الي اتصل من قسم الرجال
مالهم علاقه النساء
ان شالله بكرا الصباح يدقون عليك
ندى المنديل May 4th, 2010, 07:01 PM
7 " عادي سار معايا نفس الحكايه كان الموقع او الرابط بالتحديد مو شغال بس حاول كم مرره في اوقات مختلفه وبتفتح معاك وبالتوفيق
ماريا من جده May 4th, 2010, 07:20 PM
7 " الآن الموقع شغال وتقدرون تشوفون حالة الطلب
سيف الإنترنت May 5th, 2010, 02:23 PM
7 " Thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnks allot bro
i tried now its working
thanks all of you again
bodibarca May 5th, 2010, 02:26 PM
7 " Welcome bodibarca
thank you
سيف الإنترنت May 5th, 2010, 03:21 PM
7 "
Hi ..
today in the morning i sent all documents to Scholership#mohe.gov.sa
>> tell now they didnt call me ..so they not yet issued the permision>
i'm waiting >> for their call >> and their website hava problem .. i guess form da bad wether in our capital.. i hope they fix it as soon as they can
you know boys section are lazy and they do not give us a s*** huh call
>> but gurlz section they are really like their job more skilled
Thanks for your partisipation