I believe it's ranked the 116th nation wise, and A- graded based upon 60 student reviews whom have attended this university, 77%would choose to go back again if they get the chance to
As for the cost of living, it's quite cheap all things conisdered, residence ranges from 450-650 USD, and you can find a lot of beautiful places near the university, that's if you aren't planning to go with them dormatories
And as for the nature of the people over there, well I can't say for sure I've lived most of my life in Ohio, but I'll tell you this, their accent is gonna need some serious coping with :P and even after so it still will piss you off, the lubbock county is known to be a greek run county, but friendly on the most superficial of levels
And speaking weather, well we all know that texas is known and loved for it's sunny atmosphere, nevertheless it can get quite cold in the nights going 16 below zero, and can do quite the opposite rising 32 degrees in the day times of the three moths July August and September, and you can expect a dust storm or two in the spring, and rain usually comes in the form of thunderstorms, the humidity breaze every now and then comes from the gulf of mexico
Proud April 15th, 2008, 01:18 PM
7 "
March 30th, 2008, 07:37 PM
أناا جاني قبول من جامعة texas tech university
بولاية تكساس
وودّي أستفيد منكم ببعض المعلومات بالنسبة لـخيارات السكن وأسعاره وهل تكفي المكافأة
في المدينة يعني هل أسعار المعيشة مرتفعة هناك ولّا لا .
وإذا أي أحد عنده معلومات عن الولاية ولّا المدينة الرجاء إنه مايبخل علي ..
وأبي أسال بخصوص العنصرية أكثر من واحد أسأله عن تكساس يقول العنصريّة فيها
منتشرة وتبي تتعرض لمضايقة ومن هالكلام فما أدري هل هو صح ولّا لا..
ومشكور مقدمّا لكل من عقّب على هالموضوع..