الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Job opening فرصة عمل

Job opening فرصة عمل


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4951 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Abu Mana
    Abu Mana

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Abu Mana السعودية

    Abu Mana , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى السعودية , تخصصى EE , بجامعة KFUPM
    • KFUPM
    • EE
    • ذكر
    • Dhahran, Eastern
    • السعودية
    • Jul 2011

    July 18th, 2011, 11:00 AM

    We are looking for a Saudi graduate from US, Canada, Austrlaia or UK who is willing to join our team .

    The candidate will be working as a sales associate for Human Resources Consultancy & Training Srvices.

    Please forward your CV to my e-mail: managingdirector@fdserv.com or info@fdserv.com.

  2. !!! What about our Saudi graduates

    !!! Do you think for a split of a second that this is FAIR to them

    !!! They are NOT quilified enogh to handle such position

    We, as Saudi graduates, always feel like pushed back from such companies. I don't know why !!! Is it because we are Saudies with a special rude behavior as they always claim !!! OR because we don't have the Western mentality and the way of thinking like they do !!! I believe in my heart that there are a lot of Saudi graduates who can fullfill this kind of jobs and do even better from graduates from US, Canada, etc

    I'm sorry for these questions and this comment, but I thought that I had to say something to defend ourselves

    Please, accept my apologies
    7 "
  3. Dear Shamranib

    I am a KFUPM graduate and I trust my people, the Saudi's; yet because of the language and the service provider requirements we sometimes put such limitations. In fact the service we are talking about is delivered by a US company who are represented by ourselves in the Kigdome.

    Regardless of where we disagree, I appreciate your concern and I beleive it is a valid one.
    7 "
  4. Dear Mr. Abu Mana,

    First of all, thank you for understanding my point. I know that a company like yours is looking for someone who is very fluent in English and speaks it almost like Americans, Canadians, & British without mentioning the writing & the listening skills. I would like to draw your kind attention that I posted my comment because I feel
    !!! like ignored, somehow

    I graduated from KSU in 2010 in the field of English language - College of Arts. To be honest, I use 30% of my studied English because the rest is un-useful. If I didn't develop my language through the last 4 years, I wouldn't speak it the way I do right now. I've met British & American people here in Riyadh, and they were surprised of my accent. I know I sound like an arrogant person, but what I'm telling you is the truth. I used to sit down in front of the TV for hours with 2 dictionaries & watch comedy series, movies, science movies & interviews in order to get the accent. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to grab the British accent due to the expansion of the American media. Yet, I'm so proud of what I have achieved so far and still trying to learn more. I've always been interested in languages; I took a French language course about a month ago because I'm planning to get my MIB in France. I would learn French, Italian, Spanish, and may be German. I am so interested and when I get interested of something, I go for it.

    Meanwhile, what can I say about our universities’ education system, how in god’s sake they want students to speak English fluently while the instructors are Indians, Egyptians, and etc. No native speakers in the field of teaching in KSU – College of Arts. Yet, unlikely, there are only few students who work on their language and get the appropriate speaking accent, and I consider myself as one of them.

    Having said that, I don’t want you to consider this argument as a way of seeking an employment with you, although I do and interested to work in the Eastern province. What I’m asking for is a chance & a break for people like me to introduce themselves to you. Sometimes people need a break. They may have struggled in their lives, personally, socially, and financially and all they want is a BREAK.

    I’m sorry to cause you all the troubles of reading this, but I think I wanted someone to understand what I’m talking about in KSA. Unfortunately, it seems like no one does. Thank you Mr. Abu Mana for your time… I appreciate it and will always do. Again, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience I may have caused.

    7 "
  5. why u talkz englez ?
    is me no understandz?
    !! They are NOT quilified enogh to handle such position

    المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum29/thre...#ixzz1TI4FPE3e
    حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
    are you talking about saudi graduates ? cus if you are....than im very dispointed in you
    i can handle that position with my highschool diploma !
    maybe i cant ! but have some faith in your own people will ya ?
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة shamranib
    Don't comment please if you don't understand English properly ...I have put exclamation marks (!!!) questioning him why he doesn't trust Saudi Graduates.I am a Saudi graduate myself ... So, please read the questions again and then get back to me if you would still misunderstand themThanks anyway
    i thinkz i understandz knowz
    sorryz im too lazyz to read minorz detailz
    my badz

    lol !!!!
    7 "

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