الجامعة ممتازة والحياه فيها حلو كووووووووو هد
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6798 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- سان دييقو ستيت ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟7 "
خبري ان سان دييقو مدينة ميب ولاية ..!!! - Hi Bro7 "
I go to San Diego State
Any inquiry go ahead I'll answer you - انا محتار بين university of sandiego و sandiego state univالاولى جامعة خاصه والثانيه عامه ايهما أفضل؟؟وانت NAS في اي جامعه تدرس هناك؟؟وبالنسبه للاكل هناك و المطاعم الحلال كيف الوضع بالضبط؟؟7 "
- Hi bro7 "
I am in San Diego State University in ALI ( American Language Institute ) the difference between SDSU and UCSD
UCSD is better than SDSU . Their institute has alot of assignment , but SDSU not that much as UCSD does
The city is very nice and has alot of places to go ,yet it is expinsive .. It deserve to be expinsive
Anyways , you're gonna find Arabic stores everywhere don't worry. There are tons of stores
That's all what I remember now
Any inquiry please ask
I apologize that I've written in English , for I don't have an Arabic keyboard - أخوي Nas ياريت تعطيني اميلك عشان ابغى اسالك بعض الاسئله عن سان دييجو وشكرا7 "
مع خالص تحيات أخوك COWBOY
ايميلي للتواصل :- talsulami@hotmail.com - Hi NASiam talking about university of san diego and this is thier web site www.sandiego.eduit is private university if you have any information about it please tell me...7 "
7 " - USD is the best university in SanDiego , but their institute is not much ( the school language ) but the University mrahhhh rheibah7 "
Also, it is kinda of hard to obtain an admission condition from these school ....
Actullay , I am looking for an admission from USD , but I haven't got it yet
Anyways , the school is pretty good
I wish ya luck to find an admission from there
My E-mail/ hidiego@hotmail.com
* I don't have a MSN account but anyways send me a message - hi NASi have send you a message check your e mail7 "