جامعة USF/تمريض
جامعة USF/تمريض
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5604 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - صباح الورد والزهور7 "
لا مونايمين ولا شي خخخخخخخخخخخخخ الرازق في السما يايسمينه والحاسد في الارض
اها بس اهم شي الجامعه مع معهدها موموقفين من التعليم العالي
بالتوفيق ربي يسهل علينا كلنا - هلا والله ...7 "
وش هالغيبه اجل ؟؟ ماتنشافون
الجامعه مو موقفه ومدري شكلها شكلها ان تو ضايفتها الملحقيه
لأن ابغى ألقى أحد فيها مالقيت
ومره يوم كنت اسوي بحث بالجامعات اللي هناك من موقع التعليم العالي
ماطلعت ذي الجامعه ... علشان كذا ظنيت ان تو ضايفتها الملحقيه
بالنسبه للمعهد مدري عنه والله لأن زي ماقلت لك ماااالقيت احد
حتى اني سويت سيرش بقوقل قلت يمكن في تجمع والا احد يدرس فيها مالقيت
بس شكلي بدق على طارق الشيخ ازعجته من كثر ماادق عليه ههههه
وانا كذا كذا عندي قبول معهد من اوريجن ماودي اغيره لان عاجبتني الكليه هناك ...
اصحووووووو - صباح الروقان والشاي والجبنه البيضه7 "
خلاص انا بطلت ماابغى الجامعه هذيك للحين ماردت علي
وفي جامعه ردت علي وقالت سوووري ماعندنا ذا البرنامج اللي تبغينه بس لاتسأليني هي اي جامعه
لانو ايميلي ملياان من هذي الايميلات ولافيها عناوين الجامعات خخخخ
كيفكم يا زملاء المهنه ؟؟ بالله لاتخلون موضوعنا يروح للصفحه الثانيه ...
<<<<يجيني احباط اذا مااشوفه بالصفحه الاولى - هلا فيكي اختي ياسمينه كيفك اليوم7 "
معليش صارت دخلتي بالمنتدى محدوده اشوي ضروفي ماتسمح لي احيانا
اذا الجامعه ماهي موجوده على موقع التعليم العالي يعني الوزاره مو معترفه فيها دوري غيرها موفقه يايسمينه
اختي pancy كيف حالك ان شاء الله بخير الله يسهل امورك يارب - هلا اخوي مضلوم7 "
يووووهـ مضلوموهـ افهمني ..
انا قلت قبل شهر ونص تقريبا ماكانت موجوده عالموقع
بس قبل اسبوع ونص لما دخلت موقع التعليم العالي طلعت لي ذي الجامعه
يعني تو ضايفينها للجامعات الموصى فيها = يعني توها جديده بالقائمه = معترف فيها
زين ...
ردت علي جامعة سياتل وشوفو ردها ..
No, you don’t need to be a registered nurse to be in our program. I’ve included information below about how to apply as a transfer student:
International students have special application requirements which you can learn more about here: http://www.seattleu.edu/admission/undergraduate/Applicant.aspx?id=37068
1) Please go to http://www.seattleu.edu/admission/undergraduate/Applicant.aspx?id=37064
Note that there are 6 application requirements with links to "application" and "Undergraduate Supplemental"
2) Remember, you will need to complete 2 applications: Transfer Student Common Application AND Supplemental Application for Undergraduate Admission.
3) In addition to the general application requirements, transfer students have the following additional requirements:
1. List of coursework in progress
2. Nursing personal statement (part of your application). Please note that this personal statement replaces the personal essay requirement in the Common Application; you only need to complete a nursing personal statement and the Supplemental Application for Undergraduate Admission personal statement (Why do you feel that Seattle University is a good match with your educational goals?).
The nursing personal statement should be 1 ½ - 2 pages, double spaced, and detail your reasons for applying to the nursing program. We specifically look for four components in your essay:
- your command of the English language (correct grammar, appropriate style)
- health care interest
- commitment to social justice
- altruism (i.e., what will you give back to the communities you serve? How will you use your education to help people?)
3. Brief personal statement describing why you are applying to Seattle University (this is the Supplemental Application for Undergraduate Admission personal statement)
Following is a list of nursing prerequisites. Please note that you do not have to have all prerequisites completed by the application deadline, but they must be completed prior to beginning the program.
- MATH 110: Functions and Algebraic Methods (5 credits)
- PSYCH 120: Introductory Psychology (5 credits)
- BIO 200-210: Anatomy and Physiology with lab (10 credits)
- BIO 220: Microbiology with lab (5 credits)
- PSYCH 322: Growth & Development (5 credits)
- NURS 346: Statistics (3-5 credits)
I recommend that you closely compare course descriptions in the SU bulletin http://www.seattleu.edu/home/learning_teaching/bulletins_of_information/undergraduate/ with those for your university; you will want to take prerequisite courses whose content most closely matches our requirements.
You can find more detailed information about the prerequisite requirements and other information about applying at http://www2.seattleu.edu/nursing/bsn/ Click on "Transfer Students FAQs" to learn more about the process for applying.
The following is a very useful link to a transfer guide for the Washington State community colleges; this will help you determine which community college courses will transfer to Seattle University: http://www.seattleu.edu/registrar/TransferGuides.aspx
Our deadline for applications is January 5, 2011 and we admit transfer students one time per year in the fall. So, you would be eligible to begin in fall quarter 2011.
Should you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you.
Warm regards,
الزبده انو مولازم اكون ممرضه مسجله ...
- مرحبا اخوي مضلوم انا كويسه وماشي حالي7 "
ربي يسهل علينا وعليك يارب
يعني حاليا عندنا
1- جامعة ساوث الاباما
2- جامعة في كولورادو
3- جامعه بسياتل
4- وان شاءالله جامعة ويست فرجينيا << لسه مارد علي السوبر فايزر
ربي يسهل الأمور - حطو معاكم دي الجامعه كمان في تكساس ..مو طالبين التوفل وعندهم البرنامج الي ندور عليه7 "
رسلت لهم ودا الايميل الي وصلني منهم
Thank you for inquiring about the School of Nursing! We are here to assist you in any way that we can.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio offers traditional nursing educational options, as well as programs of study for individuals with prior education and experience. All programs of study are designed to facilitate educational mobility with as little duplication as possible. Graduates in fields other than nursing may transfer any accepted prerequisites from previously completed coursework, but must complete all other prerequisites as described below.
UTHSCSA School of Nursing Educational Options:
§ Bachelor of Science in Nursing for individuals with a non-nursing background (and for Diploma RN’s and ADN’s seeking a BSN)
§ Bachelor of Science in Nursing for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another field
§ Master of Science in Nursing for individuals with a BSN
§ Master of Science post MSN Certificates
§ Doctor of Philosophy for persons with a BSN
§ Doctor of Philosophy for persons with an MSN
Undergraduate Admission:
Admission to the Undergraduate Nursing Program is based on a holistic review of applicants. Consideration of multiple criteria is used to determine admission. Criteria may be found on the links from the home page. Applications are accepted online. A complete Application for Admission, required paperwork, and official transcript(s) from each and every academic institution attended must be provided by: January 10 - Fall Semester Admission; July 1 - Spring Semester Admission. The Registrar's Office completes the official evaluation and transfer of credits once application is completed. Questions about pre-requisites or transfer credits should be addressed to The Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Services, Ms. Hilda Mejia Abreu ( 210-567-5807 210-567-5807).
Factors that may be considered for Undergraduate Admission include:
- Pre-requisite course work
- Current CPR Certification
- Current Immunizations
- Current health insurance
- Basic computer skills
- Ability to pass a criminal background check
- Personal Interview
- Performance on standardized test
- Grade Point Average
Graduate Admission:
Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program is based on a holistic review of applicants. Consideration of multiple criteria is used to determine admission. The School of Nursing faculty believe that the learning environment is enhanced by differences in educational backgrounds, technological skill-sets, language and expression, social, ethnic, and racial diversity of students. From such differences evolve consensus of thought and perspective, a synergy of talent and capability, and, ultimately expansion of our intellectual capacity and range of problem-solving possibilities. Building and maintaining an academic environment which is hospitable to all will help insure the future diversity of our academic program and profession. If you have any questions please address them to The Graduate Academic Coordinator, Ms. Laura Hasewinkle ( 210-567-5818 210-567-5818).
Factors that may be included in consideration of applicants to our graduate program are:
- Basic statistics course
- Licensure as a Registered Nurse in Texas
- Ability to obtain professional liability insurance coverage
- Current CPR Certification
- Current Immunizations
- Current health insurance
- Basic computer skills
- Ability to pass criminal background check
- Professional goal statement
- Personal Interview
- Grade Point Average of "B" (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher preferred
- PhD students ONLY - 1,000 on the Graduate Record Examination General (Aptitude) Test (verbal and quantitative sections) preferred or 50 or higher (or 400 & higher) on the Miller Analogies Test (scores not more than five (5) years old)
- Four (4) satisfactory references / recommendations
- Race / ethnicity
- Employment history / work experience
- Service / volunteer activities
- Educationally &/or economically disadvantaged
- Bilingual speaking / reading ability
MSN Majors offered are:
§ Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
§ Administration in Community & Health Care Systems in Nursing
§ Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
§ Critical Care Nursing (Clinical Nurse Specialist)
§ Family Nurse Practitioner
§ Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
§ Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Helpful Links:
I am including our website links to provide more information about our programs in nursing at the Health Science Center. Further information such as residency requirements and the detailed admission criteria can be found on these links.
Open House on BSN/MSN/PhD Programs:
Review of Programs and Prerequisites, Answer Questions
Learn about Applications and Admissions
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
UTHSCSA School of Nursing view book:
Nursing School Cost /Application Deadlines / Financial Aid:
Student FAQ - School of Nusing UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
Student Services main page:
Student Services - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Prospective Students (all schools):
Prospective Students
Undergraduate Nursing admissions:
School of Nursing - Undergraduate Admissions
Undergraduate Pre-requisite Table:
School of Nursing *****alency Tables
Graduate Nursing admissions:
School of Nursing - Graduate Admissions
Current Students:
Current Students
General Information (academic calendars, insurance, class schedules, etc.):
General Student Information
Financial Aid:
Financial Aid
Student Life:
Office of Student Life (OSL)
Student Health Center:
General Admission Requirements for MSN Applicants:
• Submitted web application form (http://www.applytexas.org)
• BSN (ADN / Diploma for Alternate Entry)
• Current licensure as a RN in Texas
• Basic math statistics course
• GPA of 3.0 or higher preferred
• Ability to obtain professional liability insurance
• Ability to pass a Criminal Background Check
• Current CPR Certification
• Current Immunizations
• Current health insurance
• Basic Computer Skills
• Nurse Practitioner Statement (Nurse Practitioner applicants only)
• Three Letters of Recommendation
• $45 Application Fee
• Official transcripts submitted from each post-secondary institution
attended. All international transcripts must be evaluated by an accredited
foreign credentialing service.
General Admission Requirements for PhD Applicants:
Please refer to the following link for specific requirements:
GRE Score UTHSCSA school code is 6908
Admissions Deadlines:
• MSN and Alternate Entry Beginning Spring 2011: September 1, 2010
• MSN and Alternate Entry Beginning Fall 2011: February 1, 2011
• PhD (Fall entry only) Beginning Fall 2011: February 1, 2011
For Further Information, Contact:
Michael Ashburn
Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator
School of Nursing
<샤˝> (210) 567-5804 (210) 567-5804 (210) 567-5804
(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
Website: School of Nursing - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
Degree Tracks:
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Alternate Entry Masters Degree for ADN / Diploma RNs
Opportunity for individuals with an Associate degree/diploma in nursing to
complete the requirements for a BSN while earning a MSN
MSN & Alternate Entry Majors:
Administrative Management
• Focuses on administrative leadership & management of the nursing
business within our integrated health care system
• No specific work experience or Professional Statement required
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP)
• Prepares nurses to provide advanced nursing care across a continuum of
health care services to meet the specialized physiologic and psychological
needs of patients with complex acute, critical, and chronic health
• Two years acute/critical care nursing experience
Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
• Prepares nurses for the expanded role in assessment and treatment
of individuals across the lifespan and emphasizes a multidisciplinary,
culturally sensitive, community based approach which focuses on patient
care outcomes
• 2 years direct clinical experience
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP)
• Prepare nurses to provide primary health care to newborns, young
children, and adolescents in a variety of community health care settings
• 2 years direct clinical care experience working general pediatrics
Family Pyschiatric / Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (FPMHNP)
• Combines content from core courses in physiology, pathophysiology,
pharmacotherapeutics, and health assessment as a foundation for
advanced practice
• 1 year direct clinical care experience in psychiatric/mental health caring
Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing
General Admission Requirements for All Applicants:
• Completion of 62 hours of required prerequisite courses
• Minimum 2.5 GPA
• TEAS Standardized Exam
• CPR Certification
• Immunizations (Including all Hepatitis A&B Series)
• Clear Criminal Background Check
Required Pre-Requisite Courses or *****alents:
English (6 Hours)
ENGL 1301 & 1302
College Algebra or higher (3 Hours)
MATH 1314
Math Statistics (3 Hours)
MATH 1442
Anatomy & Physiology (8 Hours)
BIO 2401 & BIO 2402
Microbiology (4 Hours)
BIO 2420 or 2421
General Chemistry (8 Hours)
CHEM 1406 & 1407
Nutrition (3 Hours)
BIO 1322
Humanities (3 Hours)
Philosophy, Literature, modern or classical language and cultural studies
Psychology (3 Hours)
PSY 2301
Growth & Development (3 Hours)
PSY 2314
Sociology (3 Hours)
SOC 1301
U.S. History (6 Hours)
HIST 1301 & HIST 1302
U.S. Government (6 Hours)
GOVT 2301 & 2302
Visual & Performing Arts Credit (3 Hours)
Courses with prefixes ARTS, DANC, MUAP, MUEN, MUSI, DRAM, or *****alent
Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing
Program Tracks:
Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) –
• Designed for individuals with no previous nursing education or experience
• 24 month program
Accelerated Second Degree in Nursing (BSN) –
• Available to students with a bachelor’s degree outside of nursing from an
accredited College or University
• 15 month program
• Moves at a faster pace than the traditional track
Admissions are based on:
• GPA (minimum 2.5 GPA; competitive GPA > 3.0)
• TEAS Standardized Exam (Version 4.0)
• Application Essay Questions
Admissions Deadlines:
• Traditional BSN Beginning Spring 2011: July 1, 2010
• Accelerated BSN Beginning Summer 2011: November 1, 2010
• Traditional BSN Beginning Fall 2011: January 10, 2011
For Further Information, Contact:
Michael Ashburn
Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator
School of Nursing
Email: abreuhm
Website: School of Nursing - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
Online Application: http://nursing.uthscsa.edu/LandingStudent.aspx
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Ms. Hilda Mejia Abreu
Hilda Mejia Abreu, BA, MS
Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services
Email: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
Alta Bailey
Office for Students
School of Nursing
(210) 567-0341 (210) 567-0341
(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
اسم الجامعه وايميلهم وطرق المواصله موجوده
رحت لجورج ميسون بس ماحصل لي اقعد مع الادفايزر
وان شاءالله الاسبوع الجاي احاول بجامعه بتسبرغ وجامعه ويست فيرييجنيا بس مااتوقع لان الاسبوع الجاي
اجازات ف يمكن الي بعدو .. ادعوا لي ولكم عسى ربي ييسرها علينا اجميعن
المهم كلنا نبدا نشتغل في حكايه الرخصه والي عندو اي معلومه ولا يعرف اي احد اخد الرخصه
ياليت يفيدنا - صباحكم تفاح7 "
ايوه كذا بدينا نمشي صح ...
الشغل الجماعي حلو
مشكوره حبيبتي وحده من الناس << اسمك طويل هههههه
يلا بعد مين راسل وجا له الرد
حتى لو جامعه راسلتوها وجا الرد بالرفض علشان الشروط .... كتبوها علشان نبتعد عنها - مساء الخيرات << وحده طفشانه بقووه7 "
عندي ايميل من جامعة تورنتو من كندا طبعا ردهم معروف مافي معادله للدبلوم
عندكم نص لايميل يكون واضح نراسل فيه الجامعات ؟
ارسلت لكذا جامعه وردوا علي اني لازم احدد وش ابغى بالضبط ... يمكن كتابتي فيها غلط !!
كيفكم شخباركم ؟
تو دريت ان في عيون تناظرني غير حرف الــ ( ح ) هههههههه
هالمره حرف الــ ( ع )
علشان كذا ميتين قهر والحقد باين من عيونهم ..
موتو قهــر .... عنيدهـ وعنادي يعجبنـــي ...
واللي مو عاجبه ينتف حواجبه خخخخخخخخ
مادريت اني مهمـــه هههههههه
المهم ....
الجامعه اللي قلت عنها بكولورادو اللي فيها نيرسنج تراديشنال
راسلتها قبل اسبوع وردو علي ورجعت سألتهم امس وردو علي اليوم <<< عجبوني معطيني وجه
سألتهم عن اختبار السات والبورد قالو ماعندنا .... قالو اذا بتجين تكملين حياج الله لكن مانضمن لج انو احنا تعجبنا المعادله ووصف المواد اذا ماعجبتنا بتدرسين على انج فرش ...
المطلوب معادلة شركة ويس ...والتوفل طبعا ...
انا عاجبتني مره الجامعه مدري ليه ... بس بنفس الوقت انتظر قبول من واشنطن / بولمان
وهم ابغى قبول من بورتلاند <<< طماعه
على طاري بورتلاند
الزفته الجامعه اللي قلتي عنها يا بانسي ساحبه علي ... طيب عالاقل ردو وقولو نبـ نسحب عليك
انا من ناحيتي بقدر وبتسامح هههههههه
ها انتو وش اخباركم ؟؟
احس التجمع نااااايم
يلا صحصحــــووووووووووووو