يعطيك العافيه على الموضوع ,, انا قريت الموضوع امس واليوم من الصفحة 1 إلى 110 , ( حسيت اني فاضي جداً ) بس بعد ماقريت موضوعكم " بصراحه " لقيت اني استغليت وقتي بمعلومات مثيرة للجدل والاهتمام , ( الكثير يمدح بالمعهد ,, والقليل يذم ) , لذلك وحسب تقويم ام القرى اتخذت الاجراء التالي وذلك حسب خبرة لمدة 5 شهور في الولايات المتحدة الامريكيا,
وذلك حسب القرار رقم 678 في حياتي الدراسية , ان التعليم للغة الانجليزية تكون من مجهود شخصي وذلك بنسبة 70% , و30% من المعهد.
وانا راسلت هذي الجامعة , عشان انقل من معهد الحالي إليها.
Dear ((أسمي هنا )),
Thanks for your letter. Our Language and Culture Institute provides the conditional admission program. You need to follow this instruction
1, Complete the International Undergraduate Application From (see attachment)
2, Pay for the Undergraduate Application Fee (see attachment)
3, Submit your high school transcripts and diploma
Besides, you would also need to submit the LCI English program online as the same time, which is available at
Language and Culture Institute | Virginia Tech
1. Pay the application fee. Payment may be made by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Amex) or check drawn in U.S. dollars from a U.S. bank. To pay by credit card, download a credit card payment form at:
2. Supply proof of financial support (required for overseas applicants and F-1 transfers.) More information on proof of financial support can be found at:
Language and Culture Institute | Virginia Tech. A bank certification form may be downloaded at:
3. Transfer students already at another school in the United States should supply a completed transfer form. A transfer form may be downloaded at:
4. Supply a copy of the identification (photo) page from your passport.
Credit card payment forms must be faxed to (USA) 1-540-231-3306. Other supporting documents may be scanned and e-mailed to
Supporting documents may also be mailed to the following address:
Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute
English Language Program
840 University City Blvd., Suite 2 (0273)
Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
Applications will be considered once all of the above items are received.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Kindest regards,
Erte Li
Admissions Manager & Special Projects Coordinator
Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute
840 University City Blvd., Suite 2 (0273)
Blacksburg VA 24061 USA
Phone: 540-231-9192
Fax: 540-231-9490
erteli@exchange.vt.edu lci-info@vt.edu Language and Culture Institute | Virginia Tech
The English Language Program, a part of the Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute (VTLCI), is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. Details of this accreditation are posted at
Language and Culture Institute | Virginia Tech. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about accreditation, please contact the CEA, 801 N. Fairfax St. Suite 402, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703-519-2070,
والمعهد تابع للجامعة رداً على اقوال بعض المشاركين بالموضوع.
وان شاءالله انا جاي لكم بالسبرنق الاول.
وانا حالياً ارسال الجامعة للقبول المشروط واذا وصلني راح اشرح لكم بشكل مفصول طريقة التسجيل باذن الله.
موفقين ياشباب وياصبايا , وتمنى لكم التوفيق.
انا الآن ببلاكسبيرغ وساكن مع طلبة كويتيين
ولكن للاسف ازمة السكن شي مخجل !!
جامعه قوية كفرجينيا تيك ولا تتوفر على سكن لراحه طلابها ؟؟