الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


خدمة للقادمين الى سان دييقوٍ (San Diego)

خدمة للقادمين الى سان دييقوٍ (San Diego)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5008 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. Warm greetings from San Diego!

    I have attached student invoice for the above-referenced student.

    If you plan to be sponsored by a scholarship through an embassy or other government agency, please make sure that you provide your Official Financial Guarantee letter to our office before the first day of registration. The Financial Guarantee needs to be addressed to “University of California, San Diego” and include the student’s Full Name, Scholarship/Cultural/Mission ID number, Dates of Scholarship Coverage, and Advisor Information. Financial Guarantee letters stating ‘For Admission Purposes Only’ will not be accepted at registration, as they are not the Official Financial Guarantee letter required for funding. Students may not attend classes until they have submitted their official Financial Guarantee letter or paid for their program.

    Paying By Credit Card? – (Preferred Method)

    If you are paying by credit card, please complete the credit card authorization form found on page 2 of the attached invoice and send the completed form to our secure fax machine at +001-858-534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. The University accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, and Discover. The majority of credit cards have a daily limit which an individual is allowed to charge. Always check with your credit card company about your daily charge limit before faxing your credit card information to us.

    Bank-to-bank transfers via Western Union Business Solutions – NEW!

    UC San Diego Extension International Programs works with Western Union Business Solutions to provide international students with a low-cost option for paying their student invoice in their home currency. Western Union Business Solutions offers a competitive rate of exchange for processing payments in many international currencies. It allows students, their families, or sponsors the opportunity to securely send bank-to-bank transfers for payment of tuition and fees in their home currency. For instructions on how to send a bank wire via Western Union Business Solution, please go to http://extension.ucsd.edu/department...roll/index.cfm and scroll down to the Bank-to-bank transfer via Western Union Business Solution section. The International Programs website will give you clear instruction on how to make individual and group payments, including links to the Western Union Business Solution’s webpage.

    It is important to remember that once you click the submit button on the Western Union website, you must take the summary page (quote) to your bank within 72 hours so your bank can complete the wire transfer.

    If you plan to send fund by Western Union Business Solutions please read the “Bank-to-Bank Transfers via Western Union Business Solutions” attachment in this Email.

    Please note that the invoice reflects the official start-date of classes, not the program start-date beginning with Orientation week as published in our brochure. All new students must arrive by our program Orientation start-date (the published brochure date) to receive the necessary testing and orientation.

    Mandatory Medical Insurance - (Please see attached Medical Verification Form)

    If students decide to purchase non-UCSD medical insurance, they are required to have the attached form completed by their insurance company, including the name and contact information of the company representative completing the form as well as the Official Stamp of the Medical Insurance Company. It must clearly show coverage dates for the duration of the student’s program at UC San Diego, and it must have the following minimum required coverage amounts: $250,000 USD per illness or injury; $25,000 USD for medical evacuation; $10,000 USD for repatriation of remains. The deductible should not exceed $75 USD per illness or injury and coverage must be at 100% after the deductible. Clear instructions for reimbursement must be explained in English on the document from the medical insurance company. Students must provide the completed form to iphealth@ucsd.edu 30 days before the student’s program registration. Otherwise, the student will be required to purchase UCSD insurance at the time of registration. If you would like to purchase UCSD medical insurance, please complete the insurance form found on page 2 of the invoice and send the completed form, along with payment, to our secure fax machine at +001-858-534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. Be sure to add in your new grand total including the medical insurance amount and required $25 bank wire fee (if applicable).

    TB ASSESSMENT: (Please see attached TB Questionnaire and Assessment Form)

    All incoming students must send the completed TB Screening Questionnaire and/or the TB Assessment form by fax or email to +001-858-534-5703 or iphealth@ucsd.edu 30 days prior to their program start date. If the students answer any of the questions on the TB Questionnaire “yes”, they need to take the Tuberculosis skin or blood test. If students take the skin test, please make sure that the doctor completes the section about the result, the date of the skin test and the date (usually 3 days later) of the follow-up exam of the skin test. The skin test information without those dates is not valid. If the result of skin or blood test is positive, chest x-ray is also required. The doctor must also sign/date the bottom and, if possible, place the clinic’s stamp somewhere near his signature. You can either fax or email scanned PDF file to iphealth@ucsd.edu. Students who do not complete and send to us the required TB Screening and/or TB Assessment forms prior to the program published start-date will be considered to have incomplete program registration and will not be permitted to attend any classes until the required documents have been received and approved by UC San Diego Student Health Services.

    Missing Payments, Medical Insurance or TB Form = Delayed Class Start

    The University is required to verify funds received, TB form and medical insurance before students can attend classes. In order to make the registration process as efficient and smooth as possible for our students, we request that you send all fees and tuition, including medical insurance and TB form, to us 30 days before the first day of the program start-date. This allows enough time for receipt and proper crediting of your payment to your account before the program start-date.

    If a NEW student arrives on time and is not able to complete registration by the end of the first day of the program OR if a NEW student arrives late, we will charge the student a $200 USD Late Registration Fee. Students should be sure to arrange their travel to San Diego and accommodations in advance so that they can be here for the first day of the program. The first day of the program is the published start-date in our brochure and on our website. (Note: We strongly recommend that students arrange air travel for arrival in San Diego two or more days before the program starts, to allow time for travel delays and settling in with their accommodation situation before their programs starts.)

    Thank you in advance for your support in providing your payment, medical insurance information, and TB assessment form to us as soon as possible.

    If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    Allen Kim

    UC San Diego Extension, International Programs

    Phone: 858-534-6784

    Fax: 858-534-5703

    9500 Gilman Drive MC 0176D

    La Jolla, CA 92093-0176



    ادري طويله رسالة المعهد لكن اللي فهمته انو قبل يوم من بدء الدراسه اجيب لهم الضمان المالي من الحكومه ل اخوي !!

    فيه شي ثاني طالبينه الحين مني او متلكك شي له بالتسجيل ؟
    ارد عليهم بشي او اطنشهم 😕🙇

    اكثر وحده تسأل * اخاف اتصرف بدون سؤال😥
    شكرا مقدما
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نور28
    Warm greetings from San Diego!

    I have attached student invoice for the above-referenced student.

    If you plan to be sponsored by a scholarship through an embassy or other government agency, please make sure that you provide your Official Financial Guarantee letter to our office before the first day of registration. The Financial Guarantee needs to be addressed to “University of California, San Diego” and include the student’s Full Name, Scholarship/Cultural/Mission ID number, Dates of Scholarship Coverage, and Advisor Information. Financial Guarantee letters stating ‘For Admission Purposes Only’ will not be accepted at registration, as they are not the Official Financial Guarantee letter required for funding. Students may not attend classes until they have submitted their official Financial Guarantee letter or paid for their program.

    Paying By Credit Card? – (Preferred Method)

    If you are paying by credit card, please complete the credit card authorization form found on page 2 of the attached invoice and send the completed form to our secure fax machine at +001-858-534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. The University accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, and Discover. The majority of credit cards have a daily limit which an individual is allowed to charge. Always check with your credit card company about your daily charge limit before faxing your credit card information to us.

    Bank-to-bank transfers via Western Union Business Solutions – NEW!

    UC San Diego Extension International Programs works with Western Union Business Solutions to provide international students with a low-cost option for paying their student invoice in their home currency. Western Union Business Solutions offers a competitive rate of exchange for processing payments in many international currencies. It allows students, their families, or sponsors the opportunity to securely send bank-to-bank transfers for payment of tuition and fees in their home currency. For instructions on how to send a bank wire via Western Union Business Solution, please go to http://extension.ucsd.edu/department...roll/index.cfm and scroll down to the Bank-to-bank transfer via Western Union Business Solution section. The International Programs website will give you clear instruction on how to make individual and group payments, including links to the Western Union Business Solution’s webpage.

    It is important to remember that once you click the submit button on the Western Union website, you must take the summary page (quote) to your bank within 72 hours so your bank can complete the wire transfer.

    If you plan to send fund by Western Union Business Solutions please read the “Bank-to-Bank Transfers via Western Union Business Solutions” attachment in this Email.

    Please note that the invoice reflects the official start-date of classes, not the program start-date beginning with Orientation week as published in our brochure. All new students must arrive by our program Orientation start-date (the published brochure date) to receive the necessary testing and orientation.

    Mandatory Medical Insurance - (Please see attached Medical Verification Form)

    If students decide to purchase non-UCSD medical insurance, they are required to have the attached form completed by their insurance company, including the name and contact information of the company representative completing the form as well as the Official Stamp of the Medical Insurance Company. It must clearly show coverage dates for the duration of the student’s program at UC San Diego, and it must have the following minimum required coverage amounts: $250,000 USD per illness or injury; $25,000 USD for medical evacuation; $10,000 USD for repatriation of remains. The deductible should not exceed $75 USD per illness or injury and coverage must be at 100% after the deductible. Clear instructions for reimbursement must be explained in English on the document from the medical insurance company. Students must provide the completed form to iphealth@ucsd.edu 30 days before the student’s program registration. Otherwise, the student will be required to purchase UCSD insurance at the time of registration. If you would like to purchase UCSD medical insurance, please complete the insurance form found on page 2 of the invoice and send the completed form, along with payment, to our secure fax machine at +001-858-534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. Be sure to add in your new grand total including the medical insurance amount and required $25 bank wire fee (if applicable).

    TB ASSESSMENT: (Please see attached TB Questionnaire and Assessment Form)

    All incoming students must send the completed TB Screening Questionnaire and/or the TB Assessment form by fax or email to +001-858-534-5703 or iphealth@ucsd.edu 30 days prior to their program start date. If the students answer any of the questions on the TB Questionnaire “yes”, they need to take the Tuberculosis skin or blood test. If students take the skin test, please make sure that the doctor completes the section about the result, the date of the skin test and the date (usually 3 days later) of the follow-up exam of the skin test. The skin test information without those dates is not valid. If the result of skin or blood test is positive, chest x-ray is also required. The doctor must also sign/date the bottom and, if possible, place the clinic’s stamp somewhere near his signature. You can either fax or email scanned PDF file to iphealth@ucsd.edu. Students who do not complete and send to us the required TB Screening and/or TB Assessment forms prior to the program published start-date will be considered to have incomplete program registration and will not be permitted to attend any classes until the required documents have been received and approved by UC San Diego Student Health Services.

    Missing Payments, Medical Insurance or TB Form = Delayed Class Start

    The University is required to verify funds received, TB form and medical insurance before students can attend classes. In order to make the registration process as efficient and smooth as possible for our students, we request that you send all fees and tuition, including medical insurance and TB form, to us 30 days before the first day of the program start-date. This allows enough time for receipt and proper crediting of your payment to your account before the program start-date.

    If a NEW student arrives on time and is not able to complete registration by the end of the first day of the program OR if a NEW student arrives late, we will charge the student a $200 USD Late Registration Fee. Students should be sure to arrange their travel to San Diego and accommodations in advance so that they can be here for the first day of the program. The first day of the program is the published start-date in our brochure and on our website. (Note: We strongly recommend that students arrange air travel for arrival in San Diego two or more days before the program starts, to allow time for travel delays and settling in with their accommodation situation before their programs starts.)

    Thank you in advance for your support in providing your payment, medical insurance information, and TB assessment form to us as soon as possible.

    If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    Allen Kim

    UC San Diego Extension, International Programs

    Phone: 858-534-6784

    Fax: 858-534-5703

    9500 Gilman Drive MC 0176D

    La Jolla, CA 92093-0176



    ادري طويله رسالة المعهد لكن اللي فهمته انو قبل يوم من بدء الدراسه اجيب لهم الضمان المالي من الحكومه ل اخوي !!

    فيه شي ثاني طالبينه الحين مني او متلكك شي له بالتسجيل ؟
    ارد عليهم بشي او اطنشهم 😕🙇

    اكثر وحده تسأل * اخاف اتصرف بدون سؤال😥
    شكرا مقدما
    لا تردي ، بس تعالي قبل موعد دراستك بأسبوعين اقل شي عشان يمديك تخلصي امورك مع الملحقية و تعطيهم الضمان المالي قبل بداية الدراسة ، لان لو ما دفعتي احتمال ما يخلونك تبدي دراسة و راح ياخذوا عليك ٢٠٠ دولار تاخير اذا لا سمح الله تأخرت امورك مع الملحقية و بتدفعي من عندك ، علما ان الملحقية ما راح تعوضك عن ال ٢٠٠ دولار
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mr.Abbas
    لا تردي ، بس تعالي قبل موعد دراستك بأسبوعين اقل شي عشان يمديك تخلصي امورك مع الملحقية و تعطيهم الضمان المالي قبل بداية الدراسة ، لان لو ما دفعتي احتمال ما يخلونك تبدي دراسة و راح ياخذوا عليك ٢٠٠ دولار تاخير اذا لا سمح الله تأخرت امورك مع الملحقية و بتدفعي من عندك ، علما ان الملحقية ما راح تعوضك عن ال ٢٠٠ دولار
    شكرررا ربي يسعدك 🌸
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ورق خسرآن
    السلام عليكم

    هل اقدر احصل قبول مشروط ماستر في سان دييغو
    وياليت تعطوني افضل المعاهد اللغه ويفضل الدراسه تبدأ بعد شهر جون
    للأسف ما اعتقد ان فيه جامعات يعطوا قبول مشروط للماستر ، بس بالنسبة المعاهد انصحك بواحد من هذي المعاهد American language institute التابع لجامعة San Diego state university او English language institute التابع لجامعة university of California San Diego
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Bayan1990
    فيه احد في سان دييقو الحين؟

    بروح بعد شهر وودي احد يساعدنا بموضوع السكن
    افضل شي تروحي هناك وتشوفي بنفسك ...

    او تتواصلي مع الشباب في جروب الفيس بوك
    7 "
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