that's kinda strange,!!!
they did the same thing to me! but i wanted to major in Aero Science and what i was told is i should contact the Saudi-Airlines to get permission in order to change my major into that one! They told me that was the only major should be authorized by the S-A as well! However, i did so, i gave them all they wanted and I'm still waiting!! they said i had to wait for their call to do the interview and another test! it's been almost two months now and they have not call me back! The school starts on Jan/7, so that i thought that there was no time coz it's only one month from now! I had to give it up and starting applying for some others school with a dfrnt major!
but u r kinda difrnt! Our majors are not alike! so, u may do it easily!
See attach
7 " they did the same thing to me! but i wanted to major in Aero Science and what i was told is i should contact the Saudi-Airlines to get permission in order to change my major into that one! They told me that was the only major should be authorized by the S-A as well! However, i did so, i gave them all they wanted and I'm still waiting!! they said i had to wait for their call to do the interview and another test! it's been almost two months now and they have not call me back! The school starts on Jan/7, so that i thought that there was no time coz it's only one month from now! I had to give it up and starting applying for some others school with a dfrnt major!
but u r kinda difrnt! Our majors are not alike! so, u may do it easily!
See attach
November 28th, 2012, 08:58 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهأنا مبتعث وأدرس هندسة ميكانيكية وقد قمت بالتقديم على تغيير التخصص والجامعة لتخصص علوم طيران في جامعة إيمبري ريدل وعندي قبول نهائي من الجامعة. أرسلولي الملحقية تعهد أوقع عليه إنو أنا أغير تخصصي ووقعتها وأرسلتها لهم اليوم شيكت المعاملة لقيتها راحت من مشرفي الحالي إلى مشرف الإقليم الجديد ورجعت مرة ثانية لمشرفي الخلاصة إنهم أعادولي الطلب وقالولي إنو على حسب إتفاقية مع الخطوط السعودية يجب على الطلبة الراغبين في دراسة التخصص إحضار ورقة ترشيح من الخطوط السعودية وأن يكونو مرشحين من الخطوط السعودية. ياشباب إلي عندو أي فكرة على الي حاصل ولا يعرف كيف وإيش المشكلة أرجو إنو ما يبخل عليا ولو بكلمة لأنو باقي على الترم في الجامعة إلي أنا فيها حاليا أسبوعين فقط ولازم أحول أوراقي كلها قبل نهاية الترم. وشكرا جزاكم الله خير