الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


لمن يرغب بالمساعده للحصول على قبول من معهد بامريكا يتفضل هنا - المرحلة التاسعة

لمن يرغب بالمساعده للحصول على قبول من معهد بامريكا يتفضل هنا - المرحلة التاسعة


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4117 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Hamza Alkhirat
    طيب ورسوم السيفس الي طلبها المعهد مع رسوم الابلكيشن هذي سيفس ثاني ولا كيف ؟

    ( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )

    اذا المعهد دفع عنك رسووم السيفس فخله يرسل لك ايصال السيفس
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مبتعث مالية
    بالنسبة لدورات الجي ار اي و الجيمات تقدر تجيب عليها قبول و تطلع عليها
    حسب كلام الدكتور منير لما سآلته في ملتقى الخبر
    الله يعافيك لاكن السؤال حتى لو المعهد فيه تكدس للطلاب يوافقو الملحقيه ولا مايوافقو

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using مبتعث mobile app
    7 "
  3. السلام عليكم يا اخوان
    أنا قدمت على معهد قبل اكثر من اسبوع و ما وصلني منهم رد قبول او اي شي علما بأني سددت الرسوم و ارسلوا لي ريسبت ع الايميل و ارسلوا الايميل التالي

    Thank you for choosing UCR Extension, the continuing education branch of the University of California, Riverside.

    Your course uses an online account which requires a NetID (user name).

    You will need the following information to set up your NetID, so you may wish to record the information below or print it, or keep it available on your computer. The Login ID and Password below are temporary and only used to set up your NetID. They can't be used to access your online course.

    Temporary Login ID: ********************
    Temporary Password: *************
    It is important that you create a NetID as soon as possible. Visit the Getting Started With Your NetID at UCR Extension page to set up your NetID.

    If you have questions or need assistance setting up your NetID, please email netidhelp@ucx.ucr.edu. Online support is available Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm and Saturday, 8am-6pm Pacific Time. You will receive a response within two hours.

    اللي سمعته من كثير ان قبول المعهد ما يطول
    اتمنى تفيدوني يمكن ناقص شي ما سويته.
    7 "
  4. هذي اول وحده وبروح اجيب الثانيه

    الله يوفقكم ويسدد خطاكم

    Dear Marwa,
    Thank you for your interest in the Physics Graduate Program at Oregon State University.
    We are now accepting applications for admission into Fall 2014.

    You are encouraged to apply to the program. Attached is the link to the Physics Graduate Program page, which will provide more information regarding the graduate program. Information for graduate students | Department of Physics

    To apply please follow this link to the Graduate School. Welcome Future Students | Graduate School | Oregon State University

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Talley Richardson
    Graduate Coordinator
    Departments of Chemistry and Physics
    Oregon State University
    7 "
  5. We are pleased to learn of your interest in the Physics Department and the University of North Texas. We have a number of assistantships and will consider your application when all materials are received. We offer teaching assistantships (TA), research assistantships (RA), or both (9 month TA+ summer RA). The current nine-month earnings for teaching assistants start at $15,160.00 for the period of September through May. If you enroll during the Summer terms, you may have the option of extending your teaching assistantship or work as a research assistant for the period from June through August. The RA support will follow a standard UNT RA payment schedule, increase as you work toward graduation, and is offered by an individual faculty member. Both TA and RA awards also qualify a student for in-state tuition. The tuition and fee expense is approximately $3,300 per semester for in-state residents. (Please note that all documents need to be submitted by March 15, 2014 for international applications for Fall 2015).

    To complete your application, we require:

    1. OFFICIAL transcripts in original language from all Universities attended
    2. OFFICIAL transcripts in English from all Universities attended
    3. OFFICIAL degree certificates in both English and original language
    4. PHOTOCOPY of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score should be sent to the Physics Department for evaluation purposes. Once you arrive at the University of North Texas to study, an OFFICIAL copy (directly from ETS) must be sent during the first semester of study.
    5. OFFICIAL copy of the TOEFL scores sent directly from ETS. Your application will not be reviewed for an assistantship award until the official report is received by the University of North Texas.
    6. Completed APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL (available onlinehttp://tsgs.unt.edu/apply )
    7. $75.00 Application fee MUST be paid before you can be admitted to the University of North Texas. (The Physics Department does not have the ability to waive or postpone this fee.) You MUST be admitted before an assistantship can be offered or an I-20 can be issued.
    8. Completed application form for assistantship (available online Graduate Studies | Department of Physics)
    9. Two letters of recommendation from two of your professors (available online Graduate Studies | Department of Physics, with written letter directly from the recommending professor.)
    10. Submit a Statement of Purpose including the applicant’s laboratory, field, or applied interests, career plans, and discussion of how the Physics program can serve to further these interests and plans.
    11. In order for an I-20 to be issued, a statement of financial support must be provided, either
    in the form of an assistantship offer or an ORIGINAL Affidavit of Support. How To Apply | UNT-International International Admissions.

    All application materials are available online at http://physics.unt.edu/graduate-studies-programs. The department requires a minimum TOEFL of 550 (213) (79), and a minimum GRE score of at least 640 Quantitative and 3.5 Analytical (4.0 for those who have already earned a Master’s Degree) for admission the graduate program in Physics. Tests taken on or after Aug 1, 2011, the quantitative score should be at least 152. Assistantship awards are highly competitive and the TOEFL and GRE scores of those who receive awards are traditionally much higher than the minimum requirements. Incomplete applications are not presented to the Graduate Committee for consideration of an award. No exceptions are made to this rule.

    In addition, UNT requires international students to demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English. This test is administered after the student arrives at UNT and prior to being placed in a graduate assistantship.

    There is a great deal of competition for the graduate assistantship positions; therefore, I would encourage you to return the completed Teaching Assistantship Application and other necessary application materials to us as soon as possible. ASSISTANTSHIPS CANNOT BE OFFERED UNLESS THE STUDENT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS. If we can provide you with any additional information or be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact me. Please scan and email all documents, forms, letters, etc… for a quicker turn-around time on responses to michelle.rumer@unt.edu

    The application deadline for Fall 2014 is March 15, 2014.


    M Rumer
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Abdullah Assiri
    طيب اخوي الله يعطيك العافية
    تأخير القبول I20 له علاقه بتأخير الدراسه
    لآني حددت موعد بدايه دراستي بالصيف

    ( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
    ايوه له علاقة
    لذلك عليك أنك ترسل للمعهد انك تبي الاي توني بدري ... علشان عندك إجراءات الفيزا والسفر
    وموافقة وزارة التعليم العالي

    هم يمشون بالدور ع الاترام اللي عندهم .... ف راح يخلصون الطلبات اللي قبلك في مواعيد الدرا ثم يخلصونك
    فالأفضل ارسل لهم يعجلون فيها
    7 "
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