Proficiency Test when you arrive on campus. This applies to all non-native English speakers. Regardless of where you have attended school.
The EPT is given free of charge and will help determine whether you need further English instruction. This policy is used to make sure you are successful in regular University courses.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Elizabeth Anderson
International Admissions
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kuait"
To: "Office of International Admissions" <intladmit@k-state.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:25:12 AM
Subject: RE: Information from Kansas State University
Dear Elizabeth,
I have sent my documents to fax#(785-532-6393)(see attached), and regarding your question about English proficiency proof, how shall I start my process to obtain I-20 in order to start English language course in your institute?
-----Original Message-----
From: Office of International Admissions [mailto:intladmit@k-state.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:38 PM
To: Kuait
Subject: Re: Information from Kansas State University
We can not accept all of your documentation through e-mail, we are only able to accept a scanned copy of your passport. You will need to mail or fax the rest of your documents to:
Kansas State University
Office of International Admissions
The deadline for the Spring 2013 semester is October 1, 2012, you do have enough time to submit your documents through the post.
If you would like to prove your English proficiency before you arrive on campus and want a waiver from the English Proficiency Test (EPT), you will need to provide one of the following items as proof of English proficiency:
1. iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) - Overall score of 79
2. IELTS – Overall score of 6.5
3. ACT English subscore of 23
4. SAT verbal scores of 530
5. Four years in a U.S. high school with grades of C or better in all college preparatory courses
If you have any questions, please let us know. We will look forward to receiving your application materials soon.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Anderson
International Admissions
304 Fairchild Hall
Kansas State University
Email: intladmit@k-state.edu
Phone: 785-532-7277
Fax: 785-532-4311
Check us out on facebook!
K-State International Admissions | Facebook
----- Original Message -----
From: "kstate" <kstate@k-state.edu>
To: intlpreadmit@ksu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:11:12 AM
Subject: FW: Documents for Kansas State University International Admission
From: Kuait
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:41 AM
To: k-state@k-state.edu
Subject: Documents for Kansas State University International Admission
Thank you for on-line K-State Application Confirmation. In order to proceed further I have attached herewith the following scanned documents to expedite the admission and visa process.
1. K-State Application Confirmation
2. High school official transcripts with certified English translation
3. English language course in UK
4. Affidavit of financial support form
5. Bank Statement from both (Saudi American & Al-Rajhi Bank)
6. Parent affidavit of Financial Support
7. Father’s Company/Sponsor letter
8. Valid Passport copy
9. Complete set of all above documents
Do I need to send the attached scanned documents through speed post/DHL/Fax or at the time of arrival at K-State?
P.S. I haven’t take official test score for the TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, or ACT, etc but I have attended English language course in UK.
- هم ماشين معاك على الخط7 "
وبأخر مسج لهم كلامهم صحيح
مايمديك على الترم الجاي
لانه بيداء بعد 50 يوم
وانت عارف بهالخمسين يوم يمكن يتاخر عليك i 20 وبرضو وراك فيزة ومن هالسواف
ف مالك إلا تسجل بالترم الي بعده
وهو بيكون فصل الربيع
بنهاية شهر يناير القام وانا اشوفه مناسب لك
لان بالعجلة الندامه وبالتاني السلامه
عموما مدري انت ارسلت لهم ايميل بعد ايميلهم الاخير ؟ او لا
عموما انت ارسلهم هالايميل
بانك بناء على كلامهم ماعندك مانع وانك ترغب بالالتحاق باللغة بفصل الربيع 2013
Dear Elizabeth Anderson
I would like to get conditional admission.
I am interested to study at The English Language Program in your university
I would like to start the ELP at spring 2013 on January 22 - May 18
Best regards
kuait - شكرا اخي ماجيك وفقك الله نعم ارسلت لهم يوم الجمعه وانتظر منهم الرد ان شاء يوم الاثنين وهذا خطابي لهم7 "
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for your guidance.
I got the clear picture, so, don't change my application status, let it be the spring 2013 semester.
I would like you to recommend the institutes/contact details for English Courses offered by Kansas State University to get I-20 from them and start the English Language Course before spring 2013 semester because I have plenty of spare time before the 2013 semester starts. Therefore, I would like to utilize this time to sharpen my English Language. Please advice?
- مسألة انك تروح وتدرس بمعهد تجاري صدقني بتضيع على نفسك وقت وبتخسر فلوس7 "
انت الفتره الجايه
سجل بمعهد بالسعوديه وحاول تطور مستواك باللغة وتاخذ كورسات اضافية
ومنها تخلص اجراءات السفر على رواقه
وتحجز الطيران بسعر مخفض لانك بتحجزه بدري
وبرضو بتدور لك سكن على رخاك
بالنهاية انت ابخص
لكن انا رائي انك تأخذ منهم قبول لغة على فصل الربيع بنهاية شهر يناير
ويكون سفرك بمشئة الله ببداية شهر 1 عام 2013
واذا انت حييل مسستعجل ومافيك تصبر
انا اشوف
كنسل موضوع هالجامعة
ودور لك على قبول بجامعة اخرى
طبعا فيه معاهد تبع جامعات تبداء الدراسه عندهم على شهر 10 ميلادي
وانا اشوفه مناسب لك حييل
شف وش يصير معاك وخبرني
July 1st, 2012, 06:55 AM
السلام عليكم كيف الحال شباببالله شوفو هل الجامعه موقفه فالمملكه او محظوره يعني ولا لا
ووش تنصحوني اذا موقفه واسجل في اي معهد
تكفون يا ليت محد يبخل باي معلومه عنده : (