الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Get iphone 3GS for free,, not joke

Get iphone 3GS for free,, not joke


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5477 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية aboraheal

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    aboraheal كندا

    aboraheal , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى Engineering , بجامعة King Faisal University
    • King Faisal University
    • Engineering
    • ذكر
    • Hasa, Eastern Region
    • السعودية
    • Dec 2009

    December 16th, 2009, 08:09 PM

    IM NOT SELLING ANY IPHONES BUT These are instructions on how to receive an authentic iPhone 3G S 16gb or 32gb at no cost to you, I am not selling the actual product. This is very EASY to do! It literally takes 10 minutes to setup. This is 100% real. This is not a scam. I will answer any questions you may have! Here is what you do. Click on the link below and register for your own free account. Pick an account type (referral is the easiest) and complete just 1 offer (Your account will stay in limbo until you do). No need to do 2 or 3 like other sites!!! Some offers are even no cost trials with nothing else to buy...No commitments!!! There are also cool offers which are services you would regularly sign up for anyway and are done over the sites secure network. Why not use them to get a free iPhone or cash? Once you complete the requirements listed below, they will ship your iPhone. No Joke, 100% REAL!!! The reason these companies make money, is because most people don't bother getting all the referrals. They use us as advertisement by word of mouth which saves them tons of money, which goes toward yours and my free gift. You will get your own personal link when you sign up under my link.

    1: Click Here or Copy and Paste into browser:

    2: Sign up and chose an account type (Referral is the easiest and best).
    3: Complete just 1 offer.
    4: Refer the required number of people to do the same 8 for 16GB iphones and 10 for 32GB iphones
    5: Receive your iPhone at no charge to you!!!!!!!!!! (Even The Shipping!!!) Be sure to take advantage of this offer.
    Tips on getting referrals

    • Copy the referral link and paste it into an email and send it to everyone in your address book.
    • Add your referral link to your signature on any forums you are a member of (if this is allowed).
    • Add your referral link to personal websites or blogs you contribute to.
    • Sign up to eXceem, a forum dedicated to incentive sites for some great advice on how to get referrals, and to participate in trades.
    • Put your referral link on some free business cards from VistaPrint

    THIS WORKS and has been proven by the NBC NEWS!!!
  2. المشكلة الرابط اللي حطيته ، ما زبط معك
    يعني راحت عليك

    على العموم كثير من الشباب مهو عارف الحكاية ، الحكاية ان هذا الموضوع يقول اضغط على الرابط اللي فوق وسجل و يجيك اي فون هدية ، طبعاً هذه نصبة ، الرابط اللي فوق حق موقع يبغى يجمع إيميلات

    الحكاية انك لما تضغط على الرابط اللي فوق و تسجل تنحسب نقاط للاخ اللي حط لنا الموضوع هنا ، وكل واحد يسجل عن طريق الرابط اللي حطه تنحسب له نقطة و اذا جمع على 500 نقطة ( يعني 500 واحد سجل عن طريقة ) يصير كاتب الموضوع يحق له يطلب الموقع جهاز اي فون

    انصحكم لا تسجلون لانهم بيغثونك بالدعيات هذا اولاً ، ثانياً ما احب النصب
    7 "

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