الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


حوار تجمع طلاب Oregon State University

حوار تجمع طلاب Oregon State University


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5346 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    الإخوه الكرام : بودي لو تساعدونني إن إستطعتك حول الأمر الذي أنا في حيرة منه
    ولم أفهم كونها أولى تجاربي التقديمية على الجامعات، بعد أن قدمت على جامعة Oregon
    State University لكي ألتحق بهم بالصيف وبعد أن أكملت جميع الخطوات من دفع المبلغ
    المالي للأبليكيشن أون لاين وأرسلت لهم جميع الأوراق كطلب قبول مشروط لكي أدرس
    بمعهد اللغة التابع للجامعة ومن ثم بعد الإنتهاء أبتدي الدراسة بالجامعة وصلتني
    رسالة تهنيني بقبولي وطلبوا مني ثلاثة أمور لم أفهمها على الإطلاق علماً أنني خريج
    كلية الجبيل الصناعية والبعثة ضمن برنامج الملك عبدالله للإبتعاث الخارجي.

    وهذه الرسالة، إن إستطاع أحد توضيح المتطلبات أكون له شاكر :

    Dear Alhomaidi ,
    We are happy to announce that your application for admission to
    Oregon State University has been approved for CONDITIONAL admission!
    Congratulations and welcome to the OSU community!
    You have been
    admitted CONDITIONALLY because you have not yet satisfied the English Language
    requirement. If you have already provided or are able to provide a TOEFL or
    IELTS score prior to enrolling, you may be eligible to enroll part-time in
    Academic courses and part-time in English language courses, depending on your
    score. If you have not provided or do not plan on providing a TOEFL or IELTS
    score prior to enrolling, you will be required to enroll full-time in English
    language courses for at least your first term. If your initial term of
    attendance begins in the Summer term, you will be required to take full-time
    English language courses for the Summer term, regardless of your
    Within the next one to three weeks, you should receive an
    envelope by post with the following items:
    1. An official OSU Letter of Conditional Acceptance
    (please verify that all information is correct.)
    2. An OSU I-20 or DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility (used
    to apply for the F-1 or J-1 visa),
    Or, no document (if you are currently in the U.S. and will
    transfer* your F-1/ J-1 visa to OSU or remain on a visa type other than the
    3. a Pre-Departure Guide - http://oregonstate.edu/admissions/in...de-2011-12.pdf
    *F-1 students who are currently in the U.S. will need to
    request a transfer of their SEVIS records from the previous school to OSU. No
    new I-20 will be enclosed at this time.
    F-1 Visa Transfer
    Instructions can be found at: Welcome to OSU! | International Programs | Oregon State University
    Newly Admitted International Student Information - Welcome to OSU! | International Programs | Oregon State University
    Housing Options:
    For general information about locating
    housing in Corvallis, please visit: Housing Resources | International Programs | Oregon State University
    you wish to apply for on-campus housing, you may do so at this time by using
    your OSU ID number. University Housing & Dining Services | University Housing & Dining Services | Oregon State University
    While it is important to first receive your official Oregon State
    University documents before proceeding with your visa application, we encourage
    you to visit certain websites in the meantime.
    Applying for a U.S.
    Student Visa: Student Visas

    SEVIS Fee: https://www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/

    US Embassies and Consulates: U.S. Department of State
    We appreciate the fact that these next few months will be very
    exciting and momentous ones for you as you make preparations to leave your home
    environment and travel to the U.S.
    If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at intladmit@oregonstate.edu.
    OSU ID:
    Warm regards,
    Division of
    Academic Affairs and International Programs
    Office of International
    Oregon State University
    1701 SW Western Blvd

    Corvallis, OR 97331 USA
    7 "
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