الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تقرير عن جامعة Southeast Missouri State University

تقرير عن جامعة Southeast Missouri State University


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5250 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. They have an IEP . Their program is 8 levels. Every level is 2 months. They have 2 primary semesters a year. In every semester, they have 2 levels. In the summer semester, they have 2 levels, but its optional.
    For Graduate students who have conditional admission, they have to take a semester after their eighth level. This level is working as a bridge between the IEP and the university.
    So, be careful. You have to take four semesters to finish IEP and a semester to go to the university waving IELTS or TEOFL test. So, either to have TOEFL or IELTS tests or to finish the graduate semester in the IEP.
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة طاالت غربتي
    هذي بعض الجامعات توفر قبول مشروط
    University of Arkansas The University of Arizona University of Texas at San Antonio University of South Florida Indiana University

    بالنسبة لي اقدر اوفر قبول مشروط للبكالوريوس وقبول اللغة بوقت قياسي
    ونحن بالخدمة
    السلام عليكم اخوي
    احنا جانا قبول في هذي الجامعة وقدمنا عفى قبول مشروط ماستر في التغذية لما ارسلو لنا على الايميل مو عارفين كيف طريقة التفعيل ياليت ان كانت لديك المعلومة تفيدنا فيه
    ملحق الايميل

    Congratulations on your acceptance to Southeast Missouri State University for the Fall 2015 semester!* You should receive your official acceptance packet, including your acceptance letter and initial I-20/DS-2019 (for students outside the US), in the mail in approximately 10-14 days.* If you applied through an agency, your packet will be shipped directly to them.* (Please note that students admitted early in the cycle will receive I-20 packets at a later time.* For fall students, we begin mailing in February; for spring students, we begin mailing in September.)* When your packet arrives, please read your acceptance letter for your arrival and orientation dates.* Information regarding your arrival plans and housing options is also included.

    Your Southeast ID number is S01957775.* You will use this number to activate your Southeast (SE) Key here: http://portal.semo.edu .* Further activation instructions will be included in your acceptance packet.* Please activate your SE Key as soon as possible, and check your new email account frequently, so you can receive important updates from Southeast before your arrival.* We also invite you to join us on Facebook to learn more about our office and our current events.

    Southeast is a nationally ranked, comprehensive university offering more than 200 areas of study.* With nearly 12,000 students, Southeast is large enough to provide you with a wealth of academic choices and options, but small enough that professors know you by name and provide personal attention.* Our faculty to student ratio is 22:1, and our affordable tuition rates make our education an exceptional value.

    If you have additional questions, please contact us at intadmit@semo.edu.


    Zahir Ahmed
    Executive Director
    Office of International Education and Services
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