الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4526 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - عندي سوال بالنسبة للفيزا هل تكون تابعه لمعهد محدد؟7 "
اذا غيرت المعهد اغير الفيزا ؟
هل رسوم التسجيل للمعهد تسترد من قبل الوزارة ؟ فرضا سجلت بمعهد وقالوا لي متكدس ؟ - Dear sir . madam7 "
I'm an International student from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . I have already getting a full Academic scholarship from the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Higher Education . I have many a Questions .
Can you offers Conditional Admission in the American English &Culture program in Arizona State University
هذا برسله للملحقيه هل هو صح الكلام
قبول مشروط يعني يصير للماستر ؟ - من يتكرم مشكورا بالترجمة...7 "
معهد California State University, Stanislaus
To receive an admission decision in a timely manner, make sure to submit all your academic records and college coursework completed or in progress immediately. Scanned or faxed copies will be accepted for an admission evaluation however, "official" documents will be required when classes begin. Please let me know if you need anything further information - مرحبا7 "
انا راسلت معهد وردوا علي اتمنى من ذوي الخبره مساعدتي في الترجمة
رد معهد اللغة :
Thank you for your interest in the International English Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder! Please find information below on our full-time, Intensive English Program.
The International English Center (IEC) offers five 8-week sessions per year, with a four-week option in July. These non-credit classes are held 5 days a week, Monday through Friday in six levels of study. Students are tested on arrival and placed into classes appropriate to their proficiency in English.
We have instruction in Intro, Basic 1, Basic 2, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3 and Advanced levels. The courses center on English structure, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Placement tests taken during the registration and orientation periods determine which level they are placed in.
The curriculum of the Intensive English Program is particularly suitable for students from abroad who are preparing to enter a college or university in the United States, but it is also suitable for students interested in studying English for business purposes or for simply improving their English. Our instructors, who hold masters degrees in TESOL, are professional, experienced teachers who specialize
in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL).
You can find additional information about the program/courses and the dates of sessions on our website at http://iec.colorado.edu/ The IEC application for the Intensive English Program is available on our website at http://iec.colorado.edu/how-to-apply. The IEC Application Form, with all the required documents and the processing and express mail fees, should be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to the IEC. Please do not include credit card information in an e-mail.
In order to process your application, we need:
___ 1. Application Form - completed and signed
___ 2. Official Financial Guarantee/Bank Statement showing that at least $7000 is available for their support for each 8- week session the student would like to study.
___ 3. $100 Application/processing fee
___ 4. $54 Express Mail Fee (to mail your I-20 to you)
___ 5. $300 Housing Fee (if you want campus housing)
___ 6. Photocopy of the Passport identification page
Cost for one 8-week session:
1. Application Processing Fee: $100 (sent with application packet)
2. Express Mail Fee: $54 (sent with application packet)
3. Tuition: $2800
4. Student Fees: $200
5. Health Insurance (8 weeks): $390
6. Personal Expenses, books and supplies (estimated): $1000
7. University Housing Fee: $300 (sent with application if dorm or apartment is desired)
8. Housing and Meals (estimated): $3,200 (Includes $300 Housing Fee)
Tuition and fees are paid at the beginning of each session (except for the one-time $100 Application Processing Fee, and $54 Express Mail Fee, which are both included with your signed application and supporting documentation).
If you are an international student with the proper documentation, the International English Center can issue the I-20 form (once your application to the International English Center has been processed), which you will take to the U.S. Embassy in your country to get the F1visa.
Before you can apply for your F1 student visa in your country, you must complete the I-901 fee remittance form and pay the $200.00 fee.
The I-901 fee form, along with instructions on how to complete it, will be included with your I-20 packet. You may also find the form online at www.FMJfee.com. The website will explain the directions and give you the option to pay the $200.00 fee with a credit card or at a Western Union QUICKPAY station in your country, if that service is available. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you again for your interest in the International English Center!
International English Center
Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies
University of Colorado at Boulder
1030 13th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Phone: (303) 492-5547
Fax: (303) 492-5515
Web: http://iec.colorado.edu/ - إذا لم يسبـق لك السفر الى امريكا لا بد أن تكون الفيزا على المعهد الذي ستدرس فيه, وإذا اردت التغيير قبل السفر ودخول امريكا الى معهد اخر, لابد من تغيير التأشير كاملة لان لأول مرة عند دخولك لأمريكا لابد ان تكون التاشيرة على المعهد الذي تدرس فيه. في امريكا إذا اردت التغيير الى معهد اخر بعد دخولك لا يلزمك تغيير التأشيرة.7 "
رسوم المعهد أعتقد الوزارة تعوض المبتعث عنها والله أعلم..
بالتوفيق أختي
- السلام عليكم7 "
ابي ارسل لعدة معاهد لغه معترف فيها "وتابعه للجامعات "
الاسئله :
1- كم تستغرق مدة الرد على طلب قبول الطالب بالموافقه او الرفض
2- انا لازم ابدا مع المعهد في يناير القادم وانتهي في في نهايه اغسطس , من شهر 1 ميلادي الى نهايه 8 ميلادي يعني هل بامكانهم ذلك ؟
3- الاوراق المطلوبه
في انتظار ترجمه هالاسئله ووضعها في صياغ طلب , تححياتي - If students have not satisfactorily completed all of their pre-enrollment competency requirements, they will, in addition to their program of work, also be required to complete those pre-enrollment competency courses. A grade of A or B is required for each pre-enrollment competency course. If college courses in these areas have not been completed with a grade of A or B, students must include these courses in their program of work. If needed, these courses may be completed at the undergraduate or graduate level.7 "
M.S. in Accounting Tracks
Students can select various specialization tracks in an accounting-related discipline such as external reporting, audit/systems or managerial. Students may also choose to direct their 12 hours of business electives toward a specialized track such as finance, economics, information systems, management or marketing. Recommended course sequences for both the accounting and external tracks can be obtained by consulting the "Advising" section of the departmental Web site at wweb.uta.edu/accounting.
Master of Professional Accounting (MPA)
The MPA program is designed for individuals who hold an undergraduate degree in any major other than accounting (economics, engineering, finance, liberal arts, management, mathematics, science, etc.) . The MPA program requires the student to complete a minimum of 42 semester hours of coursework. If the student has not satisfactorily completed all of their pre-enrollment competency requirements, they will, in addition to their program of work, also be required to complete those pre-enrollment competency courses. A grade of A or B is required for each pre-enrollment competency course. If college courses in these areas have not been completed with a grade of A or B, students must include these courses in their program of work. If needed, these courses may be completed at the undergraduate or graduate level.
For those individuals who hold an undergraduate business degree, the MPA will normally require 42 hours of coursework. For those individuals who hold an undergraduate degree in a non-business discipline, the MPA will normally require 45 hours of coursework for those with a science or engineering undergraduate degree and 51 hours for most other non-business undergraduate degrees. Regardless of undergraduate background, the MPA degree requires a total of 27 hours of accounting plus 6 hours of accounting principles as a pre-enrollment requirement. Thus, MPA graduates will have a total of 33 hours of accounting. - اعذروني أنا دائماً أنسى هذا الموضوع، بإذن الله أعود بعد قليل للمساعدة، عندي مشوار ضروري وأعود.7 "
7 "
ولكن ماذا عن الطريقة الثانية الي اهي money order هذي كيف ؟