مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
ENG.MOHAMMAD2200 , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى كندا
, تخصصى ِEngineering Management
, بجامعة University of Ottawa
- University of Ottawa
- ِEngineering Management
- ذكر
- Ottawa, Ontario
- السعودية
- Sep 2012
المزيدl November 13th, 2012, 10:37 PM
November 13th, 2012, 10:37 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعد مخاطبتي لمعهد renison college التابع لجامعة Waterloo university في كندا وارفاق الضمان المالي في الايميل
اتاني الرد منهم على هذا الشكل !
Hi Mohammad,
The Financial Guarantee or For Admission Purposes Only letter that we require is issued by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in Canada. If you are unable to contact an advisor, you may register as a non-scholarship student. In order to register as a non-scholarship student, there is a $200 one-time non-refundable application fee along with at $200 tuition deposit for each term that you would like to study. You can simply fill out the attached credit card information form and fax it back to me if this is the procedure that you would like to follow.
Once you are in Canada, you can contact the SACB office here and ask them to reimburse your application fee and tuition deposit(s).
In order for you to receive letters of acceptance from Renison, you have two options:
1) if we receive confirmation of your scholarship from an advisor in Canada, you can pay the $200 application fee in order to hold your spot.
2) if you register as a non-scholarship student and pay the $200 application fee along with the $200 tuition deposit for each term that you would like to study.
You may need the letters of acceptance in order to apply for a visa or study permit.
Have you already applied to the University of Waterloo?
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
يبدو ان الضمان المالي لم يقنعهم !
اللهم لك الحمد والشكر من هالوزاره الخايسه . كيف تحدد قائمه المعاهد الي المفروض نراسلها , ولما نراسل المعهد يطلع المعهد مابيعرف شي عن الضمان . ليش يسير معنا كذا , المفرووض الوزاره او الملحقيه مسبقا خبرت المعاهد ان الطلاب راح يراسلوهم بالضمان . تعبت من هالمعاهد انا وياهم ندور في حلقه مفرغه . وراسلت كمان الملحقيه ومابترد
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
AHMED . November 13th, 2012, 10:46 PM
7 " المعاهد الاكاديميه بكندا ما يقبلوا بالضمان المالي
soso18 November 13th, 2012, 10:53 PM
7 " انت مو اول واحد صاحبتي يواجها نفس الشي احين اخوها راح للمعهد بنفسه بامريكا و قالوا له هذا مو ضمان
shahodi November 13th, 2012, 10:57 PM
7 " عموما يا اخوان اليوم قابلت الدكتور فهد حمد الجمعة المشرف على وحدة متابعة معاهد اللغة والبرامج التحضيرية في الملحقية بكندا وارسلت له قبل قليل على ايميله الشخصي وابلغته عن المشكلة !
بانتظار رده على الموضوع !
وراح اطبع الايميلات الي بيني وبين المعهد واستفسر عن هالمشكلة في الملتقى بكرا باذن الله
ويالييييييييل ما اطولك
ENG.MOHAMMAD2200 November 13th, 2012, 11:06 PM
7 "
November 13th, 2012, 10:37 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهبعد مخاطبتي لمعهد renison college التابع لجامعة Waterloo university في كندا وارفاق الضمان المالي في الايميل
اتاني الرد منهم على هذا الشكل !
Hi Mohammad,
The Financial Guarantee or For Admission Purposes Only letter that we require is issued by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in Canada. If you are unable to contact an advisor, you may register as a non-scholarship student. In order to register as a non-scholarship student, there is a $200 one-time non-refundable application fee along with at $200 tuition deposit for each term that you would like to study. You can simply fill out the attached credit card information form and fax it back to me if this is the procedure that you would like to follow.
Once you are in Canada, you can contact the SACB office here and ask them to reimburse your application fee and tuition deposit(s).
In order for you to receive letters of acceptance from Renison, you have two options:
1) if we receive confirmation of your scholarship from an advisor in Canada, you can pay the $200 application fee in order to hold your spot.
2) if you register as a non-scholarship student and pay the $200 application fee along with the $200 tuition deposit for each term that you would like to study.
You may need the letters of acceptance in order to apply for a visa or study permit.
Have you already applied to the University of Waterloo?
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
يبدو ان الضمان المالي لم يقنعهم !