الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


معلومات عن بعض الجامعات من حيث السكن و التعليم ... الخ

معلومات عن بعض الجامعات من حيث السكن و التعليم ... الخ


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4485 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية م/ابوعبدالعزيز

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    م/ابوعبدالعزيز الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    م/ابوعبدالعزيز , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Industrial Engineering , بجامعة Intrax
    • Intrax
    • Industrial Engineering
    • ذكر
    • San Diego, California
    • السعودية
    • Oct 2012

    October 27th, 2012, 12:03 PM


    Location :united state , Wichita, kansas
    Website: http://webs.wichita.edu

    Good Medium Bad Type
    Housing Cost
    University teaching level
    No. of Saudi
    Entertainment & Shopping
    - Arabic Restaurants
    Language Institute

    -Housing cost : from 700 $ to 800 $ in campus and their no housing For families but you can find house starting from 550 $ in the city .
    -University teaching level : it's consider medium but in space engineering it's one of top university in US .
    Transportation : you Need Car . No Taxi or bus or even subway in the city .-
    Weather : Four seasons in one day-
    No. of Saudi : High Number of Saudi student in the university .-
    Entertainment & Shopping : It's small city , view places you can visit and proper for study .-
    Arabic Restaurants : Unknown-
    Service :View things but not everything is available .-
    -Language Institute : not hard or easy but the university need TOEFL even if you pass the institute program to enter the collage above 550 .

    More information:


    Location :united state ,Est Lansing , Michgan
    Website : Michigan State University. Est. 1855. East Lansing, Michigan USA.

    Good Medium Bad Type
    Housing Cost
    University teaching level
    - Transportation
    No. of Saudi
    Entertainment & Shopping
    Arabic Restaurants
    Language Institute

    -Housing cost : from 700 $ to 800 $ in campus and their no housing For families but you can find house starting from 550 $ in the city .
    -University teaching level : it's consider medium . And the Teacher are lovely & kindly with forgone and American student .
    Transportation : Unknown .-
    Weather : summer the temp. up to 30 C and in winter -20 .-
    No. of Saudi : High Number of Saudi student in the university .-
    -Entertainment & Shopping : It's big city , There is a mall near to the university and you can go to the town but it's consider dangerous .
    Arabic Restaurants : A lot of Arabic Restaurants and markets .-
    Service : available .-
    -Language Institute : not hard or easy but the university need TOEFL in some majors .

    More information:
    7 "

    Location :united state , WEST VIRGINIA , VIRGINIA
    Website: http://www.wvu.edu/

    Good Medium Bad Type
    Housing Cost
    University teaching level
    No. of Saudi
    Entertainment & Shopping
    Arabic Restaurants
    Language Institute

    -Housing cost : in campus their a lot type of housing and it's cheap .
    -University teaching level : it's consider medium . And the Teacher are lovely & kindly , but the university keep you busy with home works and projects .
    Transportation : the transportation is good but the Gas prices are high .-
    Weather : City weather are average in most seasons .-
    No. of Saudi : above 200 Saudi student in the university from almost 32000 .-
    -Entertainment & Shopping : There is a mall near to the university and you can go to the near towns .
    Arabic Restaurants : you can find Arabic Restaurants and markets outside the campus in the near cities .-
    Service : available .-
    -Language Institute : Depend in student

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    7 "
  4. *ديترويت مدينة مصانع السيارات و لكن المدينة الان مشهورة بأنها من اكبر المدن الامريكية جرائم


    Location :united state, Detroit , Michigan
    Website: http://www.wayne.edu/

    Good Medium Bad Type
    Housing Cost
    University teaching level
    - Transportation
    No. of Saudi
    Entertainment & Shopping
    Arabic Restaurants
    Language Institute

    -Housing cost : in campus their a lot type of housing and it's cheap, if you had a family you well have difficulty to find place in the university for housing and it's dangers to live out in the city .
    -University teaching level : Not Good from student experience .
    Transportation :Unknown .-
    Weather : City weather are average in most seasons .-
    No. of Saudi :Student Trying to avoid study in WAYNE University.-
    -Entertainment & Shopping : you can go to Detroit but it's also known as the most dangerous town in US .
    -Arabic Restaurants : you can find Arabic Restaurants and markets outside the campus in the Detroit.
    Service : available .-
    -Language Institute :A lot of problem with Saudi student

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    7 "

    Location :united state, Milwaukee
    Website : UW-Milwaukee
    Good Medium Bad Type
    Housing Cost
    - University teaching level
    No. of Saudi
    Entertainment & Shopping
    - Arabic Restaurants
    - Services
    Language Institute

    تكلفة السكن : احذر من عدم الحجز على سكن قبل الوصول الى المدينة , و تبقى الاسعار افضل من بعض الولايات الشرقية مثل كاليفورنيا , لا تنسى ان نسبة السود تعتبر مرتفعة في الولاية و لكنها تعتبر و لاية هادئة .
    مستوى التعليم : لا توجد معلومات .
    المواصلات : موجودة الباصات و القطارات و لكن يفضل لو تملك سيارة و خصوصاً اذا كان لديك عائلة .
    الجو: شديد البرودة في الشتاء و يعتبر معتدل الى بارد في الصيف بحكم قربها من الشمال .
    عدد الطلاب السعوديين : قليل و ربما بسبب الجو او ان المدينة ليست مشهورة .
    الترفية و التسوق : رغم ان المدينة ساحلية و لكن لا يوجد فيها كثير من الترفية و هذا قد يكون مناسب لدراسة.
    مطاعم عربية : لا توجد و لكن يوجد بعض المطاعم الاسيوية ( الهندية , باكستانية )
    الخدمات :لاتوجد معلومات .
    معهد الغة:مستوى المعهد اكثر من متوسط و كذلك معهد ELS .

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    7 "

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