الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مساعدة السلام عليكم.. اللي يحتاج ترجمة يتفضل بالدخول..الموضوع من وإلى الجميع

مساعدة السلام عليكم.. اللي يحتاج ترجمة يتفضل بالدخول..الموضوع من وإلى الجميع


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4251 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الله يجزاكم خير جميعا
    ممكن ترجمة هالمقطع ترجمته في قوقل بعض المصطلحات مافهمتها

    A significant strength of the program is the diversity and experience of the student cohort entering each year.

    •Professional work experience is required, which is the primary criteria used in the admission process.
    •Applicants should have a bachelor's degree, minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).
    •Applicants must have a minimum of two semesters of biology or other related life-science courses.
    The primary criteria used in the admission process are:

    •Work experience
    •Grade point average
    •Letters of recommendation
    •Personal statement of academic career goals
    A completed application file will consist of:

    •Submitted online application with paid application fee
    •Statement of purpose containing reasons and goals for graduate study
    •Professional resume
    •3 letters of recommendation (done electronically on the Graduate School online application)
    •Official transcripts from each previous undergraduate and postgraduate institution
    •List of awards, honors, and/or publications
    The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required for admission.
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  2. I understand that my expenses (excluding personal miscellaneous expenses) per session while studying at ELS Language Centers will be as indicated in the Prices and Dates addendum. I agree to accept full responsibility for these expenses. I have also read and understand the ELS cancellation and refund policy. I agree to accept full responsibility for my actions while participating in the Program and any related activities (including excursions and/or internships) and agree to assume all risk of harm arising from my participation, unless caused by ELS’ negligence.
    I hereby agree that ELS shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate my attendance in any ELS program of study and to insist that I return to my country of origin within 24 hours of such termination by ELS. By his or her signature below, my parent or guardian agrees to insure that any minor under the age of 18 enrolled hereunder shall be returned to his or her country of origin within 24 hours of notification from ELS that the student’s attendance in an ELS program has been terminated.
    In case of illness and/or injury, permission is granted to any appropriate medical center to examine or treat and make necessary referrals to outside physicians as indicated. Permission is also granted to release information regarding my health to other designated individuals. I authorize ELS Language Centers to release information regarding my studies to my guardian or sponsoring agency. I further authorize ELS Language Centers to release my ELS academic records to any colleges or universities to which I apply. I understand that I have the right to review my official ELS student record.
    I hereby grant ELS Language Centers and its subsidiaries, associated companies and licensees, permission to photograph, record and videotape me while attending ELS Language Centers or activities conducted by ELS Language Centers. I understand that ELS Language Centers will own the still photographs and/or video footage in which I appear, and have the unrestricted right to publish such photographs and use such video in any ELS Language Centers sales literature, on the ELS Language Centers Web site and in any other ELS Language Centers material, and shall have the right to license others to do the same. I further understand that this grant is intended to be worldwide in scope and to apply to all media now existing or hereafter developed.
    I confirm that I am the student named above, I am 18 years or older, and I have read the Financial and Health Statement/Information Release and Terms of Use.
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  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ريوف الندى
    الله يجزاكم خير جميعا
    ممكن ترجمة هالمقطع ترجمته في قوقل بعض المصطلحات مافهمتها

    A significant strength of the program is the diversity and experience of the student cohort entering each year.
    نقطة مهمة في القبول هي تعدد نوية الطلاب وخبراتهم.
    •Professional work experience is required, which is the primary criteria used in the admission process.
    مطلوب خبرة عمل احترافي والتي تكون معيار رئيسي في عملية القبول.
    •Applicants should have a bachelor's degree, minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).
    يجب ان يتوفر شهادة بكالوريوس بمعدل لا يقل عن 3.00 من 4.
    •Applicants must have a minimum of two semesters of biology or other related life-science courses.
    يجب ان يكون المتقدم قد درس سمسترين ع الاقل في الاحياء او مواد تتعلق بالعلوم الانسانية.
    The primary criteria used in the admission process are:
    العوامل الاساسية في القبول هي:
    •Work experience خبرة عمل.
    •Grade point average معدل الدرجات.
    •Letters of recommendation توصيات.
    •Personal statement of academic career goals ورقة تحدد الاهداف الاكاديمية (تعبير عن نفسك وعن ماذا تريدين تحقيقه اكاديميا).
    A completed application file will consist of:
    يكون ملف التقديم كاملا اذا احتوى ع التالي:
    •Submitted online application with paid application fee تعبئة الطلب وتسليمه الكترونيا.
    •Statement of purpose containing reasons and goals for graduate study ورقة تحتوي ع الاسباب والاهداف في الدراسات العليا.
    •Professional resume وثيقة احترافية تبينين فيها خلفيتك ومهاراتك.
    •3 letters of recommendation (done electronically on the Graduate School online application) التوصيات ( ويجب ان تكون الكترونية).
    •Official transcripts from each previous undergraduate and postgraduate institution سجل اكاديمي رسمي.
    •List of awards, honors, and/or publications قائمة بالشهادات والتكريمات والجوائز و المنشورات اذا وجدت.
    The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required for admission. اختبار الجي ار اي ليس مطلوبا للتسجيل (ما شاء الله ما يحتاج جي ار اي )
    اتمنى افدتك ولو بالقليل..

    وعسى الله ييسر امورنا اجمعين..

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  4. Molecular Biology

    عرضت خدمات الاستفسار عن اي شي في الترجمه و و و

    بليز عندي استفساررين

    الاول : قدمت ع معهد طالبين رسوم تسجيل 400 $
    90 $ enrollment fee
    310 $ tuition deposit
    قالو لي بعض الاشخاص بهالمنتدى لا تدفعين لهم التامين و قولي لهم انك مبتعثه و الضمان يغطي التامين و ادفعي لهم بس ال 90 $

    راسلت المعهد وقلت لهم ان الضمان وصل وبرسله وهل ارسل بس 90 ؟

    قالو لي لا ترسلين ولا ريال و الضمان يكفي ؟!!! هل انا بالسليم عادي معهد يرسل لك اي توني بدون رسوم الابليكيشن ؟ خايفه يوهقوني لا راح الوقت

    الاستفسار الثاني ؟ ايش المكتب المعتمد لترجمة خبرة عمل ؟ هنا بالسعوديه لاني ما عندي خلفيه عنها

    وجزاك الله الف خير
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