الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


خلنا نضحك شوي D:

خلنا نضحك شوي D:


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5568 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. There's somethin' that
    I've got to say
    You're always with me
    Even though, you're far away
    Talkin to you on my cell
    Just the sound of your voice
    Makes my heart melt
    Oh girl, well it's true

    I'm all about you
    I'm all about us
    No, baby, you never have
    To question my love

    And every night
    There's a new crowd
    But it's always you
    That I'm singing about
    There is only one these words
    Are going out to

    Oh girl, I'm all about you
    Some other girl will make me forget you're mine
    There's not a doubt in this world
    That anyone could take the
    Place of my number one girl

    It's true
    I'm all about you
    I'm all about us
    No, baby, you never have
    To question my love

    And every night
    There's a new crowd
    But it's always you
    That I'm singing about
    There is only one these words
    Are going out to

    Oh girl, I'm all about you
    When i close my eyes i can see you
    It's like your right here
    And this feeling's only gettin' stronger
    You're with me everywhere

    I'm all about you
    I'm all about us
    No, baby, you never have
    To question my love

    And every night
    There's a new crowd
    But it's always you
    That I'm singing about
    There is only one these words
    Are goin' out to

    Oh girl, I'm all about you
    7 "
  2. ا له يا لاله .. خلي هجرني وزود الهم بييا .....شااب الشعر يا عبييد
    يا له يا لاله ...خلى حياتي يا رفيقي نكااده......شاب الشعر يا عبيد
    يا له يا لاله .. كلن ينام اللييل الا عينييا....شاب الشعر يا عبيد
    يا له يا لاله .. اسهر طوال الليل اشكي بعادة..شاب الشعر يا عبيد
    يا له يا لاله ..يا عبيد قوله لا يطول علياا..شاب الشعر يا عبيد...
    7 "
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