الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


The Keyhole Prespective

The Keyhole Prespective


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

مشاهدة نتائج الإستطلاع: Do you agree with what is said

11. أنت لم تصوت في هذا الإستطلاع
  • Yes, I do

    7 63.64%
  • No, I do not

    4 36.36%
  1. عسولة جده
    Well that's a start :P

    Yes that's very true, I believe when ever they see those big chunks of text, they get so frustrated, and just respond based upon what they can convey from the subject alone, and some might go thru the trouble of reading a line or two

    I'm very glad you said that, 'cause with out a doubt the islamic religion is not open for "questioning" and far be it for any to do so, but some people mistake those who want to question for those who want to understand and seek an explination so they attack both alike - even though this is just one side of what I was going for in this thread -, you see questioning represents doubt while asking for explinations or just merely talking thru the matter helps understand the religion further and strengthen one's believes, wouldn't you agree

    جمال الثاني
    True, even though in all fairness there are people who are on the contrary of such

    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Proud

    I'm very glad you said that, 'cause with out a doubt the islamic religion is not open for "questioning" and far be it for any to do so, but some people mistake those who want to question for those who want to understand and seek an explination so they attack both alike - even though this is just one side of what I was going for in this thread -, you see questioning represents doubt while asking for explinations or just merely talking thru the matter helps understand the religion further and strengthen one's believes, wouldn't you agree

    جمال الثاني
    True, even though in all fairness there are people who are on the contrary of such

    I totally agree with you, but the problem is that you don't expect any uneducated people in their religion participating in this forum. I think the minimum age here is 20, any anyone who is at that age has to know everything about his religion. I wanna thank you 4 this interesting discussion. your bor Azozy1
    7 "
  3. any anyone who is at that age has to know everything about his religion
    I'd have to disagree with you on that, I can't see a connection between age and religion knowledge, I'm almost 21 and don't know all there is to know about my religion, and on a second note, if some do actually know everything about it then why would they mind explaining it to those who don't
    7 "
  4. السلام عليكم ..

    Thank you for participating with us in this wonderful forum. However, allow me to throw my two cents. Honestly, I don't believe that the keyhole prespective applies in our community UNLESS you are discussing something religious. Some religious topics are discussable but some are truly out of the question. For religious is not about understanding but about trust and faith. Faith in Allah's wisdom who knows what we do not know. And to prove my point. When Islam came and prohibited people from drinking alcohol, they did not seek and answer or reason behind the order they recieved. They simply submitted to the order. Only now after scientific research do we know the effects alcohol has on the human body and mind.

    Now, I only assume you're referring to religious topics because our whole lives revolve around religion. Our everyday decisions and actions are based on our religion. There is no way you can find an action that a muslim does or a decision that he or she takes without referring to his or her religion as a source or a reason for taking that action or decision.

    I know you think some issues are atleast explainable. But I say they are only to a certain point where you have to continue believing blindfoldedly.

    I think it would be more clear for me to explain if you state what had triggered this thought in your mind. Only then could we, the members of this forum, help you
    7 "
  5. First off, I really appreciate your well sought and organized answer, but my thread is not religiously oriented, yes that might've been part of the concept, but not all, and I'd like to point out that I wasn't pointing my finger towards any community or society, but for individuals, and as for matters such as alcohol consumption, you see I don't drink alcohol out of religious believe, yet I do know that it has been prohibited due to reasons that we all know and understand, actually the beauty of this religion is that everything makes perfect sense, all what I'm saying is that having an understanding helps creat a solid firm base to build your principles on, and if some one disagrees and sees that all is a given, then at least do not inflame the OP, that is the point of the thread, wether you agree or disagree, either participate on a constructive basis avoiding all inflamation forms, and respect the person who created the subject, or just refrain from participation

    P.S. This thread is not about religion, so please do not deviate from the main concept, for this is not the place and I am not the guy to talk about religious matters

    7 "
  6. Greetings once again

    I haven't the slightest clue on what way, shape or form is my response "inflaming" the discussion. How was I not respecting the participants of this thread? Calm down this is a mere debate, if even. There is no reason to be hostile

    Now, I don't believe I have deviated from the concept because all the "individuals" in this forum are of a strict religious background. Like I said, our religion influences all our judgments and actions. Therefore, your small note at the end does not apply to us. And if you say you're not the guy to talk about religious matters, then perhaps you should think about what forum you're typing in. And what type of website this is and what the goal behind it is. The reason I insist on bringing religion up is because there is in no way we would believe a statement is "given" unless it is religious. Please recall our purpose of living, or the reason behind our creation. I'm assuming you ARE a muslim.

    Now if you want me to put on my philosophical persona, then allow me. You have begun this discussion by genarlizing a concept. Your excuse was "the majority of the people you came across." Now my friend, do you honestly believe that such reason would make the concept apply to everyone? I rarely, if. ever, come across someone with such a perspective. I don't believe it is common at all. Unless like I have stated before it is religious.

    I would really like to know the source of this thought so we can truly discuss it. Accept my thoughts as I accepted yours. My words have no way of disrespect.
    7 "
  7. Oh no no, you've got it all wrong, I never meant your response when I mentioned the inflammation part, and here's a glimps of my response

    all what I'm saying is that having an understanding helps creat a solid firm base to build your principles on, and if some one disagrees and sees that all is a given, then at least do not inflame the OP, that is the point of the thread, wether you agree or disagree, either participate on a constructive basis avoiding all inflammation forms, and respect the person who created the subject, or just refrain from participation
    As you can see, I was still on the main topic, I was telling you that it's not about certain subjects and the goal behind this thread is to question why "some" people inflame instead of participating in a constructive argument, and if I may quote my self again

    First off, I really appreciate your well sought and organized answer
    As you can see I was not intending your response by the OP inflammation part, and forgive me if it seemed like it

    As for the every thing is evolved around religion, yes that I agree with, but that doesn't negate the fact that most things have explinations and almost nothing is inexplicable

    Your thoughts are more than accepted, and I'm glad to have you writing in this thread

    Best of All

    7 "
  8. No don't worry about it, truth is I'm known for writing messed up responses

    And as for what triggered the whole thing, well I can't put my hand on an exact subject, you know how things pile up, 'til you feel the urge to say something about it, mm.. let's take for example a subject like, marriage and whether is the option to marry a foreigner open or not, that seems to be opened quite often :P, you have to see those inflammations, and non-constructive in anyway replies, and as we all know there is nothing in religion that prohibits such a marriage, another example would be say the way people dress, I always get questioned - interrogated seems to be a more fitting word, not to mention the looks - for the way I dress , and as far as I know, there's nothing to prohibit that in the Islamic religion am I wrong?, I mean I've been dressing like so thru-out my entire life

    And even if someone were to open a religious discussion, I don't believe that, that justifies a strict response, I can't speak for everyone but usually when I ask any religious question I truely am seeking a better understanding to shatter any doubt I have about that matter, so it really doesn't help when I get inflamed or even get strictly shut out

    7 "
  9. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عسولة جده
    عقبـــااااااااااااااااااااااال مانصــــــــــــير زيكـــــــــم بلاااااااااااااااااااااااااابل

    ماشاء الله عليكـــــــــــــــــــــــــــم

    وعقبالنـــــــــــــــــا ان شاء اللــــه

    أنا بلبله بـــس على قــــدي

    thank you <<<< هوا دا اللي فالحــــه فيه

    اي ما شاء الله عليكم

    وانا معك اختي عسوووله ان شاء الله نبلبل بالانجليزي

    thank you
    7 "
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