الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تجمع طلاب جامعه +معهد University of Pennsylvania

تجمع طلاب جامعه +معهد University of Pennsylvania


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6200 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. ايها الفيلادلفيين هلمو الى هذا المسج

    المعهد ارسلو بخصوص السكن يقولون السكن في الشيرتون بح شوفو غيره

    Dear Students,
    I am sending this email to remind you that you ought to be making
    housing arrangements for this summer. If you have not already applied
    and paid for the Sheraton, this housing option is no longer available.
    Please do not send applications for the Sheraton. Please take the time
    to look into our other housing options. I would recommend I-House, The
    Stratum, the summer dormitory or Homestay.
    You can visit International House at: http://www.ihousephilly.org/
    The Stratum at: http://www.the-stratum.com/
    the ELP dorms through ELP's website under housing or at:
    or send in an application form for Homestay (included in your materials
    As housing in Philadelphia can be limited, I recommend you make your
    decision and apply as soon as possible. If you have already made other
    housing arrangements, please disregard this message.
    Good luck in your housing decision,
    Alysia Joost

    Alysia Joost
    Coordinator of Student Services
    English Language Programs
    7 "
  2. this letter
    From The Radian Apartments
    The Thank you for your interest in The Radian. We are completely leased out
    of our One bedroom apartments for Fall 2008. Our one bedrooms start at $1350/month which includes all of your utilities and access to all of The Radian's amenities. We only have availability in single bedrooms within our three and four bedroom apartments. I can get you more information on those bedrooms or I could place you on our waitlist for next year. Let me know what you decide.
    Thank You

    Dan Barry
    The Radian Apartments
    Assistant Community Manager


    يا شباب حاولت استئجر
    قالولي فللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللل لللل

    وش السواة

    ادميرال عضيلي
    لا بس اخذ كت كات ماخذ بريــــــــــــك

    وين نسكن والله بالشه متوقع الاقي شقق
    7 "
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