البرنامج جيد و الكليه جيده .
To help students improve their English skills for success in American colleges and universities, theParkland College Pre-college ESL program offers a series of 3‐credit‐hour courses in four areas of academic skill preparation. Courses are available from beginning to advanced levels in grammar/writing, listening/speaking, and reading/vocabulary. Elective courses are also available in TOEFL preparation, pronunciation, and conversation.
7 " To help students improve their English skills for success in American colleges and universities, theParkland College Pre-college ESL program offers a series of 3‐credit‐hour courses in four areas of academic skill preparation. Courses are available from beginning to advanced levels in grammar/writing, listening/speaking, and reading/vocabulary. Elective courses are also available in TOEFL preparation, pronunciation, and conversation.
June 27th, 2012, 12:06 AM
مطلوب أي معلومات عن برنامج اللغة في هذه الجامعة
Parkland College
Champaign, IL
والبرنامج المعتمد من الملحقية هو هذا ::
Intensive ESL
Our Intensive ESL Program helps students improve their English skills for success in American colleges and universities.
For the full-time international student, Parkland’s ESL program:
• Meets the requirements for and issues I-20s for full-time English preparation for advancement into college and university programs in the U.S.
• Includes 20 hours a week practicing and improving your vocabulary/writing/speaking and pronunciation skills.
• Focuses on student success through active learning: small groups, problem solving, computer-based learning.
• Is taught by knowledgeable, qualified, and caring professionals.
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