الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


جامعة Ball state تعطي قبول مشروط ماجستير دكتوراة

جامعة Ball state تعطي قبول مشروط ماجستير دكتوراة


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4405 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية يوسف الراجحي
    يوسف الراجحي

    مبتعث فعال Active Member

    يوسف الراجحي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    يوسف الراجحي , ذكر. مبتعث فعال Active Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Bio , بجامعة NOTYET
    • NOTYET
    • Bio
    • ذكر
    • Boston, MA
    • السعودية
    • Oct 2011

    January 5th, 2013, 03:52 PM

    السلام عليكم. جامعة Ball state تعطي قبولات مشروط ولكن مغلقة لتكدس لبعض التخصصات يجب التأكد من موقع الوزارة

    Home - Ball State University

    Ball State University - International Admissions

    • Government Sponsored Exceptions
      • You are not required to submit TOEFL/IELTS Scores
      • Your application will be considered for conditional admission
      • If you submit a passing score you will be considered for regular admission

    • التقديم سهل جداً وما يأخذ خمس دقائق
    • من الرابط هذا لطلبة الدراسات العليا
    • International Programs Admission

    وهذا الرابط لطلبة البكالوريوس
  2. Thank you for your interest in the University of Central Florida (UCF)! We recognize the need for Saudi Arabian students to obtain a conditional letter of acceptance from our university as required by their sponsor. If you are also interested in studying English, please contact the Center for Multilingual Multicultural Studies (CMMS) directly athttp://www.cmms.ucf.edu.

    If a student would like to request a conditional letter, they must provide the following information and documents to Leslie Wier, Admissions Specialist at the International Services Center. Please read all of the information below very carefully before submitting documents.

    The conditional admission process at UCF is separate from the actual application process. Conditional admission does not require an application to UCF. An application should ONLY be submitted when a student is ready to apply for actual admission consideration and fulfill ALL of the required academic supporting documents, including test scores. Any documents provided to the International Services for conditional admission do not go towards the actual application, and any documents provided to The College of Graduate Studies for the application do not apply to conditional admission.

    Please provide the following if you are interested in conditional admission:

    1. Copy of Passport

    1. Biographical information to add the student to our system; please fill out the below information exactly:

    · Complete name as listed on passport
    · Mailing address
    · Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)
    · Contact information (Email addresses, Mailing address, Phone number)
    · Major or program of interest (List of graduate degrees at UCF:Graduate Catalog 2012-2013 - University of Central Florida- Graduate Programs)
    · Sponsor contact information (if you are currently funding yourself, please tell who you plan to obtain a scholarship from or who is requiring the conditional admission letter).

    1. Academic Information to determine if you are eligible to receive a conditional letter:

    · Please provide copies of your bachelor’s and/or master’s degree transcripts and degree certificate in English. Transcripts must confirm you have the *****alent of a U.S. degree with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 out of 4.0. Evaluations of these transcripts can be conducted by our university to determine if your grades meet the requirement.

    You may send documents to Leslie Wier’s attention at the following address:

    Leslie Wier
    University of Central Florida
    International Services Center
    4000 Central Florida Blvd.
    Building 81, Suite 101
    P.O. Box 160130
    Orlando, FL 32816-0130

    Please do not provide original documents for the purpose of conditional admission. While your actual application requires original documents, for conditional admission we only need to see copies. You are welcome to mail, fax, or email copies of your documents.

    Once documents are received and evaluated, you will be contacted to inform you of our ability to issue a letter. Conditional letters issued by UCF do not guarantee admissions to the university, as you must meet other requirements such as GRE and TOEFL scores. Other factors, such as individual interviews, work experience and prior research work are also considered when you apply. Please keep in mind that receiving a conditional admission letter is only for the purpose of obtaining funding from your sponsor to come and study English and then prepare for a degree program. It does not guarantee you a saved spot for admission.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I will look forward to having the opportunity to further assist you.

    Leslie Wier
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  3. Hello,
    Thank you for your interest in our MS in Pharmaceutics program. Here are the application instructions:

    Return the below to Jordan Hunt. Scanned documents are acceptable for application review.

    Graduate students
    Mailing Address: MCPHS Admission Office, 179 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115
    Counselor: Jordan.Hunt@mcphs.edu

    oAttached Supplement Form

    o Graduate: Completed Application form

    oOfficial High School Transcript (if you don’t already have a Bachelors degree)

    oAll Official College/University Transcript(s)

    oOfficial Transcript Evaluations
    Course- by-course (or ICAPP service) fromwww.wes.org
    Not required for graduates of King Saud University, King Abdulaziz University or Umm Al-Qura University who are applying to a graduate program.

    oSponsor letter/proof of scholarship

    o1 Letter of Recommendation

    oResume/Curriculum Vitae

    oLanguage proficiency proof
    Copy of your TOEFL/IELTS test score or test date, if available.

    Please note: Regardless of language proficiency proof submitted, all students will also be required to complete an English language screening conducted by MCPHS.

    Conditional Admission
    Students whose native language is not English and have not passed the MCPHS English language assessment or achieved a 90 TOEFL or a 7 IELTS can be conditionally admitted on the strength of their academic record and final review by the appropriate Admission Committee. MCPHS English Language Academy will provide intensive English instruction if you are unable to meet the above language proficiency requirements.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about any of the requested documents above.
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابن بيت آل هليلة
    الله يعطيك العافية،،،
    هذا الكلام في الموقع لكن لما تجي للواقع بعض الأقسام ترفض إعطاء قبول مشروط.

    صحيح انا القسم اللي بقدم عليه طالب توفل حتى وان درست بمعهدهم!
    شكرا لكم جميعا
    7 "
  5. Thank you for your interest in English Language Proficiency Conditional Admissions. The following departments have specific programs to which they will consider international applicants for English Language Proficiency Conditional Admission. In order to determine the programs considered for conditional admission within each of the departments below, access the university department directory at:A to Z Index | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville .

    Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Industrial Engineering
    Computer Engineering
    Computer Science
    Electrical Engineering
    Food Science
    MBA Programs for Working Professionals
    Plant Science
    Plants, Soils, and Insects
    Environmental and Soil Science
    Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries
    Political Science
    Education, Health, and Human Sciences—Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
    Entomology and Plant Pathology
    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    Social Work

    For additional information about the conditional admission, please link to:http://graduateadmissions.utk.edu/fi...nsPolicyEP.pdf

    Yvonne Kilpatrick, MBA
    Assistant Dean and Director of Graduate Admissions
    The University of Tennessee
    201 Student Services Building
    Knoxville, TN 37996-0221
    (865)974-3251 Phone
    (865)974-6541 Fax
    e-mail: ykilpatr@utk.edu

    "We all benefit from a better UT.
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  6. International Admission Status Categories

    Regular Admission is reserved for students who meet all university, departmental and language proficiency admission requirements.
    Bridge Admission is offered to students who meet all university and departmental admission requirements but who have not yet satisfied the language proficiency requirement. These students will be enrolled in academic courses at Lamar University and in language courses at the Lamar Language Institute.
    Conditional Admission - (Graduate Students Only) is offered on a very limited basis to students who may not have access to testing services in their home country. Conditionally admitted students must enroll in the Lamar Language Institute and, upon direction of their academic department, may be permitted to complete any program prerequisites or leveling courses. Conditionally admitted students must complete all admission requirements prior to receiving program admission.

    Lamar university
    International Students - Lamar University
    7 "

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