الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4529 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - اتمنى منكم ترجمة هالكلام ترجمة سليمة مو تبع جوجل7 "
قمت بتعبئة الطلب للانضمام للمعهد
هل استطيع ارسال الوثائق بواسطة الايميل؟؟
((لانهم طالبين ارسلها عن طريق البريد الجوي))
وشكرا - السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..7 "
احتاج ترجمة التالي للغة الانجليزية :
انا لدي منحه دراسية شامله جميع المصاريف الدراسية لدراسة الماجستر واللغة من جهة عملي , وليس لي علاقة ببرنامج الابتعاث الخاص بطلاب وزارة التعليم العالي في السعودية او الملحقية الثقافية السعودية في امريكا , كما انه لا يشملتي ايقاف الجامعات والمعاهد لسبب التكدس , لذا اريد الحصول على قبول مشروط من جامعتك وكذالك قبول من معهد اللغة الخاص بالجامعة ,
س / هل بمجرد انهاء جميع المستويات في المعهد الخاص بالجامعة يتم اعفائي من درجة اختبار التوفل ؟
س / كم المدة المتوقعة للحصول عالقبول المشروط ؟؟
الله يجزاكم خير -
ترجمته بقوقل بس حسيت الرد كنه صدمني عاد مدري ترجمو لي انتو لو سمحتو
Dear Student,
Unfortunately your high school results from your country would not meet the minimum entry requirement *****alency for Human Nutrition & Dietetics programme.
All our 3rd level programmes start in September of each year only. Our foundation programme starts in September also.
You should consider our foundation programme DT522F Internatnional Foundation programme to gain access to our 3rd level programmes
To apply for this you need to wait until January 2013. We are not dealing with any applications for the September 2013 intake until January 2013.
Kind regards
International Student Office
Dublin Institute of Technology
143 - 149 Rathmines Road
Dublin 6, Ireland
كمان في غيره ردود ساعدوني بهذا اول الله يجزاكم خير - بصراحه مافهمت شنو هالتخبيص شهادتك الثانويه وانا راسله لهم شهاده جامعه وتوصيات وهاي الامور7 "
فهموووني وش قصدهم ذوول؟ - انا ارسلت للجامعه ابغى قبول مشروط وكان ردهم ممكن احد يترجمه واكون لكم من الشاكرين7 "
وايش ممكن ارد عليهم
omestic applicants (Canadian Citizen or landed immigrant with no transcripts from outside Canada to evaluate), do not need English Language or GRE test scores. International applicants need the above test scores.
To gain admission here, there are several things that need to happen. First, apply online for admission and in so doing, provide a paid application. See the online links below to apply here. After you apply, you will be e-mailed and id# that begins with "V00" . Use that V00 number to identify all e-mails and documents that you send to U. Victoria.
To evaluate your application for potential admission here, Graduate Admissions Department must receive a paid application, 2 referee reports (one being in the form of a letter from a research supervisor who can provide substantive detail of your ability to perform in the lab), an English Language test score (either TOEFL, MELAB or IELTS), GRE General score, final transcripts from both your BSc and (if you have one), your MSc degree, and of course confirmation of degree conferred for all post secondary degrees. You also need transcripts (officially translated to English) for your BSc and MSc degrees and confirmation of degree conferred for both those degrees.
You must pay fees 3 times a year. (January, May and September). Most students select a September entry point. All students who have a gpa of greater than 7.0/9 in the fall term are considered for fellowship. We normally only give out a few fellowships each year. Other "donor awards" are nominated in October and paid retroactive to September. Those awards also require a gpa of at least 7.0/9 If you are receiving a stipend from your government to come here, send a copy of that agreement with details of what is paid to graddocs@uvic.ca with your V00 number in the e-mail.
International tuition is currently $2042.76 per term or $6128.28 per year.
Domestic tuition is currently $1928 per term or 6098.01 per year.
All students must also pay the following fees:
Graduate Student Society fees per term are $56.76 or $170.28 per year
Unlimited Use Bus Pass fee per term is $78.50 or $235.00 per year
GSS Extended Health Care is $328.00 per year
Dental care coverage per year is $214.00 per year
See page 36/37 of the Graduate Calendar for details.
Fees per term are $2254.02
Fees per year are $7304.06
All fees are mandatory except the dental coverage. You can opt out of that one.
Graduate Admissions & Records Main website for information on Applying to Grad School
International applicant information - University of Victoria International Students Info.
http://www.uvic.ca/graduatestudies/a...nt_Reports.pdf Referee report
2. Apply for admission - University of Victoria
gradrefs@uvic.ca e-mail for referees to send their referee reports to... give the referee your V00 number and have them send the reports from an e-mail that can be verified online at their university website.
graddocs@uvic.ca e-mail for unofficial documents. You can gain "conditional" admission by providing unofficial documents here. There is no possibility of full admission without "official" documents being mailed in to Graduate Admissions (not Chemistry).
Do not apply till you have an English language test score, a GRE General score. Send your test scores, referee reports, transcripts, conf. of degrees as a package (after you apply and get an id number issued that starts with V00). Put that V00 id number on all e-mails and documents that are sent here.
You can’t start Grad School without a study visa in place and all conditions removed from your file. You can’t get a letter from us to clear you for issue of study visa until we have seen all your official documents and agreed that they are valid. You can get conditional admission based on e-mailed copies of all paper required for a complete file. Your file is evaluate first at Graduate admissions, and then made available to Chemistry for their review. If and when your file is reviewed favorably, then it is made available to all Chemistry faculty for offers of admission. You can’t get a letter of admission here without providing proper documents and being approved. - اخواني ممكن احد يترجم لي هذي العبارات في نموذج الطلب ترجمتها في قوقل بس عطاني ترجمه تخليك محتار يعني معاني غير دقيقه تخاف انك تحط حاجه غلط7 "
وش اختار
country(in not usوش معنها
Are you eligible to return to every institution you have previously attended? ___ yes _____ noايش اختار
Are you applying or do you plan to apply for a degree-seeking program at Ohio University?
_____ yes ______ no
برضو ايش اختار
Is academic placement to be arranged by a sponsoring agency or embassy? ___ yes ____ no
Do you need to study English for professional reasons? ___ yes ___ no برضو هذي ايش اختار منها وجزاكم الله خير
Do you currently hold a U.S. visa? ______ yes ______ no
- يعطيكم العافية..7 "
انا ارسلت للمعهد كل الاوراق المطلوبة على الايميل
ياليت تساعدوني في صيغة أسألهم أبغى اتأكد اذا الاوراق وصلتهم وهل هي كاملة
جزاكم الله خيير - يــــــرفع المــــوضوع7 "
- طيب condensed matter physicsابي تخصص7 "
ماسترز بجامعة اوريقون
كيف اقدم ع الجامعه قبل
My brother,who is going to be my sponsor, will study with me in your institution and MOHE will pay all his costs.
أما بالنسبة للرد فماعندي خبرة في هالشي لكن حاولي تبحثين في المنتدى أكثر عشان تحصلين ردود
- - - مشاركة محدثة - - -