الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تفسير طلب الجامعه ..(ترجمه)

تفسير طلب الجامعه ..(ترجمه)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4433 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية رريمه

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    رريمه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    رريمه , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى الكيمياء , بجامعة جامعه الطائف
    • جامعه الطائف
    • الكيمياء
    • أنثى
    • ....., ...........
    • السعودية
    • Jul 2012

    December 9th, 2012, 09:46 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله

    ياخوان اانا راسلت الجامعه وجاني الرد كذا وش معناته

    Dear Applicant:

    Thank you, for your interest in Howard University Graduate School. The deadline for fall 2013 admissions is January 15, 2013. Applications received thereafter for the fall term will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the admission decisions will be issued after April 15, 2013. The Office of Graduate Admissions accepts applications submitted in one complete packet. (Piece mail is not acceptable) Please review the Graduate Admissions procedures below. Please log on to http://www.gs.howard.edu/graduateprograms.html for a complete list of Departmental programs and contact information. The department admissions committee will evaluate your application upon receipt of all required credentials and you will be notified of the committee’s recommendation to the Graduate School. We look forward to helping you pursue a graduate education at Howard.
    Howard University
    Graduate School
    General Application Procedures
    PThe Graduate School encourages you to apply online. You will find the online application at our website: www.gs.howard.edu
    PCreate an account at http://www.howard.edu/bisonweb/redirects/apply.htm
    PPlease note that your application is only good for the semester to which you are applying.
    PYou will pay the non-refundable $45.00 processing fee with a credit card during the online process. Personal checks are not accepted. You may use a certified check or money order. Application fees are not waived.
    POfficial Transcript (s) delivered and/or mailed in an envelope sealed by the Registrar from ALL colleges and universities you have attended mailed directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions. We do not accept photo copies or personal copies. (Applicants are allowed to submit transcripts in an envelope sealed by the Registrars Office)
    PAll international transcripts must be evaluated by WES. Please visit www.wes.org for additional information.
    PIf your transcript, exit exam, leaving certificate, or grade scale system is in a foreign language, an official English translation by World Education Services(www.wes.org) is required. Request the International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) (Transcript + Evaluation) Document-by-Document Report only. Statement of results, provisional notifications of results, and website print out of results will not be accepted.
    PGRE (Graduate Record Exam) is required for ALL applicants to the Graduate School. Scores must be sent directly from Educational Testing Service (ETS) to the Office of Graduate Admissions. The code for Howard University is 5297. The Graduate School does not have a minimum test score requirement. Please consult with the department that you are applying to for detailed score requirements.
    PThree letters of recommendation, in sealed envelopes, from professors/educators who can attest to your potential for graduate studies. (Applicants are allowed to submit all three letters at once.
    PStatement of academic and research interest that would describe your purpose in pursuing a degree in the area selected. The statement should include information on any area of special interest within the program selected; previous experience while working or volunteering in a related field; and career plans as perceived at present. One statement is required for each application submitted
    PAutobiographical sketch (personal biography) unlike a profile or curriculum/vita, a biography presents the subject's life story, highlighting various aspects of his or her life, including intimate details of experience, and may include an analysis of the subject's personality.
    PResume/Curriculum vita
    Making application to multiple programs of study is acceptable; however complete applications, including the application fee, is required for each program of study.

    The Office of Admissions provides written decisions only and will not release a decision over the telephone.
    Additional Admissions Requirements for International Applicants
    In addition to the above mentioned requirements for graduate admissions, international students must submit the following:
    PUndergraduate and/or graduate records that reflect the *****alency of a U.S. four-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
    ·Official transcripts, certificates and/or mark sheets may be required.
    ·Request an original language and English language copies of your transcripts to be sent directly from the Registrar of your college or university.
    PAll transcripts and admissions documentation must bear the same name that appears on the graduate application for admission. If the names are different, please send a photocopy of your passport or other notarized documentation reflecting your name change.
    PTOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is required for non English speaking countries. Official TOEFL scores must be sent directly from ETS. The required score on the TOEFL examination is 550 Paper-based, and 213 Computer-based and 79-80 Internet-based. The official TOEFL exam is required for admissions into the Graduate School. The TOEFL test is not required if you received a degree in the U.S.
    PIn lieu of the TOEFL (if not offered in your country), applicants may submit results from IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with an overall score of a 6.5.
    PI-20 (visa) will be issued once the student is admitted to the university, submits the $300 enrollment fee, and provides a Statement of Financial Resources verifying at least $35,378.00 from your bank account or the sponsor. Financial aid is limited for international students. Some departments may consider funding your studies and they will provide the sponsorship information to the Graduate School.

    Financial Aid Information for International Applicants
    üThe Graduate School strongly encourages you to apply online. Please do not send other documents and/or letters until you have applied on line and downloaded your signature page. üInternational Students cannot depend on financial assistance from Howard University and should be prepared to finance themselves for the duration of their studies.üOnce you have completed one year of graduate coursework at Howard University, you are eligible to apply for University Aid, but the University does not guarantee financial aid.üScholarships and other sources of financial aid are available. A sample list is enclosed for your review. Inquiries should be made to the U.S. Embassy or consulate in your country for guidelines. üPlease log on to http://www.howard.edu/currentstudents/studentlifeactivities/internationalstudentservices/links.htm for more information.üHoward University graduate students are eligible to apply for a limited number of fellowships and assistantships. If you wish to be considered, submit a detailed letter to the Chair of your department.Confidentiality of RecordsüInformation regarding your admission status is NOT released to anyone without signed, written authorization from the applicant. Please inform the inquirer that photo identification will be required to discuss any information regarding the admissions file.All correspondence should be forwarded to:
    Howard University
    Graduate School
    The Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions
    4th and College Streets, NW, Suite 207
    Washington, DC
    Best regards,

    Office of Graduate Admissions

    بليز اي احد يقدر يتابعع معاي حالتي لاني للان ماجبت القبول وهل هذا هو الاي توني والا ايش السالفه ماشاء الله انا اشوف ناس اصدرت قرار ابتعاث
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رريمه
    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله

    ياخوان اانا راسلت الجامعه وجاني الرد كذا وش معناته

    Dear Applicant:

    Thank you, for your interest in Howard University Graduate School. The deadline for fall 2013 admissions is January 15, 2013. Applications received thereafter for the fall term will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and the admission decisions will be issued after April 15, 2013. The Office of Graduate Admissions accepts applications submitted in one complete packet. (Piece mail is not acceptable) Please review the Graduate Admissions procedures below. Please log on to http://www.gs.howard.edu/graduateprograms.html for a complete list of Departmental programs and contact information. The department admissions committee will evaluate your application upon receipt of all required credentials and you will be notified of the committee’s recommendation to the Graduate School. We look forward to helping you pursue a graduate education at Howard.

    بليز اي احد يقدر يتابعع معاي حالتي لاني للان ماجبت القبول وهل هذا هو الاي توني والا ايش السالفه ماشاء الله انا اشوف ناس اصدرت قرار ابتعاث
    اول شي انتي وش وضعك ؟ يعني مقدمه ع الجامعه دايركت ما قدمتي على معهد لدراسه اللغه ؟؟
    الاغلبيه اللي اصدروا قرار الابتعاث اصدروه بقبول لغه
    واذا انتي مش متخرجه من برا السعوديه يعني يحق لك بسنه لغه وقرار الابتعاث تصدرينه بقبول المعهد مو محتاجه قبول جامعه بالوقت الراهن
    اللي اشوفه انك مقدمه او تبين تقدمين ع الجامعه يعني التخصص الاكاديمي

    عموما هم يقولون لك ان اخر موعد عشان تكمل اوراقك ويراجعونها هو شهر واحد ميلادي يوم ١٥
    وطلبات القبول اللي تتقدم لهم بعد كذا بيراجعونها بس ان القبول او الرفض بيصدر بعد شهر ابريل ٢٠١٣
    ويبون الاوراق تنرسل لهم كلها مع بعض مو كل مره ترسلين شي
    واللجنه بيراجعون طلبك بعد اكتمال اوراقك

    هذا اهم مافي الرد وحاطين لك كيف طريقه وخطوات التقديم اللي هي الكلام الكثير اللي تحت ردهم
    الاي توني شي ثاني

    بس اذا ما خاب ظني انتي طالبه التقديم ع الجامعه اذا مو هذا اللي فعلا تبينه ف لازم تراسلين المعهد

    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رريمه
    الله يسعدك ياحبيبتي ويوفقك

    طيب انا ابي اراسل المعهد وارسلت لهم اني ابي معهد يعني وش اسوي الحين وكيف اقولهم اني ابي المعهد وبعدين الجامعه

    كرهت هالبعثه
    تبين المعهد اللي بهذي الجامعه يعني ؟
    المفروض تراسلين المعهد نفسه
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ahma_d1
    الجامعة موصى بها ولكن إن كان عندهم معهد لغة فهو ليس في قائمة المعاهد المعتمدة من قبل الملحقية الثقافية
    هذا اللي كنت تو بقوله

    اختاري معهد من هذي القائمة

    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رريمه
    طيب كلمه اوفر ستيوريتد يعني مشبعه هل يمكن اني اقدم عليها والا لا؟؟؟!

    لان فيها بععضها كلوز مقفله ؟؟!

    يعني اللي ابي افهمه هل مشبعه يعني خلاص متكدس ماقدر اقدم عليه ؟؟؟
    الاوفرساتوريتد ماتقدرين تقدمين عليها متكدسه يعني
    عندك اللي فيها رقم يعني العدد المتبقي اللي ممكن يقدم على هذا المعهد

    7 "

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