الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


إستفسار حول الضمان المالى - Cuyahoga Community College

إستفسار حول الضمان المالى - Cuyahoga Community College


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Hima89

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Hima89 غير معرف

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    • Nov 2015

    November 26th, 2015, 02:36 AM

    السلام عليكم

    إن شاء الله عايز ألتحق بكلية Cuyahoga Community College
    و لما قولتلهم فى صديق ليا هيضمنى بحسابه البنكى أرسله لى الصيغه دى :

     Sponsor’s Statement of Support –necessary if the bank statement is not in the student’s name.
     U.S. sponsors must submit an original Affidavit of Support (Form I-134). All questions on this form should be completed including exact sponsor contribution towards student’s education and living expenses. OR
     Overseas sponsors must provide an official statement, certified by a bank, stating the sponsor’s relation to the student and specific intended contributions towards the student’s education and living expenses.

    The following information is a sample of what should be included in a basic letter of sponsorship that is written and completed by the sponsor.
    For further information on preparing a sponsorship letter, please contact the
    American Embassy in your home country.
    (Today’s Date)
    To Whom It May Concern:
    I, (Sponsor’s name goes here), am the (Relationship to the student goes here.) of (Name of Student goes here).
    I will sponsor (Name of Student) during the entire period of study at Cuyahoga Community College. I will pay for (all/part) of the student’s tuition, living and related expenses while the student studies at Cuyahoga Community College.
    I have enclosed my bank statement as proof of my ability to meet these expenses.
    Sponsor’s Signature
    (Name of sponsor)
    (Address of sponsor)

    و قالولى هتكتب الخطاب و ترسله مع كشف الحساب البنكى .. و باقى أوراق التقديم طبعاً ..

    لكن دلوقتى عايز أفهم هل الخطاب ده بعد ما نحط البيانات فيه .. صديقى هيمضى عليه و خلاص ولا ايه ؟

    ياريت حد يفهمنى ..

    شكراً مقدماً

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الانضمام لمبتعث

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