مبتعث جديد New Member
المملكة المتحدة
Mohammed Jafar , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من البحرين
, مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة
, تخصصى اللغه الانجليزيه
, بجامعة A2z
- A2z
- اللغه الانجليزيه
- ذكر
- Manchester, Manchester
- البحرين
- Aug 2012
المزيدl November 27th, 2012, 06:48 AM
November 27th, 2012, 06:48 AM
الرسالة كاملة اتمنى الترجمه وشنو المطلوب وكيف ارسله
Welcome to Connect English. Thank you so much for your application!
I will assist you with your registration at Connect and the student visa.
There are a few easy steps to begin:
1. Send me a scanned copy of your passport
2. Send me a scanned copy of your official bank statement (must have at least $3000 USD)
3. Make online payment for the International Student Fee (this includes Application, Placement, Registration, Shipping Fees, and I-20 and visa document preparation)
Payment page
In the payment description section please write "ATTENTION JILLIAN ROSS – Mohammed Jaffar - International Student Fee"
If you are interested in accommodations, we can offer homestays with American families through our agents at Kamo Housing (
or independent apartments through Studio 819 (www.Studio819.com ( It depends on your preference, but both are excellent options.
Attached is a summary of costs document that will give you more information about the application process as well as our pricing. When you have new questions, just ask me. I am ready to help you with all of your preparations.
ومرفق الاسعار راح انزله الظهر بدخل من الاب توب اتمنى الرد
ضروري إخواني
واذا في واحد يسهل علي يجيب قبول من المعهد يكون أحسن هع هع
Mohammed Jafar November 27th, 2012, 02:06 PM
7 " شباب ابي اعرف كم راح يطلع علي اذا ابي اسجل في المعهد
اذا ابي اسجل لمدة ست اشهر لغه عامة
English FOCUS course (12 hours per week). $325/4 weeks*
Morning or Afternoon English MAX course (18 hours per week) $375/4 weeks**
TOEFL MAX course (18 hours per week). $475/4 weeks
Promotional pricing for two complete 8-week sessions $1325/16 weeks of English MAX
مافهمت شي بس الي فهمتني وأبيه هو الثاني على ماضن مكثف مكتوب تحت اذا 16 اسبوع يكون السعر 1325
انا ابي 24 اسبوع يعني ازيد عليهم هذا 375
Mohammed Jafar November 28th, 2012, 06:44 AM
7 "
November 27th, 2012, 06:48 AM
الرسالة كاملة اتمنى الترجمه وشنو المطلوب وكيف ارسلهWelcome to Connect English. Thank you so much for your application!
I will assist you with your registration at Connect and the student visa.
There are a few easy steps to begin:
1. Send me a scanned copy of your passport
2. Send me a scanned copy of your official bank statement (must have at least $3000 USD)
3. Make online payment for the International Student Fee (this includes Application, Placement, Registration, Shipping Fees, and I-20 and visa document preparation)
Payment page
In the payment description section please write "ATTENTION JILLIAN ROSS – Mohammed Jaffar - International Student Fee"
If you are interested in accommodations, we can offer homestays with American families through our agents at Kamo Housing (
or independent apartments through Studio 819 (www.Studio819.com ( It depends on your preference, but both are excellent options.
Attached is a summary of costs document that will give you more information about the application process as well as our pricing. When you have new questions, just ask me. I am ready to help you with all of your preparations.
ومرفق الاسعار راح انزله الظهر بدخل من الاب توب اتمنى الرد