الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


حوار ............ تجمع مدينة اثينز ............

حوار ............ تجمع مدينة اثينز ............


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5449 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. آآميــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــن ربي يسمع منك

    الحمدالله ريحتني الله يريحك .... هم وانزاح

    سؤالي الثاني كان عن قبول الجامعه بالنسبة لطلاب البكالوريس كيف الوضع لازم توفل او ايلتس وكم الدرجه ؟

    واذا بالك طويل ... ملخص عن المدينه من شقق وايجارات ... ومواصلات ... ومستشفيات .. والجو هناك

    اذا ما عليك أمر ^_^
    7 "
  2. Yes, dear sister if you are under 23, you must live in the dorm for at least a year then you may move out of the dorm to an apartment unless Ohio house administration gives you an excuse by providing a letter that you have accompany with you and so on

    In terms of admission I have been working hard to reduce the the admission requirements particularly for undergraduate students

    Undergraduate students may start their academic classes while they are in the part time levels or obtain the TOEFL score of 525 or obtain at least B grade or higher in your English classes

    In terms of dwellings
    These are the most common flats in Athens, Ohio

    River Park Tower
    ACC - Contact Us
    Mill Street Village
    Mill Street Village - Great Apartments in Athens, Ohio
    University Courtyard Athens in Athens, OH * Ambling Student Living
    The Summit at Coates Run

    i remain respectfully

    Finally If I were you, I would sublease Sattam's apartment which ends of leasing on 7/31/2012

    سطام محمد

    7 "
  3. Ohio University English Language Proficiency for Undergraduate Students

    Students who are conditionally admitted to Ohio University based on English language criteria have multiple paths to begin full-time academic studies. One path is to achieve a required test score on language proficiency tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS. Another path is to successfully complete English studies in the Ohio Program of Intensive (OPIE) without the need for a TOEFL or IELTS score.

    Any undergraduate student may directly enter into full-time academic study based on the following language test scores.

    TOEFL Paper-Based (PBT) TOEFL Internet (IBT) IELTS
    All Colleges
    (except the College of Business)
    525 with composition score of 50* 71 with writing sub-score of 17 6.0
    no sub-score below 6.0
    College of Business 580
    no sub-score below 52
    no sub-score below 17
    no sub-score below 6.0
    * Students achieving a PBT TOEFL score of 525 but a composition score less than 50, will need to successfully complete OPIE 065 four-hour composition class

    TOEFL and IELTS results must be sent directly to Ohio University Office of Undergraduate Admissions from the testing agency. Ohio University's TOEFL institution code is 1593; IELTS results must be sent by paper. Language proficiency test scores must be less than one year old.

    Entry into full-time academic study at Ohio University may also be achieved by successfully completing English study in OPIE. After completing an initial on-campus language assessment, a student is assigned to one of the five OPIE levels. Then, by successfully progressing through OPIE and completing the 8-hour Bridge Program, with one of the grades described below, a student can begin full-time academic studies without a final TOEFL or IELTS score.

    All Colleges
    (except the College of Business)
    Completion of the 8-hour OPIE Bridge Course with grade of B- or higher. * (No TOEFL Required)
    College of Business Completion of the 8-hour OPIE Bridge Course with grade of A- or higher. ** (No TOEFL Required)

    *Students with 8-hour Bridge grades less than B- will need to take an additional 8-hour course and achieve a grade of at least C (2.0) for full-time entry into academic study.

    * *College of Business (COB) students with a Bridge grade less than A- will need to take an additional 8-hour course and achieve a grade of at least B- for full-time entry into academic study. If a COB student fails to achieve a grade of at least a B- in the 8-hour Bridge course a second time, he/she can begin full-time academic studies based on required results of the Paper-based TOEFL (one section score of 52 and other sub-scores of at least with 50) and a grade of at least a C in the course.

    It is important to note that students begin and progress through the OPIE levels at differing rates based on motivation, effort, and language aptitude.


    The Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE) consists of three levels of full-time intensive English study. In addition, OPIE offers a two-level Bridge Program, which allows students to take part-time academic classes and English support classes.

    Full Time Intensive English: Three Levels of Intensive Language Study

    1. Foundations/Elementary Level.
    (20 hours of instruction per week + labs and activities on Wednesdays)
    · grammar/communication situations (12 hours/week)
    · listening/speaking (4 hours/week)
    · reading/writing (4 hours/week)

    2. Intermediate/High-intermediate Level.
    (20 hours of instruction per week + labs and activities on Wednesdays)
    · grammar/writing (12 hours/week)
    · listening/speaking (4 hours/week)
    · reading/vocabulary (4 hours/week)

    3. Advanced/Pre-academic Level
    (20 hours of instruction per week + labs and activities on Wednesdays)
    · grammar/writing/reading (12 hours/week)
    · listening/note taking/speaking (4 hours/week)
    · academic reading skills (4 hours/week)

    Bridge Program: Two Levels of Academics and English Language Support^

    1. Twelve Hours of English per Week (Academic Core Skills 1) + 1 academic Class*. Combined Academic Core Skills course** + 1 Elective*** (12 hours/week)

    2. Eight Hours of English per Week (Academic Core Skills 2 or 3) + 2 academic Classes. Combined Academic Core Skills course ** (8 hours/week)


    ^ Students with a TOEFL score of 525 but a composition score less than 50, will need to successfully complete OPIE 065 four-hour composition class. However, this class is not considered a level in OPIE. Please note that students attending Bridge level classes (Academics + English) are required to pay full Ohio University tuition.

    * 12-hour Bridge level students may also register for a 100-level University College course in addition to their other academic class.

    ** Combined Academic Core Skill (CS) courses prepare students for success in American university classes by developing critical language, study, and academic performance skills through a variety of reading, writing, listening, speaking, thinking, and problem solving activities.

    *** Examples of Bridge program elective skills courses are academic reading skills, grammar, grammar for writing, composition, and academic listening and speaking.
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اعقل مجنونه
    طيب لو قلت لهم انو انا معايه اخويا ونبغى نسكن في شقه خاصه برى سكن الجامعه ... ونقدر نغطي كل التكاليف يرضون

    وربي انا مستعده ارجع السعوديه ولا اروح سكن الجامعه
    You may try with them but not sure abou their decision
    7 "
  5. عادي تقدري تسكني في خارج الجامعة .... اللي الناس كلها ما تعرفه أنه شرط من اثنين يا إما 21 او اكثر أو درستي سنتين في السعودية واقل من 21 سنة

    يعني من الاخير تقدري تسكني خارج الجامعة وما احد يتكلم .....
    بالتوفيق يا اختي
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابوعبدالملكـ
    عشان اثبت لكي انك استخدمتي كأداءة اذكر لي ما يثبت اني اتكلم عن الشخص المستميته من اجله!
    ايش اللي خلاك تعتقدين ان هذا الكلام عنه؟

    (المستميته من أجلــه )
    كثيــــــــــــر راق لي هالمصطلح ..ممتنه يافاضل ..

    الشخص المستميته انا من أجله تم ذكر اسمه في تعليقات سابقه وتم حذفها .. وانذكر اسمه في تعليقات بعض الأصدقاء اللي تكلمو عنه بكل خير
    هذي اجابتي على سؤالك ..

    الشي الثاني اذا انت ترى ان كلمة الحق اللي قلتها بحق هالرجل(وهذا اقل مايقدم له ) استماته من أجله ..فأنا اعتقد انو انت شخص عندك مشكله في فهمك للمواقف ..
    والشي الثالث والأخير ( ولاتجعلو الله عرضتآ لأيمانكم ) حلفت واقسمت بدون اي دليل ..واعتبرها نصيحه ..
    شاكره لك تكرمك بالرد على ماكتبت واتمنى اكون جاوبتك على سؤالك التعجيزي ..

    والمعذره من الجميع ..
    7 "
  7. لانو فعلا مستغربه بأي حق يجبروني اسكم بسكن الجامعه..... ماني فاهمه وجهة نظرهم
    وليش ممكن يرفضون اني اسكن بشقه برى اذا انا عندي الامكانيه اني ادفع لنفسي ..... ويكون معايه مرافقي يكون معايه

    يعني احنا بغربه ومالنا الا بعض يجون هدولا كمان يقولون لنا سكن جامعه
    7 "
  8. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اعقل مجنونه
    لانو فعلا مستغربه بأي حق يجبروني اسكم بسكن الجامعه..... ماني فاهمه وجهة نظرهم
    وليش ممكن يرفضون اني اسكن بشقه برى اذا انا عندي الامكانيه اني ادفع لنفسي ..... ويكون معايه مرافقي يكون معايه

    يعني احنا بغربه ومالنا الا بعض يجون هدولا كمان يقولون لنا سكن جامعه
    Send me your birthday date and your brother to check with them
    Send the dates as a private message

    No worry
    7 "
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