,(…………..).Dear Dr
.I hope this email finds you well
( اسمك) This is
from Saudi Arabia
I am sending this email because I want to apply to your master program but I have some questions
??My GPA is ........out of 4 do you accept this GPA
I have not tried IELTS OR TOEFL exams yet. Do you offer a conditional admission for student who does not achieve the English Proficiency condition
Is The GRE test required to be admitted to your program
I want to attend your program as soon as possible. Which semester can I apply for now
.Dear Dr
.I have full scholarship from Saudi Arabia government (SACM), so I'm not seeking for financial support
I'm just looking for chance to continue my master degree. and I will never forget that you give that chance. I really want to join your program
.I appreciate your time and cooperation in advance
,Yours sincerely
Lecturer January 5th, 2014, 02:33 AM
7 " حاولت اسوي لها تعديل بحيث تطلع افضل من كذا مازبطت معاي ارجو من اللي بيستخدمها عند وضعها بالايميل محاولة تعديل شكل الرسالة بحيث تكون في شمال الصفحة كل الرسالة
Lecturer January 5th, 2014, 02:37 AM
7 " الله يجزاك عنا كل خير ماقصرت
حلم الزهور January 5th, 2014, 05:18 AM
7 " شباب ابي جامعه تعطي قبول مشروط في ماجستير تمريض معدلي في البكالوريس٢.٥٦من٤ اناصارلي ثلاث شهور في امريكاادرس لغه علي حسابي ولاقدرت افتح ملف في الملحقيه ارجوكم انامتوهق ابي فزعه الله يخليكم اقل شي لاتنسوني من دعاكم
( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
ابن شويمس January 5th, 2014, 05:43 AM
7 " ارجو انكم يااخوان ماتياسون راسلو جامعة وجامعتين وثلاث والقبول والله حظ ونصيب....و لا تنغرون باللي مكتوب في مواقع الجامعات بعض الاحيان الجامعة تكون مطفرة وتبغى طلاب فتقبل ... ارسلو ايميلات لين تتعبو ولاتسوون الابلكيشن لين تحسون من رد الجامعة انها راح تقبلكم ..... كذا تستفيدون وقت و فلوس......
وبالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله........
Lecturer January 5th, 2014, 07:45 AM
7 "
.I hope this email finds you well
( اسمك) This is
from Saudi Arabia
I am sending this email because I want to apply to your master program but I have some questions
??My GPA is ........out of 4 do you accept this GPA
I have not tried IELTS OR TOEFL exams yet. Do you offer a conditional admission for student who does not achieve the English Proficiency condition
Is The GRE test required to be admitted to your program
I want to attend your program as soon as possible. Which semester can I apply for now
.Dear Dr
.I have full scholarship from Saudi Arabia government (SACM), so I'm not seeking for financial support
I'm just looking for chance to continue my master degree. and I will never forget that you give that chance. I really want to join your program
.I appreciate your time and cooperation in advance
,Yours sincerely