مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
i_M3S , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى Civil Engineering آن شآء آلله
- Civil Engineering آن شآء آلله
- ذكر
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- السعودية
- Jan 2013
المزيدl January 11th, 2013, 12:22 AM
January 11th, 2013, 12:22 AM
السسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته..
لن اطيل عليكم فأنا طالب مقدم على الآبتعاث على حسابي الخآص، و سجلت في جآمعة تمبل في بنسلفينا.
آريد منكم المساعدة في تعبأة نموذج القبول في الجامعةة
و شكرآ جزيلآ لكم..
الصصؤرة الآؤلى..
و هاذي نسختها من البي دي آف و لصقتها في الموضوع، هع هع..
و فيه صورة ثآنية لآ تنسون هههههع
Financial Certificate (IN U.S. DOLLARS) Intensive English Language Program1700 N. Broad Street, Suite 211Philadelphia, PA 19121 USAPhone: 215-204-7899Fax: 215-204-3892Email: ielp@temple.eduwww.temple.edu/ielp AMOUNT $___________ $____________ I. Personal and/or Family Savings Name of Bank _______________________________________________ Bank Address _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______ City State/Province Country Postal Code II. Parents and/or Sponsors Name(s) of Parent(s)_________________________________________ _ Name(s) of Sponsor(s) __________________________ Relationship of sponsor to student ______________ Parents' or Sponsor's Address ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______City State/Province Country Postal Code III. Government or Other Agency Name(s) of Sponsoring Agency ___________________________________ Sponsoring Agency Address _____________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______City State/Province Country Postal Code NOTE: If you are sponsored by a government or other official agency,please provide a signed copy of your award letter. IV. Other (Please specify) Name __________________________________________________ __ Address __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______City State/Province Country Postal Code $____________ I certify that the total amount of money that I have for my first academic term of study at the Temple UniversityIntensive English Language Program is the required minimum in U.S. dollars and that the total amount available foreach subsequent term of study is sufficient. I certify that the above information is correct and complete. Applicationfees and health insurance fees are non-refundable; tuition refunds are based on the Temple University refund policy.I understand that admission to the Intensive English Language Program is not admission to undergraduate orgraduate degree programs of Temple University. __________________________________________________ _______________________ First Name Middle Name ____________________________________Signature Last/Family Name ___________________Date
الصورة الثآنية..
النسخ من البي دي اف..
Authorization for Document Delivery How would you like to receive your eligibility information?
Regular mail (no charge to applicant; no tracking number will be provided with this service and it could take up to a month for international mail.)
UPS express mail (related charge will be placed on your credit card bill; check www.ups.com for shipping rates.) Credit card # _______________________________ Expiration date: ________________Credit card security code __________ Postal code associated with the card ___________Name on credit card __________________________________________________ ______ I authorize IELP to charge this credit card for the full cost of express shipping . ** Your credit card information will be shredded as soon as your payment is processed. ** __________________________________________________ _______________________
[IMG]file:///page1image9152[/IMG] [IMG]file:///page1image9312[/IMG] [IMG]file:///page1image9472[/IMG]
First Name Middle Name ____________________________________Signature Last/Family Name ___________________Date
و ششششكرآ لكم.. أول شي مين اللي بيصرف عليك وبيتكفل بالمصاريف المطلوبة ؟
bandar sa January 11th, 2013, 04:56 PM
7 " انا ناوي على المعهد بس متردد ، كيف دراسه المعهد ؟ وكم لليفل وكم مدة الليفل
والجامعه قبولها المشروط صعب او سهل ؟ علماً ان نسبتي بالثانوية منخفضه راح اطلب تحويل لها انا حاليا مبتعث ومتواجد في امريكا
start66 January 12th, 2013, 03:43 AM
7 " والله هو ودريسكل الوحيدين الاكاديمات المفتوحات بفيلي , انا اخترته لانهم كاتبين موضوع تصويت افضل المعاهد وهو طالع ضمنها وعموما اللغة تعتمد عليك , اما بالنسبة للقبول المشروط ماعندي خلفية عنه ادخل صفحتهم وشوف ايش مكتوب , لكن قريت بموضوع هنا انه المعهد يأهلك لجامعتهم بدون توفل بس صراحة مو متأكدة
seham1986 January 12th, 2013, 08:33 PM
7 "
January 11th, 2013, 12:22 AM
السسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته..لن اطيل عليكم فأنا طالب مقدم على الآبتعاث على حسابي الخآص، و سجلت في جآمعة تمبل في بنسلفينا.
آريد منكم المساعدة في تعبأة نموذج القبول في الجامعةة
و شكرآ جزيلآ لكم..
الصصؤرة الآؤلى..
و هاذي نسختها من البي دي آف و لصقتها في الموضوع، هع هع..
و فيه صورة ثآنية لآ تنسون هههههع
Financial Certificate
Intensive English Language Program1700 N. Broad Street, Suite 211Philadelphia, PA 19121 USAPhone: 215-204-7899Fax: 215-204-3892Email: ielp@temple.eduwww.temple.edu/ielp
I. Personal and/or Family Savings
Name of Bank _______________________________________________
Bank Address _______________________________________________
__________________________________________________ _______
City State/Province Country Postal Code
II. Parents and/or Sponsors
Name(s) of Parent(s)_________________________________________ _
Name(s) of Sponsor(s) __________________________ Relationship of sponsor to student ______________
Parents' or Sponsor's Address ____________________________________
__________________________________________________ _______City State/Province Country Postal Code
III. Government or Other Agency
Name(s) of Sponsoring Agency ___________________________________
Sponsoring Agency Address _____________________________________
__________________________________________________ _______City State/Province Country Postal Code
NOTE: If you are sponsored by a government or other official agency,please provide a signed copy of your award letter.
IV. Other (Please specify)
Name __________________________________________________ __
Address __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ______City State/Province Country Postal Code
I certify that the total amount of money that I have for my first academic term of study at the Temple UniversityIntensive English Language Program is the required minimum in U.S. dollars and that the total amount available foreach subsequent term of study is sufficient. I certify that the above information is correct and complete. Applicationfees and health insurance fees are non-refundable; tuition refunds are based on the Temple University refund policy.I understand that admission to the Intensive English Language Program is not admission to undergraduate orgraduate degree programs of Temple University.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
First Name Middle Name
Last/Family Name
الصورة الثآنية..
النسخ من البي دي اف..
Authorization for Document Delivery
How would you like to receive your eligibility information?
Regular mail (no charge to applicant; no tracking number will be provided with this service and it
could take up to a month for international mail.)
UPS express mail (related charge will be placed on your credit card bill; check www.ups.com for
shipping rates.)
Credit card # _______________________________ Expiration date: ________________Credit card security code __________ Postal code associated with the card ___________Name on credit card __________________________________________________ ______
I authorize IELP to charge this credit card for the full cost of express shipping .
** Your credit card information will be shredded as soon as your payment is processed. **
__________________________________________________ _______________________
[IMG]file:///page1image9152[/IMG] [IMG]file:///page1image9312[/IMG] [IMG]file:///page1image9472[/IMG] First Name Middle Name
Last/Family Name
و ششششكرآ لكم..