الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تجمع طلاب معهد CMMS لجامعة Ucf في اورلاندو (المرحلة التاسعة)

تجمع طلاب معهد CMMS لجامعة Ucf في اورلاندو (المرحلة التاسعة)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 3994 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة & CAPTAIN &
    مبرووووك ... عقبال البقية ان شاء ﷲ قريب
    الله يبارك فيك
    يبلونه ويشربون مايه خلاص جبت قبول منزماااان من جامعه ثانيه ،،، هذولي من جد دايخين
    اذا الرد اخذ حول ٣ شهور اجل القبول كم يبي له

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة & CAPTAIN &
    If a student would like to request a conditional letter, they must provide the following information and documents to the International Services Center. Please read all of the information below very carefully before submitting documents.

    The conditional admission process at UCF is separate from the actual application process. Conditional admission does not require an application to UCF. An application should ONLY be submitted when a student is ready to apply for actual admission consideration and fulfill ALL of the required academic supporting documents, including test scores. Any documents provided to the International Services for conditional admission do not go towards the actual application, and any documents provided to The College of Graduate Studies for the application do not apply to conditional admission.

    Please provide the following if you are interested in conditional admission:

    Copy of Passport

    Biographical information to add the student to our system; please fill out the below information exactly:

    · Complete name as listed on passport
    · Mailing address
    · Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)
    · Contact information (Email addresses, Mailing address, Phone number)
    · Major or program of interest (List of graduate degrees at UCF: http://www.graduatecatalog.ucf.edu/programs/)
    · Sponsor contact information (if you are currently funding yourself, please tell who you plan to obtain a scholarship from or who is requiring the conditional admission letter).

    Academic Information to determine if you are eligible to receive a conditional letter:

    · Please provide copies of your bachelor’s and/or master’s degree transcripts and degree certificate in English. Transcripts must confirm you have the *****alent of a U.S. degree with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 out of 4.0. Evaluations of these transcripts can be conducted by our university to determine if your grades meet the requirement.

    You may send documents to the following address:

    Shajira El Masri
    University of Central Florida
    International Services Center
    4000 Central Florida Blvd.
    Building 81, Suite 101
    P.O. Box 160130
    Orlando, FL 32816-0130

    Please do not provide original documents for the purpose of conditional admission. While your actual application requires original documents, for conditional admission we only need to see copies. You are welcome to mail, fax, or email copies of your documents.

    Once documents are received and evaluated, you will be contacted to inform you of our ability to issue a letter. Conditional letters issued by UCF do not guarantee admissions to the university, as you must meet other requirements such as GRE and TOEFL scores. Other factors, such as individual interviews, work experience and prior research work are also considered when you apply. Please keep in mind that receiving a conditional admission letter is only for the purpose of obtaining funding from your sponsor to come and study English and then prepare for a degree program. It does not guarantee you a saved spot for admission.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I will look forward to having the opportunity to further assist you.

    هذا ايميل الجامعة لما طلبتهم قبول مشروط
    تصدق الظاهر نفس الرد اللي جاني منهم حرفيا ،، شيقولون فيه ؟
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة finalhope
    دراستي ستبدأ في 28 اغسطس وموعد رحلتي هو يوم 18 اغسطس إن شاء الله.
    أنا بحثت عن المجمعات السكنية وحصلت واحد سمعته جيدة تبع الجامعة وقريب من الجامعة,عبارة عن شقة مفروشة وفيها نت وتلفزيون وسرير ودولاب ولك غرفة وحمام خاص فيك
    لكن معك في الشقة ثلاثة اشخاص كل واحد له غرفة وحمام
    سعرها 675 دولار
    لكن المطبخ والجلسة مشتركة
    وهذا ما يخوفني إني اكون مع ناس مزعجين أو غير منظمين أو بالعامي (قذرين)
    يا اخوان انا ساكن 15 دقيقه بعيد عن ال ucf ادور علي روميت يسكن معي البيت 2 غرفه و 3 حمام ايملي longship7@gmail.com ابعث ايميل و ا عطيك معلوماتي و تلفوني

    سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
    7 "
  3. السلام عليكم ياجماعه انا جاني قبول وسفري قريب والان تجيني رساله على الايميل اللي فهمتو انهم يبغو اثبات على التطعيمات بس ماني فاهم ايش يبغوا بالضبط انا ارسلت الورقه اللي جاتني بعد ما عبيتها من المستشفى في احد يفيدني ايش المطلوب وهذه الرساله

    Our records indicate that you will be attending a orientation in the near future. We have not received proof of your mandatory immunizations.

    Attached to this email is the UCF Mandatory Immunizations Form and an EXAMPLE of the Florida Immunizations Form 680. Please read the instructions prior to filling out the form to ensure accurate completion. If you do not have a primary physician to complete the form, you may ATTACH the Florida Immunizations Form (Form 680) which is issued by the state Health Departments or receive a copy of your immunization records via FloridaShots. We accept official immunization documents from: state health departments, military records, baby immunization booklets with an official stamp, and immunizations from other universities. As a last resort, you may check the first page of your high school transcript which will usually include proof of your immunizations excluding Meningitis.

    The Immunization Form UCF requires is located on our website at www.hs.ucf.edu under Forms/ Immunizations/ UCF Mandatory Immunizations. Once completed, you may fax, mail, or physically bring the form in to the Health Information Management department in the UCF Health Center. We DO NOT accept immunization via email.

    If you are under 18 years old, you will need a parent or guardian to sign the bottom of the Mandatory Immunizations Form to give parental consent. For those also under the age of 18, the waiver below section A must be signed by you parent/guardian only if you are choosing to decline Hepatitis B or Meningitis.

    As you may know, a hold has been placed on your account until documentation is received by our department. Once we have your complete record we can lift the hold on your account and you will be able to register for classes on orientation day. Please allow up to 48 hours for our office to process your documents. You may check to see if your my.ucf.edu account to verify if your immunizations hold has been removed.

    You must meet these requirements before registering for classes at your orientation so please submit this documentation three weeks prior to your orientation date

    This email has been generated automatically; Please DO NOT reply to this email. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 407-823-3707. Our fax number is 407-823-3135.
    7 "
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