الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


عوائل وغرف في بوسطن

عوائل وغرف في بوسطن


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4738 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. This is a very new duplex with hardwood floors and new appliances located right off Tremont Street close to Brigham Circle. We have a basement and a laundry/dryer in our house. There are three floors. The room that is available is the largest in the house and located on the second floor. You would share a bathroom with one of our currently three roomies. The apartment is furnished except for the bedroom that we would sublet. We are right in between the Orange and Green Line of the T. A Stop and Shop is a 5 minute walk away. Lots of bars and restaurants are around to spend your money! We are looking for a clean and sociable person! Just contact us and we will be happy to meet you and show you around! (Pictures to follow soon!)
    8572473861 Greta
    Mission Hill
    $1000 per Month
    7 "
  2. We are two girls from Massart looking for another roommate or two to fill our beautiful four bedroom apartment. It is located right by the Harvard Ave and Packards Corner T stops. There are four large bedrooms, 2 full baths, and a spacious kitchen equipped with modern appliances including dishwasher, large oven, and built in microwave. Its located on the first floor of the building, there is laundry in the basement, and the owner is great!
    If you are interested we have a realtor who is ready to show you how great it is
    8603673838 Erin
    $675 per Month
    7 "
  3. The total rent a month here is $1400 and I only moved in this past week myself, so I have not paid utilities yet. However, the very friendly girl who lives in the apartment above me said depending on the time of year the utilities are around $200 a month. We would split the rent evenly so we will each pay $700 a month and then split utilities evenly each month as well. My landlord Ron said he will need to run a credit check on the Roomate I find, but we can worry about that after you get back in touch with me if you are still interested in the room. I do not have a tape measurer yet so I'm not sure of the exact size of the room. Both. Scrolls are the same size and I can tell you that I have a large queen size bed in the corner of my bedroom and have about 4ft of space between my bed and the walls. Your room is unfurnished and as for the rest of the apartment i have a nice Fouton for a couch, a popizan chair a coffee table, and a large tv on a desk for now. I do need a dining room table. We can switch out any of my stuff for yours if we both want to because there is storage in the basement. The lease is until April 2013 and first and last months rent is required apon move in. Since we split rent it would be 700 for first and 700 for last, a total of 1400. Then you would pay rent normaly from month to month. I have a small shitzu-poodle mix that is exremly friendly and well trained. I personally would like to have an opportunity to meet you before you move in with me.

    3056086313 Sandy
    $700 per Month(s)
    7 "
  4. Affordable HomeStay - Home - Boston, MA. وللحجز عن طريق هذا الرابط ويجب عليك دفع 150 دولار حق التقديم http://www.affordablehomestay.com/St...plication.html. ومكتوب بالموقع انهم يبون يرجعون لك المبلغ اذا ماحصلو لك عايلة. info@affordablehomestay.com*
    Phone: 856-575-1884
    Fax: 781-581-1246. وهذي أسعارهم. SINGLE (private bedroom)
    Single Room $775 per month (does not include meal plan)
    Single Room $975 per month (includes breakfast and dinner)
    DOUBLE (share a bedroom with another exchange student)
    Double Room $700 per month (does not include meal plan)
    Double Room $800 per month (includes breakfast and dinner)
    7 "
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