السلام عليكم
أنا عبيت الأبليكيشن حق المعهد بس ماطلبوا رسوم مني خلال التقديم
وردولي عالايميل بالمستندات المطلوبة وأرسلتها لهم بالفيديكس ولهم أسبوعين إلى الأن ماجاني رد منهم
وضعي كذا تمام ولا لا وايش ممكن يكون سبب تأخرهم بالرد طفشت وأنا أنتظر ..؟؟
rooaa December 30th, 2013, 11:04 PM
7 " Academic History
Previous SCCC Attendance
Have you previously attended SCCC? Yes No
If "YES", Please give the dates of enrollment From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
List below in chronological order, with dates, every school you have attended from the time you entered high school (secondary school) to the present, including United States schools if applicable and SCCC if applying for readmission. List the certificates or diplomas you have or will earn. To apply for transfer credit, you will need to submit official transcripts and fill out an "International Transcript Evaluation Request" form in the International Education Programs office after you arrive in Seattle. All records and transcripts you submit will become the property of SCCC.
Institution 1
Name of Institution:
Dates of Attendance From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
Did you graduate from this institution? Yes No
Name of degree received:
Institution 2
Name of Institution:
Dates of Attendance From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
Did you graduate from this institution? Yes No
Name of degree received:
Other Institutions
If you have attended more than 1 institution, please list the additional schools here
Work in Progress
Please list any college or university courses in which you are currently enrolled
اعبي ذي الخانه او لا
- - - مشاركة محدثة - - -
Academic History
Previous SCCC Attendance
Have you previously attended SCCC? Yes No
If "YES", Please give the dates of enrollment From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
List below in chronological order, with dates, every school you have attended from the time you entered high school (secondary school) to the present, including United States schools if applicable and SCCC if applying for readmission. List the certificates or diplomas you have or will earn. To apply for transfer credit, you will need to submit official transcripts and fill out an "International Transcript Evaluation Request" form in the International Education Programs office after you arrive in Seattle. All records and transcripts you submit will become the property of SCCC.
Institution 1
Name of Institution:
Dates of Attendance From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
Did you graduate from this institution? Yes No
Name of degree received:
Institution 2
Name of Institution:
Dates of Attendance From : (month / year) To : (month / year)
Did you graduate from this institution? Yes No
Name of degree received:
Other Institutions
If you have attended more than 1 institution, please list the additional schools here
Work in Progress
Please list any college or university courses in which you are currently enrolled
اعبي ذي الخانه او لا
سامو جده December 31st, 2013, 01:26 AM
7 "
أنا عبيت الأبليكيشن حق المعهد بس ماطلبوا رسوم مني خلال التقديم
وردولي عالايميل بالمستندات المطلوبة وأرسلتها لهم بالفيديكس ولهم أسبوعين إلى الأن ماجاني رد منهم
وضعي كذا تمام ولا لا وايش ممكن يكون سبب تأخرهم بالرد طفشت وأنا أنتظر ..؟؟