لا والله وانا اخوك مافيه .
والله يوفقك ان شاءالله وتحصل اللي تسعى له
fabio February 24th, 2011, 09:36 PM
7 " ابي اسال عن نسبت السعوديين عندكم
شكرا لك
عبدالعزيز المبتعث March 10th, 2011, 09:20 AM
7 " راسلتهم من حوالي أسبوعين ، و رد علي مدير القبول بهذي الرسالة :
Dear Students:
Regretfully, we must inform you that the Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission has advised us that Southern New Hampshire University is unable to accept English as a Second Language (ESL) students or graduate students who want to pursue any of our masters degrees, except the Master of Education in Child Development. Our enrollment has exceeded the amount allowed by SACM.
We can accept applications for most of our undergraduate degrees. If you or any of your family members or friends would like to pursue a bachelors degree and do not need English instruction, we would gladly receive your applications.
We do expect this ban to be lifted in the future when the student numbers decrease.
Steven Harvey, PhD, Director
International Admissions
Office of International Admissions
2500 N. River Rd/ Manchester, NH 03106-1045 / t: 603 645 9629 f: 603 645 9603 "
أ بـو بـد ر March 11th, 2011, 12:38 PM
7 " السلام عليكم
اخوي هل يوجد تخصص احياء ؟
butterfly pink March 13th, 2011, 03:03 AM
7 " اخوي
هل يوجد عندهم بالماجستير ل BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER او محاسبه
ابو عمر11 March 13th, 2011, 04:48 AM
7 " مرحبا
انا جامعتي ان شالله في نيو هامشر , دورهام
حبيت اسال عن المشرف الاكاديمي عندكم وهل ممكن يصير نفس المشرف لان الجامعة تابعة للي في مانشستر ؟
ndoosh_99 March 13th, 2011, 07:13 AM
7 " - عدد السعوديين في المدينه مايقارب 160 طالب وطالبه ...
fabio March 13th, 2011, 03:52 PM
7 "
والله يوفقك ان شاءالله وتحصل اللي تسعى له