السلام عليكم اخوي والله يجزاك خير ابيك توضحلي مسئلة بعض المعاهد يجي عليها لون ازرق مادري ليه ارجو الرد
7 " قائمة معاهد اللغه الموصى فيها في امريكا
قائمة معاهد اللغه الموصى فيها في امريكا
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 3977 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- جزاك الله خير...7 "
- هل في مشكله لو اطلع على حسابي لمعهد متكدس ؟؟ لان المعهاد القويه تبع الجامعه ؟؟7 "
ياليت احد يفيدنا - بما أنك على حسابك فلا مشكلة, ولكن سوف يطلبون منك التحويل لمعهد غير متكدس ومعترف به عند إلتحاقك إن شاء الله7 "
ممكن اخوي تحط شرح للموقع لاني كل ما ابحث يقول لي No data available ما اعرف ليش - Application for Intensive English and Global Business English Programs7 "
Important: We are currently unable to accept applications from students with SACM scholarships or students who plan to apply for SACM scholarships for the Summer 2014 term. The next available term is Fall 2014.
Applying to study at Drexel ELC is easy! Just do the following:
Complete this form.
Pay the $100 application fee and $60 Express Mail fee (if applicable) using the link below.
The application fee is not refundable.
You do NOT need to pay the Express Mail fee if you are an authorized recruiting agent OR if you are a transfer student and will receive your new I-20 after you arrive at Drexel ELC.
Click the "Submit Your Application" button to send your application to Drexel ELC.
Send all your required documents to Drexel ELC so that we can process your application. Required documents include:
Financial Certification and I-20 Application (PDF)
Bank statement or other financial guarantee document
Copy of the bio page of your passport
To apply for the International Gateway program, click here.
Student Information
First (Given) Name: *
Last (Family) Name: *
Date of Birth: * ,
You must be at least 18 years old to study at Drexel ELC.
Sex: * Male Female
Country of Birth: *
Country of Citizenship: *
Student Email Address: *
Agents can provide an email address below.
Permanent (legal) Address in your home country:
(You must provide this information even if you are now in the US.)
Street Address: *
City: *
Postal Code:
Country: *
Phone number: *
I-20 Information
Most students need an F-1 (student) visa to study in the US. To get your visa, you will need an I-20 form from Drexel ELC. If you are not sure if you need a student visa, or if you want to study less than full time (21 hours), email elc@drexel.edu before you complete this application.
I need an I-20 form from Drexel ELC:
Yes No
Will you transfer to Drexel ELC from another school in the US?
Yes No
Applicants who are not in the US or who will return to their country before beginning their study at Drexel ELC will need their I-20s sent to them in another country.
Do you need your I-20 sent to you in another country? *
Yes No
I-20 Mailing Address:
Please complete this section, even if this is the same as your permanent address.
Street Address: *
City: *
Postal Code:
Country: *
Phone number: *
Agent Information
Is an education counselor or placement agency helping you?
Yes No
Enrollment Information
I am applying for the:
(GLOBE participants must have university degrees and place into ELC level 4 for Speaking and Writing. Otherwise you can study in the Intensive English program.) Do NOT use this application for the International Gateway program.
Select the date that you want to begin your studies:
Term start date:
Length of study:
Tuition and Fees
For current tuition and fee information, please visit our Tuition and fees page.
To apply for housing, please visit our Housing page.
Other Information
Where did you first hear about Drexel ELC?
Why do you want to study at Drexel ELC?
Application Fee and Express Mail Fee
A nonrefundable $100 application fee (payable by credit card) is required with this application. Please use the button below to pay the application fee. Your application is not valid without this payment.
You must also pay a nonrefundable $60 Express Mail fee to have your I-20 sent to you by express mail. You do not need to pay this fee if you are an authorized recruiting agent OR if you are a transfer student and will receive your new I-20 when you arrive at Drexel ELC.
Additional Requirements
After you submit this application, be sure to send the other required documents to Drexel ELC in order to receive your acceptance materials and I-20 form.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and click the boxes to indicate that you understand and agree to them.
I certify that I have read and understand this form, and that the information I have provided is correct. *
I understand that I am responsible for meeting all costs associated with my study at Drexel ELC and that I cannot expect to work to support my study. *
I understand that all payments I make with my application are not refundable. *
I understand that my application cannot be processed until I have submitted all required documents and fees. *
Signature: *
Type your name here
حابة اسال هذا النموذج حق التسجيل وايش - اخر تحديث عندي بتاريخ 16/5/20147 "
والمعهد اللي ابغى اسجل فيه مفتوح لكن المكتب يقول لي متكدسس !!
كيف كذا ؟
هل فيه تحديث أجدد ؟ وليه مايظهر لي ! - القائمه تتحدث بشكل تلقائي وباستمرار.. فيه بعض المعاهد. ترفض تستقبل طلاب حتى لو هي بالقائمه مفتوحه وغير متكدسه.7 "
- السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته7 "
لو تكرمتو أريد قبول معهد في ولاية فلوريدا هل هي موقفة من وزارة التعليم العالي او لا ؟؟
ولكم جزيل الشكر
( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
February 5th, 2014, 08:57 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهاخواني واخواتي
قامت ادارة المعاهد بالملحقيه الثقافيه في امريكا مؤخرا
بتحديث قائمة المعاهد
وهذا رابط القائمه للاطلاع عليها