الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


وكيف احصل على الموافقة للدراسة على حسابي الخاص؟ - طيران

وكيف احصل على الموافقة للدراسة على حسابي الخاص؟ - طيران


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Shams77

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Shams77 غير معرف

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    • Apr 2017

    June 14th, 2017, 06:45 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    إخواني عندي كم استفسار شاغلين بالي تردو علي بسرعه. انا احب دراسة الطيران ومالي نصيب في الابتعاث من الخطوط السعودية..قلت ادرس على حسابي..كم المبلغ اللي يلزم لذلك.
    وكيف احصل على الموافقة للدراسة على حسابي الخاص؟
    وماهي افضل المعاهد الامريكية المعتمدة لدى الخطوط السعودية لدراسة الطيران؟؟
    وأسف اذا طولت عليكم..وفي المهاية نحن اخوان
    ارجو تردو علي وجزاكم الله خير الجزاء
    Hi, the visa process is on our website www.flymiami.com
    The full program and the cost is also on the website. Please print out the visa application from our website, fill it out in pen then scan it along with a copy of your passport and send it to rdean@flymiami.com.
    Also send $200 for the processing and shipment.
    We will send you an I-20 then you make an appointment with the USA embassy to get your student visa to come to Miami. The approval depends on you showing the embassy that you have the money, speak English and have no intention of staying permanently in the USA. Please email me at
    for any questions.
    You must be able to speak and understand the English language.
    Robert Dean

    Housing and transportation depends on you and can be from $550 a month to $1200 a month.
    Food is also the same and can be From $300 to $500 per month.
    Duration of course is 6-8 months
    Welcome to Dean International Inc
    In beautiful sunny Miami Florida.

    Time for course is six to eight months.
    Housing is for you to set up on your own. When you get here you can stay in a hotel (Holiday Inn Express opposite TAMIAMI airport) or (Best Western) also opposite the Tamiami airport, for two or three days. Take a yellow taxi from the international airport and come to the school or direct to the hotel. Then go and look at each place and decide where you want to stay. A yellow taxi will cost you $50 from Miami International to the hotel.
    Housing is completely independent from the school and it is within five to ten minutes from the airport.
    Please do not pay anyone for housing until you get here and have seen the place.
    You will need to have six black pants and six white shirts.
    Robert Dean

    The course includes. FAA
    1. Private pilot ground school.
    2. Private pilot license. (ASEL)
    3. Instrument Ground school
    4. Instrument Rating.
    5. Commercial Ground school
    6. Commercial Pilot. (ASEL)
    7. Commercial Pilot (AMEL)

    Total Flight Time 234
    Total Simulator 20
    TOTAL TIME 254

    The program starts every first week of the month.
    The process will take about four to six weeks to get to the USA.
    Once you fill out the visa application from our website then you send it to us along with a copy of your passport and $200. We will then send you an I-20. Now you can make an appointment with the USA embassy through the Internet at a cost of $200
    Once you get approved then you can get your ticket to come to the USA.
    Upon arrival you must report to the school within 24 hours and start the registration process and activate your student visa.
    During the registration process you will also get the TSA done. After this you will be put into the PPL ground class. If you have missed a few classes then the instructor will give you private sessions to catch up.
    In one or two days you will receive an email from TSA for fingerprints. Then you will be taken to get this done and one or two days later you get another email granting permission to train. You are now assigned you flight instructor and the flying begins.
    The program is:
    2 months for PPL
    2-3 months for IFR
    1 Month for CPL
    Parents should keep a close relationship with their child and they should be informed that Mr. Wesley the Assistant Chief Pilot and Mr. Dean are always available to help in any way.
    Payment is due upon arrival or can be wire transferred ahead of the students arrival. Payment schedule are very strict and students are grounded until the money is received. This means that there is no flying and the program is delayed.
    Dean International is a very transparent school and students should see their account weekly to make sure that there are no mistakes. This can be done by email.
    There is no job for foreign students. USA citizens or residents are given the opportunity of a job as a Flight Instructor, if they qualify.
    We have a total of 48 aircrafts and 35 instructors.
    We look forward to you training at Dean International Inc.
    Robert Dean.
    7 "

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