Dear Salma,
Greetings from Seattle Central Community College!
Your admission application for Spring 2014, has been
received. Please note: complete admission
application including all the required supporting
documents must be submitted to our office by the
deadline of the quarter you are applying for.
You can find details about the admission procedures,
requirements and deadline from the following link
from our website:
Admission Procedures & Requirements:
We will send you another email shortly regarding your
application status.
Best Regards,
International Admissions Team
Seattle Central Community
Overseas admission application for winter quarter
must be submitted and be complete by November
15th. If you were unable to meet the application
deadline for Winter quarter, we encourage you to
apply for future quarter. You can find the application
deadlines and academic calendar in the following link:
Effective 01/17/2013, if you have been accepted to
Seattle Central, but need to defer your enrollment to a
future term, you must submit the complete
Application Deferral Request Form with any required
documents for review.
Please Note: Winter 2014 (starts in January) and
Spring 2014 (starts in April).
بلللللليزززززززز أحد يترجملي
( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
سامو جده January 9th, 2014, 05:16 PM
يا ليت تنسخي لنا الخيارات الموجوده اسفل السؤال لاجل نجاوبك بشكل دقيق
وفقك الله