الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


| . . مـتـابـعة طـلـبات الإلحاق لدى الوزارة . . | (2)

| . . مـتـابـعة طـلـبات الإلحاق لدى الوزارة . . | (2)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4101 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Moonstar1236
    ايش الكلام الفاضي ذذي ؟!
    انا بمعهد كابلن ديسموينس واشنطن
    ٩٠٪ من المعهد قطفان
    حبايبي كلهم قسم احلا ناس ونعم بأهل القطيف والله
    الحمدلله اغلبهم انظمو !!!
    وغير كذا اللي شغالين في التعليم العالي 30٪ من الموظفين من القطيف
    and come on ..!!! just 9 months and u wanna get accepted on Sacm
    some people took them one year
    just be polite !!!!
    and maybe u didn't uploaded all of ur papers .!!!
    هههههه عجبني جمع " قطفان" و صح لسانك
    7 "
  2. Salam Alikom

    First, I mean the people they came with me in the same time

    No body from Qatif get scolership, on the other hand , all the people from another cities they got it. Why ??? Can you tell me?? If you say may be there are some mistakes in my papers , I want to tell you this is fourth time I send my papers because they returned my riquest without any mistake. I went to Washignton D,C and I met with Mr.Aliesa and I told him about my problem. DO you know what did he say ?? He said I can't do any thing and you can cancel your studying and go back to Saudi Arabia. I sware he said that. What is your opinion my friend ?? Don't worry about any thing my God knows every thing.

    Sincerely yours and good luck and I'm so sorry if I say any thing wrong

    Best wishes my brothers and sisters
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abu noor13
    Salam Alikom

    First, I mean the people they came with me in the same time

    No body from Qatif get scolership, on the other hand , all the people from another cities they got it. Why ??? Can you tell me?? If you say may be there are some mistakes in my papers , I want to tell you this is fourth time I send my papers because they returned my riquest without any mistake. I went to Washignton D,C and I met with Mr.Aliesa and I told him about my problem. DO you know what did he say ?? He said I can't do any thing and you can cancel your studying and go back to Saudi Arabia. I sware he said that. What is your opinion my friend ?? Don't worry about any thing my God knows every thing.

    Sincerely yours and good luck and I'm so sorry if I say any thing wrong

    Best wishes my brothers and sisters
    وضعك غريب اخونا الكريم ، انت سردت لنا تجربتك ، واحنا خبرناك التجارب الي حوالينا و واثقين من صحتها ...

    ممكن اعرف انت في اي ولاية و اي جامعه و في اي مرحلة؟
    7 "
  4. يا اخواني لاتبكرون الموضوع .. المنتدى والموضوع هنا واضح هدفه وهو لمناقشة سير المعاملات عند الوزاره .. ملينا بكل مكان نروح له وأي نقاش لازم يحطون فيه شيعي وسني.. اتمنى من اخواني عدم إعطاء الموضوع أكبر من حجمه والخروج عن الهدف الأساسي .
    7 "
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