الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


عوائل وغرف في بوسطن

عوائل وغرف في بوسطن


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4749 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dr/hadeel
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    الله يعطيك العافيه والصحه و يوفقك علئ مجهودك
    ليتني قرأت موضوعك من زمان ... لسه اليوم شايفته وانا رحلتي لبوسطن يوم 16 مارس
    صراحه مارتبت ولا شي ايش تنصحني؟
    . أختي هذة العائلة كلمتهم وعندهم غرفة http://www.bostonhomestaysearch.com/...ile.php?ID=529. وهذا رقمهم Call me at 617-320-2928
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dr/hadeel
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    الله يعطيك العافيه والصحه و يوفقك علئ مجهودك
    ليتني قرأت موضوعك من زمان ... لسه اليوم شايفته وانا رحلتي لبوسطن يوم 16 مارس
    صراحه مارتبت ولا شي ايش تنصحني؟
    . أختي راسلت هذة العائلة ويوجد عندها غرفة وعندها الاستعداد لاستقبالك في المطار مع العلم انها سيدة وتريد طالبة فقط. 781-526-3325* I am working now, I can pick up your call after 6:00PM tonight.
    1275 Salem St Malden MA 02148
    We have two children, Joshua and Ashley. We would like to share our culture and exchange our experiences with you.* We want our children to expose to people around the world and to gain conversational experience.* We so far hosted students from Japan, Korea, China, Saudi Arabia and Spain.*
    Our house is an old New England Colonial house, 3 levels 2 full bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry area, back porch, with outside patio and good size yard to relax.* You can take a walk in our neighborhood any time of the day.* Malden was named the best city in Massachusetts to raise a family in 2008 in the Business Week Magazine, reference at http://www.cityofmalden.org/.* The home is located in Malden, a suburban city north of Boston, approximately 6.4 miles from KIC Boston, and is within walking distance of shops, restaurants and public transportation. It will take about 30 minutes by public transportation to travel to KIC Boston. Cindy (Host mom) is a banker and she has been working in a commercial bank for more than 15 years. Host Dad Joshua works for the United State Post Office as a carrier.* Joshua (son) DOB 3-7-99 is a student at the Charter school.* Besides school work, he have extra curriculum, he study math at the Russian school or math, he attends the Chinese school in the weekend, he practice Kung Fu, he plays lacrosse at school and he goes to swim lesson at the local YMCA.* Ashley (daughter) DOB 7-7-06 is also a student at the Charter school. She likes ballet class, swim class, she also studies at the Russian School of math, and she attends Chinese school and Gymnastic at the weekend.** When we have free time, we like to watch a movie or go to the movies.* We really enjoy going to the zoo or the museums.* We are member of the Stone Zoo and Museum of Science, so we like to utilize the membership as much as possible.* Playing a board game during down time is one of our favorite too. We have two small dogs, a beagle named Bailey and Russell named pepper.* They are family dogs and learned to get along with everyone so well.* They grew up with our children, so they are part of our family.* We have Wifi, a home phone for local calls and laundry facilities for your laundry.*. هذا رقم هاتفها 7815263325. وأيميلها. cindycohen.us@gmail.com. وهذا العنوان 1275 Salem St Malden MA 02148
    7 "
  3. 2 cozy unfurnished Bedrooms available for rent in a large NON SMOKING Triple decker

    -Utilities included (heat, hot water and electricity)
    -3rd floor of a 3 family house
    -Large Shared Living room
    -Large shared dining room
    -shared Kitchen with separate eat- in area
    -Shared Bathroom
    -Cats are allowed
    -Laundry is across the street.
    -Plenty of street parking.
    -Close to bus lines #22, #23, #28, #29, #45, #16, & #14. 45 Minutes to downtown Boston via bus and train.
    -New Commuter Rail Station opening soon
    -Owner occupied
    -3 bedrooms available

    Requesting single occupancy in each room
    1 closet and 2-3 windows that get plenty of sun.
    asking for Security deposit of $300 (can negotiate) and first months rent to move in. 6 months lease
    See pictures online Pictures by harlemhouse - Photobucket
    Background check required
    Did I mention this is a NON SMOKING residence

    Available Now

    Contact: ToRena 617-953-5315

    Harlem Street at Glenway Street (google map) (yahoo map)
    cats are OK - purrr
    Location: Dorchester
    7 "
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