مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
jooo , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى السعودية
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- السعودية
- Jul 2012
المزيدl November 18th, 2012, 09:13 PM
November 18th, 2012, 09:13 PM
رد المعهد ان البرنامجين اللي سجلت فيهم مايشملهم الضمان وان لازم ورقة من الملحقية و ضمان مافهمت وش السالفة ؟ بس برنامج الاكاديميك يقبل!
هذا ردهم
Thank you for sending us your financial guarantee. The financial guarantee attached does not indicated that you can attend the Communication and Culture program and the Intensive TOEL program. Therefore, before we can proceed with your application we must receive a confirmation letter from the Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission (SACM) confirmation that you are allowed to enroll in the Communication and Culture program and the Intensive TOEL program. The reason why we need this confirmation is because students who are sponsored by SACM are only allowed to enroll in the Intensive Academic program unless they have a letter from SACM confirm otherwise.
ليش رفضوني عليه؟
وراسلت الملحق حق الولاية وجلس 3 ايام مارد
وهذا رده على المعهد ! ماتكلم عن الورقة اللي طلبوها وتعبت وانا ارسله مايرد ؟احد يعرف ايش سالفة هذي الورقة او الضمان ؟
My name is Mason Liles, from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission. First, I want to thank you for requiring that the student check with us before you proceed with your application. Do I understand correctly that the student also applied for conditional admission to your academic program?
In regards to your insistence on waiting for SACM’s approval before continuing with the application process, I must ask that you do not charge our students an application fee before receiving SACM approval. If SACM may still deny the student the right to imply, it is not reasonable that our students are being charged a non-refundable fee that does not even guarantee that their application will be processed. If we do decide that Abdullah will be unable to attend, please process a refund for him; in the future, if the student must wait on our approval, we ask that you do not ask for payment until we provide the aforementioned approval.
November 18th, 2012, 09:13 PM
رد المعهد ان البرنامجين اللي سجلت فيهم مايشملهم الضمان وان لازم ورقة من الملحقية و ضمان مافهمت وش السالفة ؟ بس برنامج الاكاديميك يقبل!هذا ردهم
Thank you for sending us your financial guarantee. The financial guarantee attached does not indicated that you can attend the Communication and Culture program and the Intensive TOEL program.
Therefore, before we can proceed with your application we must receive a confirmation letter from the Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission (SACM) confirmation that you are allowed to enroll in the Communication and Culture program and the Intensive TOEL program. The reason why we need this confirmation is because students who are sponsored by SACM are only allowed to enroll in the Intensive Academic program unless they have a letter from SACM confirm otherwise.
ليش رفضوني عليه؟
وراسلت الملحق حق الولاية وجلس 3 ايام مارد
وهذا رده على المعهد ! ماتكلم عن الورقة اللي طلبوها وتعبت وانا ارسله مايرد ؟احد يعرف ايش سالفة هذي الورقة او الضمان ؟