الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


القادمين لساندييقو بكلفورنيا

القادمين لساندييقو بكلفورنيا


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5813 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. مشكور عزيزي مجنونها على الرد الوافي ، بس كيف ارتب وصول ابني الى ساندياقو واحسن خط طيران علما بانا نسكن في مدينة الدمام بالمنطقة الشرقية . وما هو القبول المشروط هل welcome letter تكفي , او I20 يكفي ايضا . تقبل تحياتي وسامحنا على كثرة الاستفسار ولكن تعرف ابني اول مره يغادرنا وهو ابني الاكبر .
    7 "
  2. السلام عليكم ..اخواني ارجوا منكم المساااعده . وبالاخص اخوي مجنووونها ( بيض الله وجهك )القبول وصل اليوم بالبريد الولاية / كالفورنيا المدينة / سان ديغوالمعهد / LSI موعد بدايه الدراسة / Jun/6/2011ولا قد سويت موعد مع السفاره وانا بجده الحين وراح اسوي موعد مع القنصليه بجده في اقرب وقت ولا معي سوى 27 يوم من هذا اليوم لاكمال الاجراءات ( يارب ما تتأخر ) كيف المعيشة هناك بالولايه ذي ؟؟والمعهد كيف مستواه ؟؟آآآآآآآآآآآآمل منك المساعده ..وياليت الله لا يهينك ترسل ايميلك خاص وربي اني محتااااس للأخر
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Al1
    شكرآ على ردك ولاكن اريد منك اسماء لمعاهد افضل الموجود من المعترف بها ولازالت متاحة من قبل الملحقيه
    والله يجزاك خير

    للاسف ما اقدر انصحك بمعهد انا عارف انة مسبقاً ليس في المستوى المطلوب ، تقدر ترجع للصفحات السابقة وراح تلاقي اني وضعة قائمة بالمعاهد ومنها تستطيع الالمام اكثر بكل المعاهد . ولو تب نصيحتي ان تبي نصيحتي ان تبحث عن معهد قوي تابع لجامعة في اي مدينة أخرى .

    وبالتوفيق اخوووي
    7 "
  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
    أخي الفاضل مجنونها ..
    ألف شكر على تعاونك ..
    أنا جاني قبول معهد بسان دييقو بمنطقة إسمها لاهويا .. San Diego - La Jolla
    وعندي سؤالين..
    الأول: كم المدة اللي أحتاج أقضيها بواشنطن عشان أرتب اموري مع الملحقية؟؟
    الثاني:هل تنصحني أستأجر شقة عن طريق النت قبل أوصل لسان دييقو؟؟ أو أبحث من هناك؟؟
    وألف شكر لك ..
    7 "
  5. اخوي مجنونها وباقي الاخوان

    انا جاني قبول من معهد ESL في مدينة ميلواكي في ولاية ويسكونسن في شمال امريكا ع البحيرات العظمى

    وكلمت المكتب يغيرها الى سان دييغو

    وردوا علي بانهم راسلوا المعهد

    وقبل شوي جاتني هالرسالة

    University of California, San Diego

    Greetings from San Diego! Thank you for your interest in the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego). UC San Diego is ranked 14th internationally in the 2008 academic rankings of world universities conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and 8th overall in the USA. With a faculty of 8 Nobel Prize recipients, UC San Diego is recognized throughout the world for its great beach-front location, research, faculty members, and for its “top-notch” graduate and undergraduate programs.

    For more information about the many Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D programs that we offer on campus please go to www.ucsd.edu or you may email infointernational@ad.ucsd.edu.

    UC San Diego Extension International Programs is a department of UC San Diego which provides international students and professionals an opportunity to advance career and academic objectives. UC San Diego Extension International Programs offers short-term and intensive English language programs for professional and academic development, university credit programs (short-term study abroad), customized programs, and professional certificates to help the student or professional achieve career goals. Extension International Programs presents a great environment to learn, network, and have access to UC San Diego’s many world-renown resources. For more information on any of the programs listed below, please email ipinfo@ucsd.edu

    English Language Programs
    UC San Diego Extension International Programs offers short-term and intensive English language programs to international students 18 and older of all levels of English language proficiency. Testing at the beginning of the each program will determine students' placement. There are 12 levels of English language instruction.

    - Communication and Culture
    - Intensive Academic
    - Intensive TOEFL
    - Intensive Business
    - English for Tourism and Hospitality
    - Intensive Legal English
    - Medical English

    University Credit Programs
    University Credit Programs, such as the University and Professional Studies (UPS) and Summer Session, are short-term study abroad programs which allow international students to enroll in University and University Extension courses for university and/or university extension credit. Credit earned in these courses may be transferred to the student’s school in their home country. These programs do not lead into matriculation into UC San Diego degree programs, but are great if the student would like to have a “California-Cool” study-abroad experience! For more information please send an email to ups-programs@ucsd.edu or visit our website at www.ip.extension.ucsd.edu.

    Professional Certificate Programs
    Professional Certificates offered through UC San Diego Extension International Programs help you to develop the skills and competitive advantage to accelerate your career goals in Business Management and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Please see our website at www.ip.extension.ucsd.edu for more detailed information about our many certificate programs.

    - Business Management (Pre-MBA, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources)
    - Business Essentials (Three months)
    - Accelerated certificate in Comparative Marketing
    - Teaching English as Foreign Language Proficiency
    - Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
    - Teaching English to the Young Learner (TEYL)
    - Teaching English Grammar (TEG)

    Thank you for your interest in the University of California, San Diego, and good Luck!

    All the best,

    Kind Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Cordialement - Saludos

    University of California, San Diego
    Extension International Programs
    tel: (858) 534-6784
    fax: (858) 534-5703

    Celebrating visionaries, innovators and overachievers
    —50 years of achieving the extraordinary
    Click here to join the celebration!

    ياليت تخبرني وش يقصدون

    وهل هو قبولي في معهد اللغة

    وما رايك في هالمعهد

    علما بانني من طلاب المرحلة السادسة من بعثة الملك الله يحفظه لنا

    وطالب ماستر
    7 "
  6. اخوي مجنونها وباقي الاخوان

    انا جاني قبول من معهد ESL في مدينة ميلواكي في ولاية ويسكونسن في شمال امريكا ع البحيرات العظمى

    وكلمت المكتب يغيرها الى سان دييغو

    وردوا علي بانهم راسلوا المعهد

    وقبل شوي جاتني هالرسالة

    University of California, San Diego

    Greetings from San Diego! Thank you for your interest in the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego). UC San Diego is ranked 14th internationally in the 2008 academic rankings of world universities conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and 8th overall in the USA. With a faculty of 8 Nobel Prize recipients, UC San Diego is recognized throughout the world for its great beach-front location, research, faculty members, and for its “top-notch” graduate and undergraduate programs.

    For more information about the many Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D programs that we offer on campus please go to www.ucsd.edu or you may email infointernational@ad.ucsd.edu.

    UC San Diego Extension International Programs is a department of UC San Diego which provides international students and professionals an opportunity to advance career and academic objectives. UC San Diego Extension International Programs offers short-term and intensive English language programs for professional and academic development, university credit programs (short-term study abroad), customized programs, and professional certificates to help the student or professional achieve career goals. Extension International Programs presents a great environment to learn, network, and have access to UC San Diego’s many world-renown resources. For more information on any of the programs listed below, please email ipinfo@ucsd.edu

    English Language Programs
    UC San Diego Extension International Programs offers short-term and intensive English language programs to international students 18 and older of all levels of English language proficiency. Testing at the beginning of the each program will determine students' placement. There are 12 levels of English language instruction.

    - Communication and Culture
    - Intensive Academic
    - Intensive TOEFL
    - Intensive Business
    - English for Tourism and Hospitality
    - Intensive Legal English
    - Medical English

    University Credit Programs
    University Credit Programs, such as the University and Professional Studies (UPS) and Summer Session, are short-term study abroad programs which allow international students to enroll in University and University Extension courses for university and/or university extension credit. Credit earned in these courses may be transferred to the student’s school in their home country. These programs do not lead into matriculation into UC San Diego degree programs, but are great if the student would like to have a “California-Cool” study-abroad experience! For more information please send an email to ups-programs@ucsd.edu or visit our website at www.ip.extension.ucsd.edu.

    Professional Certificate Programs
    Professional Certificates offered through UC San Diego Extension International Programs help you to develop the skills and competitive advantage to accelerate your career goals in Business Management and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Please see our website at www.ip.extension.ucsd.edu for more detailed information about our many certificate programs.

    - Business Management (Pre-MBA, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources)
    - Business Essentials (Three months)
    - Accelerated certificate in Comparative Marketing
    - Teaching English as Foreign Language Proficiency
    - Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
    - Teaching English to the Young Learner (TEYL)
    - Teaching English Grammar (TEG)

    Thank you for your interest in the University of California, San Diego, and good Luck!

    All the best,

    Kind Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Cordialement - Saludos

    University of California, San Diego
    Extension International Programs
    tel: (858) 534-6784
    fax: (858) 534-5703

    Celebrating visionaries, innovators and overachievers
    —50 years of achieving the extraordinary
    Click here to join the celebration!

    ياليت تخبرني وش يقصدون

    وهل هو قبولي في معهد اللغة

    وما رايك في هالمعهد

    علما بانني من طلاب المرحلة السادسة من بعثة الملك الله يحفظه لنا

    وطالب ماستر
    7 "
  7. اخواني بس حبيت أسال عن معهد LSI في سان ديغو انا سمعت انو مو كويس بس حبيت أسال اللي درس في المعهد أو عنده معلومة أكيدة يا ريت يفيدني من ناحية مستوى الدراسة و الالمام يالغة مع العلم انو لغتي متوسطة بس احتاج اكمل ماجستير في الجامعة

    و جزاكم الله الف خير
    7 "
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