November 17th, 2012, 08:17 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
وانا اعبي الابليكيشن استوقفتني بعض الاشياء ..
Do you currently hold a U.S. visa? ______ yes ______ no
If yes, type of visa you currently hold ________________________________________
يساالوني هل لدي فيزا او لا وش احط ..؟ طيب نوع الفيزا f1
مدري شلون اعبيه .. هل احط نعم على اعتبار اني بطلع الفيزا قريب ..
Agent Information (if applicable)
Agency Name __________________________________________________ __________
Counselor/Agent Name __________________________________________________ __________
Counselor/Agent E-mail __________________________________________________ __________
هل قصدهم هنا معلومات المرافق ..؟ وهل هي ضروريه او لا ..؟
Ohio University and the Ohio Program of Intensive English require confirmation of financial resources
from all applicants who are not United States citizens or who are not holding permanent residence
(immigrant) visas at the time they apply for admission. These statements must be on file in the Office of
Admissions before the final evaluation for admission is completed.
The applicant is advised that the tuition, fees, and other charges for the quarter or session are due at the
beginning of each term. The international student must be prepared to meet these obligations. Please refer
to the enclosed Estimate of Expenses.
Tuition fees and expenses are subject to change without notice. Current figures will be listed on the Form
I certify that I will have a minimum of $ in U.S. currency available to me for each three-month
term I am studying the Ohio Program of Intensive English, exclusive of travel funds. These funds will be
provided by:
my own funds
my parents
other (specify)
I certify that I will have an additional $ in U.S. currency for each three-month term I attend. I
also certify that I have adequate funds for my travel to and from the U.S.
I further certify that I can make the necessary arrangements to have these funds transferred to the United
Family Name _____________________First Name _________________Middle Name____________
Signature of sponsor___________________________________________ ___Date_______________
Relationship to sponsor___________________________________________ ___________________
Sponsor's Address___________________________________________ ________________________
الحينهنا طالبين ضمان مالي وكم يكون بالحساب ..
طيب الاموال ذي راح تكون من الدوله وش اعبي البيانت الاسم والاسم الاول والاسم الاخير وكم احط المبلغ اللي هنا وهذا اهم شي بالابليكيشن ..
بالنسبه للمعه التابع لجامعة اوهايو هل يقبل اي احد او لازم يكون الطالب بيدرس عندهم ..؟
اتمنى اللي عنده لغه تمام يساعدني خصوصا بالنقطه اللي هي رقم 3 ..
والف الف شكر مقدما ..
واللي بيساعدني لو بمعلومه بسيطه جعله للجنه وو والديه
November 17th, 2012, 08:17 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..وانا اعبي الابليكيشن استوقفتني بعض الاشياء ..
Do you currently hold a U.S. visa? ______ yes ______ no
If yes, type of visa you currently hold ________________________________________
يساالوني هل لدي فيزا او لا وش احط ..؟ طيب نوع الفيزا f1
مدري شلون اعبيه .. هل احط نعم على اعتبار اني بطلع الفيزا قريب ..
Agent Information (if applicable)
Agency Name __________________________________________________ __________
Counselor/Agent Name __________________________________________________ __________
Counselor/Agent E-mail __________________________________________________ __________
هل قصدهم هنا معلومات المرافق ..؟ وهل هي ضروريه او لا ..؟
Ohio University and the Ohio Program of Intensive English require confirmation of financial resources
from all applicants who are not United States citizens or who are not holding permanent residence
(immigrant) visas at the time they apply for admission. These statements must be on file in the Office of
Admissions before the final evaluation for admission is completed.
The applicant is advised that the tuition, fees, and other charges for the quarter or session are due at the
beginning of each term. The international student must be prepared to meet these obligations. Please refer
to the enclosed Estimate of Expenses.
Tuition fees and expenses are subject to change without notice. Current figures will be listed on the Form
I certify that I will have a minimum of $ in U.S. currency available to me for each three-month
term I am studying the Ohio Program of Intensive English, exclusive of travel funds. These funds will be
provided by:
my own funds
my parents
other (specify)
I certify that I will have an additional $ in U.S. currency for each three-month term I attend. I
also certify that I have adequate funds for my travel to and from the U.S.
I further certify that I can make the necessary arrangements to have these funds transferred to the United
Family Name _____________________First Name _________________Middle Name____________
Signature of sponsor___________________________________________ ___Date_______________
Relationship to sponsor___________________________________________ ___________________
Sponsor's Address___________________________________________ ________________________
الحينهنا طالبين ضمان مالي وكم يكون بالحساب ..
طيب الاموال ذي راح تكون من الدوله وش اعبي البيانت الاسم والاسم الاول والاسم الاخير وكم احط المبلغ اللي هنا وهذا اهم شي بالابليكيشن ..
بالنسبه للمعه التابع لجامعة اوهايو هل يقبل اي احد او لازم يكون الطالب بيدرس عندهم ..؟
اتمنى اللي عنده لغه تمام يساعدني خصوصا بالنقطه اللي هي رقم 3 ..
والف الف شكر مقدما ..
واللي بيساعدني لو بمعلومه بسيطه جعله للجنه وو والديه