الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


الي محتاج مساعدة في مراسلة الجامعات والحصول على القبول يتفضل

الي محتاج مساعدة في مراسلة الجامعات والحصول على القبول يتفضل


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4501 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Nawal.S
    كيف اعرف المعهد متكدس او لا؟ لاني ماعرف اراسل معهد :$
    المعهد متكدس او لا من الوزارة مو من المعهد لان الوزارة الي تفرض التكدس وتوقف طلابها انهم يدرسو هناك

    كيف تعرفي تنتظري الين تنزل القائمة وخلاص

    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ZooRoo
    ابداً ... عبي الابليكيشن وارسليه مع صورة الجواز والضمان المالي والترانسكريبت

    افتحي الابليكيشن اول صفحة اول سطر في عنوانهم وايميلهم واااااضح .. ارسليهم ايميل وارفقي فيه كل شي

    هذي الصيغه

    I'm XXXXXXXXX from Saudi Arabia, I've a scholarship from the ministry of higher education of Saudi Arabia to study ESL and Master degree and I'm interested to study in you ESL institute. Find attached are the application and the other required documents. Please see if any document is missing and let me know.


    انا (فلانه) من المملكه العربية السعودية وعندي ابتعاث من وزارة التعليم العالي لدراسه اللغة والماجستير وانا ارغب بالدراسه في معهدكم. ارفقتلكم الابليكيشن وباقي الاوراق . ياليت تعطوني خبر اذا في شي ناقص.


    اخوي بسألك ايش معنى الترانسكريبت ؟؟

    وكمان في الابليكيشن ورقه عن الضمان المالي كيف عبيها ولا اتركها فاضيه ؟؟

    وانا ابغى ابدأ الدراسه في يناير باذن الله يعني اختار winter (january)application dead is october

    وربنا يوفقك ويسهل عليك امورك
    7 "
  3. مرحبــــا zooroo

    أرسلت الصياغه اللي أنت كتبتها إلى 15 جامعة وللحين مارد علي غير 3 جامعات
    طبعاً استفساراتي كانت عن شروط القبول في تخصص المالية

    أول جامعة هي :
    Illinois State University

    وكان هذا ردهم لي

    I'm from Saudi Arabia, I've a scholarship from the ministry of higher education of Saudi Arabia. I've read a lot about your university and I'm interested to join you to study master in Finance but I have some inquiries in this regard:
    1- what are the admission requirements to study master in Finance?
    The admission requirements (i.e. GRE score and GPA) is determined by the department. They do require that you have a GRE score and GPA of at least a 2.80 for the last 60 hours of course work.
    2- Is it required to sit for TOFEL/GMT/GRE or any other test? If yes please specify.
    A GRE and TOEFL or IELTS score is required for the program.
    3- How much is the amount of money you request in the bank statement?
    We require a statement showing at least $31,256 USD
    4- How much is the application fee? Our application fee is $40 USD
    5- Do you offer conditional admission? We do not offer conditional admission for graduate students, but we can possibly offer provisional admission for final transcripts and degree certificates.
    6- what is the documents required with the application? For the admissions office, we require transcripts from all colleges/universities attended, TOEFL/IELTS, GRE, Declaration of Finances and a copy of your passport. The department will have other requirements, but you will be notified of that when you fill out the online application.

    Thanks in advance for your clarifications.

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    ثاني جامعة : Seattle Pacific University

    Hello - Thank you for your interest in the graduate business programs at Seattle Pacific University! We do not have a Masters in Finance, but we do offer an MBA with a Finance emphasis. Conditional admission is availableonly if you meet our work experience and GPA requirements as listed on our admissions requirements page on our website athttp://www.spu.edu/depts/sbe/gr/admissions.asp. If you feel you have met the requirements, you are welcome to apply online, pay the application fee and submit the required documents listed. Also, in order to evaluate your undergraduate GPA according to US standards, we ask that you have a course-by-course transcript evaluation byWorld Education Services - WES,FIS Translation and Foreign Credential Evaluation Services, ORAACRAO: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.Please note that conditional admission at this time is not a guarantee of a future admission offer. You must meet all admission requirements in place at the time you intend to begin your studies, and the admission requirements can change from time to time. Thank you, and we look forward to receiving your application!

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    ثالث جامعة: Duquesne University


    Thank you for your interest in the Donahue Graduate School of Business at Duquesne University! We offer both full admission and conditional admission to certain graduate business programs. We have attached the Duquesne University, Donahue Graduate School of Business Conditional Admission Policy that includes an explanation of full vs. conditional admission and our application requirements.

    The Donahue School offers four competitive graduate business programs, but only the Traditional MBA and the MS-ISM programs are available for conditional admission. The following information provides a link to and a brief description of each program that you may find helpful.

    Traditional MBA Program: This 57-credit program features convenient evening classes for busy professionals, and candidates with a business-related undergraduate major may be able to waive some foundation courses to make the program about 36 credits. Evening MBA students can use their electives to earn one of ten possible concentrations. Tuition and fees are billed per credit, and students can complete the program at their own pace. Many of our students work during the day; however, a significant population takes the *****alent of a full-time course load in evening classes. Graduate Assistantships may be available for full-time evening students on a competitive basis. It typically takes full-time evening students two years to complete this MBA program. This program is available for conditional admission.

    MS-ISM (Master of Science in Information Systems Management): This 30-credit-hour program can be completed in one year for full-time students or two years on a part-time basis with courses offered in the evenings. The MS-ISM program prepares leaders to manage people, technology and business processes with an emphasis on safeguarding organizational assets through information systems audit, control and risk management. Graduate Assistantships may be available for full-time evening students on a competitive basis. This program is available for conditional admission.

    MAcc (Master of Accountancy): This 30-credit-hour program can be completed in one year for individuals who have successfully completed a minimum of 24 undergraduate credits in accounting prior to enrollment. This program ensures that students are prepared to be communicators, analysts and leaders whose expertise extends beyond the scope of traditional accounting and auditing. The curriculum focuses on Forensic Accounting, Ethics & Regulation and Reporting while helping prepare you to pass the CPA and other professional certification exams. Some Graduate Assistantships may be available for full-time students on a competitive basis. GMAT and TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for admission to this program.

    MBA Sustainability Program: This 12-month, 45-credit full-time day program prepares future leaders to manage for prosperity today, without compromising resources for tomorrow. An accelerated MBA, the curriculum includes rigorous courses in all the standard business disciplines while adding emphasis on social, environmental and financial responsibility. The internationally recognized educational model features consulting engagements with multinational clients, study trips to investigate global best practices, cross-functional team teaching, and professional coaching for solving complex problems and leading change. Graduates earn an MBA with a concentration in sustainability. We admit one selective cohort each fall, and program costs are billed at a per semester rate. Scholarships, fellowships and graduate assistantships are granted on a merit basis. GMAT or GRE and TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for admission to this program.

    Listed below is a brief summary of our full vs. conditional admission policy application requirements:

    Conditional Admission Requirements Full Admission Requirements
    Academics 3.0 GPA (80% Percentile) Academics 3.0 GPA (80% Percentile)
    IELTS 6.0 Minimum (Overall Band) IELTS 7.0 Minimum (Overall Band)
    TOEFL 50 Minimum (iBT) TOEFL 90 Minimum (iBT)
    GRE N/A – Not Accepted GRE N/A – Not Accepted
    GMAT Score not required for
    conditional acceptance
    (required w/in 1 year)
    GMAT Score of 500+ is expected
    prior commencement of
    graduate degree program
    Additional Req. Satisfactory personal statement; Letters of recommendation; Relevant experience Additional Req. Satisfactory personal statement; Letters of recommendation; Relevant experience

    To apply to any of the programs, we offer a free online application that describes all requirements for the Donahue Graduate School of Business. You also must review the requirements for all international applications outlined by our Office of International Programs.
    Thank you again for your interest. I look forward to working with you as you pursue your goal of graduate business education.

    7 "
  4. أول جامعه عجبني ردهم حسيت جوابهم مختصر ومفيد
    لكن ثالث جامعه راسلين أشياء كثيرة
    لكن انت لا تترجمها كلها أهم شيء خلاصة الموضوع

    يعني ايش شروطهم للقبول ؟
    كم الدرجات اللي يطلبونها للامتحانات؟
    ويعطوا قبول مشروط ولالا ؟
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ZooRoo
    طيب يامحمد هذا رابط معهد اللغه

    JWU Providence : Arts & Sciences : English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

    سويلك حساب من هنا
    اختار first time user

    وادخل وقدم
    اذا جيت اسجل يطلب ID مو عارف من وين اجيبه ! \:
    7 "
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