مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Speaking Test
مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Speaking Test
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5729 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - ونعيد ونذكر انه في هذا الجزء ياليت تحاول الإجابة على السؤال بنفسك وتسجل صوتك بالجوال مثلاً ..7 "
Ok I'm now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes. You can take notes if you want. You have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say. I want you to talk about a beach, lake, river or dam you have visited.
Ok. You have a maximum of 2 minutes to speak so if you go over 2 minutes, I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now?
When I was 13 years old, um my family, and I went to Wisconsin in the USA to visit my relatives...um…we stayed at my uncle’s cabin on a lake for...2 weeks. It was during the summer so the water was so warm to swim in - which was different to where I come from it's always cold and rainy. Staying on the lake was like having our own private beach. The houses were so spread out that we weren't close to anyone else. My sister and I and our cousins loved playing in the lake. We would take blow up rafts out onto the lake near a floating platform and then jump or dive off of it to swim in the water. We tried not to touch the bottom of the lake since it was so shallow, because there were all these little crayfish all over the place and we were afraid that they would pinch our toes, like a crab. I also loved to go fishing on the lake with my Grandpa in a little tin boat. We did this probably two or three times and we always seemed to catch some sort of fish - mostly bass which we cooked for dinner. I also remember staying in the basement of the cabin, which to me was really scary because there were all these spiders all over the place and I'm extremely frightened of them! The worst part about the basement was when we had some...um...thunder and lightning storms in the middle of the night - it seemed the shadows of the spiders were enormous when lit up by lightning in the darkness but anyway, it was still a great holiday which I'll always remember. -
We've been talking about a beach, lake or dam you've visited and I'd like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this. Firstly, let's consider the numbers of people in your country who like to holiday near water. Can you comment on the popularity of holidays near water in your country?
Yes um, holidays by the water are extremely popular in my country. Many of the people travel long distances to holiday beside a lake or the ocean. A couple of times when I was a teenager, my family used to travel to a big dam which had a camping site next to it...and we've had many holidays at the beach in the past, too! The most popular time for the beach is, understandably, the summertime...so because people have to travel so far, in the winter most people tend to travel less distance and camp near a lake.
What do you think are the benefits of having a holiday beside a large body of water?
Um. I'm not really too sure about that one...I could guess that people find it peaceful...different from their usual environment. Yes, I think people like to be close to a large lake or the beach because it is peaceful...Oh, and also the air. Yes, the air is fresher and cleaner...especially at the beach. I remember hearing somewhere that there are a lot of negative ions in the air which work in the body to make you feel good. Yes, I'd say the major benefit is fresh air - a peaceful, healthy atmosphere.
Can you compare the popularity of beach-side holidays to holidays in the mountains?
Um...well...I think that holidays beside the beach will always be more popular...but maybe I'm being biased, because I prefer the beach to the mountains. I guess skiing holidays are very popular in many countries. However, I believe that if a comparison was done - between seaside holidays and holidays in the mountains - well I think, probably the beach would win, it would be more popular. It could be because there are more beaches than ski mountains, but I'm not too sure. People certainly continue to go on holidays, coastal communities seem to flourish around holiday time. I think beaches are more popular than mountains when it comes to holidays.
OK, thank-you. I'd like us to lastly consider the issue of water shortage. Can you describe the current water situation in your country?
Well, fortunately in my country we have been blessed with an abundance of rainfall. In the winter, especially, the rains just come and come and come! It seems as though they never stop. Last winter, I remember it rained for nearly 3 weeks continuously! Not all areas receive such good rainfall, but I don't remember there ever being a drought back home.
Can you identify ways in which water is improperly used?
Um, well...since I've been living in Britain, I've been reading about the inappropriate ways people waste water. The number one reason that stood out in my mind was that people fail to simply turn off the tap when they're finished. This is obviously a problem. Another seems to be people taking long showers or wasting water outside around their gardens...of course this is domestic use of water. I'm not really too sure about how water is misused in industry but I'm sure that it is - especially when waste is dumped into waterways making them unfit for human use.
Can you suggest ways we can use water more efficiently in the future?
If people remembered the basics...you know, as I mentioned...maybe taking shorter showers or remembering to turn off the tap when they're not using water. I think it starts with the small things, the individual households, it's all about education, really. I think governments must also enforce penalties on companies and industries that pollute waterways. In some countries, people catch water in large tanks as it falls on the roofs of houses. Imagine if every household did this...I think this would be an effective use of water!
- هذا الامتحان الخامس ..7 "
Speaking Lab 5
Part 1:
Q1 Let’s begin by talking about your neighbourhood. What kinds of activities are there to do in your neighbourhood area?
My neighbourhood. Well, let’s see…things to do…um. Well, there are a lot of things to do in my neighbourhood. I live in a suburb of Brisbane, Australia called Belmont. Because many people are moving to my area from the colder southern climates, my neighbourhood is growing and so too are the facilities. For example, construction on a new park with a children’s playground and barbeque facilities was just completed. It’s a great place for activities. Picnics, family games, walking the dog…that sort of thing. Also, more and more shopping centres are being built so shopping is another popular activity in my neighbourhood area.
Q2 What is it about your neighbourhood that you like least?
Do you mean things about my neighbourhood that I don’t like?
[examiner: Ah, yes]
Um, that’s quite a difficult question…Well, to be honest, I like everything about my home town! Let’s see…well I guess one thing I would change um, that I don’t like…is the lights in the street – there are simply not enough of them! When the night comes, it’s so dark in my neighbourhood that visitors have said to me that the place feels kind of unfriendly. If it’s a cloudy night, it’s true, it’s very dark…so that is one thing I guess I like least about my neighbourhood. Of course, we have lots of lights in our homes and outdoor lights in our yards, it’s just that when you are out on the road – driving or walking – my neighbourhood is too dark.
Q3 Ok, that’s interesting. What changes would you make to your neighbourhood?
Well, as I mentioned, I think my neighbourhood - at night time - is a little too dark. I guess one of the recommendations that’s made to our local government is to install some new street lighting. So, if I was able to make a change in my neighbourhood, I guess it would be the installation of more street lighting…um…yea…some more lights would be good…
Q4 Good. Let’s talk a little about the topic of writing. Do you enjoy writing?
To be honest, no. I’ve never really enjoyed writing. I find it incredibly boring! It seems as though my brain works faster than I can write and I end up forgetting all my good ideas before I have a chance to write them down! Of course, I am planning to go to university so I’m going to have to get used to more and more writing. The funny thing is that I did quite well with my writing in high school. Anyway, I’d rather be outside than stuck indoors writing stuff!
Q5 What is the best piece of writing you have ever written and what made it so memorable?
Best piece of writing? Ah, that’s easy! It was a poem I wrote, believe it or not, when I was in primary school. The poem was included in our school yearbook – it’s a book that summarises the events that occurred in the school throughout the year. My father and mother were so proud – they bought two copies of the yearbook! Anyway, it was a poem about my new brother and sister…at the time I was 12 and my mother had had twins! But that’s not the end of the story! The next year, my…my first year in high school we had to write a poem on the topic of family. Well, I copied my poem from the previous year and presented it to the teacher. Well, the next week I was shocked to receive a 9 out of 10 for the poem - the best ‘A’ I’d ever received! Later on the teacher told my mother that she would have loved to have had another child and that my poem made her cry!
Q6 Do you think students are writing more or less these days? What are some of the advantages of being a good writer?
In my opinion, I think students are generally writing more these days. Not necessarily with pen or pencil but I think typing on the computer – emails, Internet messaging, MSN…that kind of thing.
I think it’s a big advantage to be a good writer. A person who can write effectively and decisively has a tremendous advantage over those who can not. A good writer, for example, who is studying in university will achieve higher scores for assignments. If a student achieves higher marks for assignments, then it is a high possibility that he or she will get a better, higher paying job in the future. Another advantage of being a good writer…it’s just come to my mind now…is that their writing is not confusing. Sometimes I read, for example, the messages left for me by my sister and they’re difficult to understand because she’s a poor writer!
Q7 Ok. Please tell me about your favourite piece of writing – it may be a book, magazine or a newspaper.
My favourite piece of writing. Well, I’m not a big reader but I guess one of my favourite pieces of writing is a book. It’s called the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey. I heard that this book as written as part of his PhD dissertation. I have read it several times and I feel that it’s a very valuable book in building better relationships with others. Over the years, I’ve encouraged others to read this book.
The Qestion
Ok, that’s good. I’m now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes.
You can take notes if you want. You have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say.
I want you to talk about an effective commercial or advertisement you have seen
Ok, you have a maximum of 2 minutes to speak so if you go over 2 minutes,
I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now?
The Answer
The most effective television commercial I’ve ever seen was shown many years ago. I remember it was for an insurance company. I’ve seen many effective ads in my life but I decided to talk to you about this one because it was so effective that I still remember it today, even though I was a child when I first saw it.
I remember sitting in the kitchen - I think I was doing some homework on the kitchen table - and all of a sudden I could hear this loud, uncontrollable laughter coming from the lounge room. I rushed in to see what was going on. My sister and my father were both laughing at an insurance ad that was being shown on TV. I remember looking at the TV and seeing lots of different animals ‘talking’ to each other! It was really, really clever and they were saying some funny things. I’d never seen anything like that before. Let’s see… there was a lizard, he was sitting outside the window, a cat, a dog and the most talkative animal was a beautiful, sulphur-crested cockatoo who kept squawking, “Who stole the TV? Who stole the TV?” All of the animals talking to each other made it really memorable and to this day I still remember the name of the insurance company, Eagle Insurance.
Over the years I’ve seen other companies feature animals in their commercials but for some reason, in my opinion…they’re not as effective as the Eagle Insurance ad. To this day, when I think about this TV commercial, I can picture my Dad and sister laughing so hard…it still makes me laugh!
- Q1
OK. We’ve been talking about an effective advertisement that you remember and I’d like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this. Firstly, let’s consider the effect of advertising. What effect do you think advertising has on people today?
Well, ultimately, the biggest effect that advertising can have is it makes a person do something - go out to a shop and purchase something, I guess. Perhaps it was something that a person was not planning to buy, or even thought to buy. This makes advertising a powerful medium…it can make people do something that perhaps they had no intention of doing – until they saw the ad. And also, advertising can have the effect of educating people. If an individual doesn’t know about a product – how, for example, it can help or satisfy a need – they can learn about the benefits of a particular product and this, I think, is a good effect.
Can you give reasons why people pay more for certain brands and less for others?
Yes. This is an interesting question. In my opinion, the reason people pay extra for a particular product is due to how the product is advertised. Usually, for example, clothing companies like Ralph Lauren, Polo or Calvin Klein, use lots of beautiful people, you know, attractive or good looking people…sometimes movie stars…to advertise their products. Somehow, I think people who see these ads - either on TV or in magazines - see these people and want to identify themselves with such people… they want to be like these people so they pay extra money on the clothes. I guess the desire to ‘belong or identify’ with a particular group makes people pay more for certain brands and less for others.
Some products are known to be cheap and so people don’t feel special when they buy them. For example in the supermarket, there’s a brand called Black and Gold - everyone in my country knows that this brand is the cheapest type of product you can buy…so this product is associated with people who are not successful, who don’t have much money…so people don’t pay much for Black and Gold products.
Good. We see advertising everywhere – on TV, in the newspaper, the internet and many other places. Which form of advertising do you think is the most effective and why?
At the moment, I think TV is still the most effective medium for advertising. The reason for this is the picture quality is very good and so is the sound. Unlike Internet, even with broadband, there are delays while things download. Oh, and those popup ads are so annoying! Yea, TV is the most effective but I suppose in the near future, the Internet will become just as popular…maybe even more so…providing that information can be downloaded quicker than it does now.
OK. Let’s now consider how advertising standards are set and maintained. Who do you think should be responsible for standards in advertising?
In my country, the government is responsible for advertising standards. I’m not sure how they decide what is ok and what is not ok. Some of the stuff that they show on TV for example is not, in my opinion, appropriate. Some of the ads for example, use swear words…you know, bad language that people shouldn’t use. I’m not sure exactly who in the government has the final say on what is or isn’t appropriate, I’m not sure about who decides the standard. I think there is a diversity of opinion on this topic…I guess, overall they do a pretty good job.
Can you suggest how advertising should be regulated or controlled?
Um…that’s a tough question…I’m not exactly sure about the regulations for advertising in my country. As I said, I believe the government is responsible for controlling the standards. But if the standards were up to me…if I was responsible for regulating and controlling the advertising standards, I would begin by drafting a…um…a list, yea, a list for example, that would clearly state what is ok and what is not ok. For example, certain language such as foul language or content that’s termed ‘adult’ I think should be eliminated altogether from TV…in fact all print media, as far as I’m concerned. I guess that this would have to be enforced by the government because if somebody broke the rules, it would be up to the government to enforce the law.
Ok. One last question. Do you think there are any dangers associated with advertising?
Yes, I believe there are numerous dangers associated with advertising. There’s an attitude that can occur amongst people who want to ‘keep up with others’ and they can become obsessed with each new thing that comes out. The problem is that they’ll never be satisfied because there are always new products coming out…so it’s an impossible dream!
Another danger with advertising, in my opinion, is that advertising can in a way, influence the standards of society – sometimes for bad. People see certain advertisements and they – either overtly or subliminally – can feel compelled to buy the products. Sometimes, these products can be harmful to society. For example, cigarettes…in the early days, ads for cigarettes were popular on TV and they’re still advertised in print media. This kind of advertising had…and continues to have…a real negative effect on the health of millions of people around the world!
- في البداية نحب نذكر انه في امتحان السبيكنق لابد من أخذ بعض النقاط في الحسبان والتي من شأنها ستزيد الدرجة بإذن الله
لاتنسى تكون ثرثاااااار قد ماتقدر!
فلو سألك عن شيء معين لاتعطيه الإجابة على طول، حاول تلف وتدور وتغلف الإجابة وبعدين تعطيه اياها، مثلاً لو سألك وين ساكن، لايكون ردك عليه أنا ساكن في بيت أو شقة فقط، فتقول مثلاً ان سؤالك هذا ذكرني بالسعودية وقتها كنت ساكن مع أهلي ووووو والحين أنا ساكن مع فلان وفلان في شقة والحي اللي حنا فيه هادئ وراقي والناس محترمين يعني لاتحاول تعطيه فرصة يقاطعك، هذي تحتاج تدريب بسيط وبعض الناس ماشاء الله مايحتاجون وياكثرهم
وبالمناسبة واحد من الشباب كان ينصح ويقول خليك عبيط قد ماتقدر
ومايمنع تسويها لو مع نفسك، طبعاً الكلام هذا في الجزء الأول والثالث، فلاأحد يجيب لاعيد ويسويها في الجزء الثاني لأنه مالك إلا دقيقتين فقط لاغير
الحين راح ندردش بالامتحان الخامس ونأخذ شوي نقاط منه
السؤال الأول من الامتحان الخامس
كان يطلب أن يوضح له ماهية الأنشطة التي بالإمكان القيام بها في المنطقة السكنية المحيطة بسكن الطالب
قبل ندردش في إجابة السؤال، ياليت الكل يضع في باله إجابة معينة، طبعاً كيف تبدأ تفكر الآن، مثل ماقلنا لازم تلف وتدور وتحاول جاهداً الابتعاد عن الإجابة بصورة مباشرة، يعني لو افترضنا انه قريب من بيتك حديقة وفيها ألعاب للأطفال وملاعب كرة قدم، بالإضافة إلى مجمع تجاري صغير يحوي بعض المطاعم والكفي شوب،
فلاتقول عندنا حديقة فيها ألعاب للأطفال وملاعب كرة قدم ومجمع تجاري فيه مطاعم وكفي شوب
أكيد ان اللف والدوران يحتاج وقت بسيط للتفكير، لذلك حاول وبذكاء تعيد عليه السؤال وأنت تعيده ببطء راح تلاقي نفسك حصلت شوي كلام، وعموماً قضية انك تفكر مافيها أي مشكلة لأنهم بالأخير يختبرونك محادثة، فمن الطبيعي لمن يسألك أحد أي سؤال بتحتاج انه تفكر شوي، لكن الأهم لاتفكر وأنت صامت، حاول تعيد السؤال لأنك تقدر تعيد السؤال بصورة صحيحة وخلال إعادتك للسؤال راح تكسب ثقة أكثر وتحسس الشخص اللي أمامك انك واثق وفاهم
في إجابة السؤال الأول، نلاحظ أن الطالب أجاب بست جمل، في الجملة الأولى تطبيق لعدم الرد بصورة مباشرة، فلو نلاحظ في الجملة الأولى انه أعاد السؤال بمهارة وبكلمات تعتبر متقطعة! فبدأ بـ
My neighbourhood. Well, let’s see…things to do…um
حتى الآن ماأعطانا أي إجابة، ويعتبر تصرفه صحيح، وبالمناسبة عندك الجملة
Well, let’s see
تقدر تستخدمها في أي سؤال يواجهك لذلك احفظها زي اسمك وحاول تستخدمها حتى في الشارع
وفي نهاية الجملة قال انه فيه أشياء كثيرة تقدر تسويها في الحي اللي أنا ساكن فيه،
Well, there are a lot of things to do in my neighbourhood
بمعنى آخر كان يقدر يقول من البداية انه فيه أشياء كثيرة تقدر تسويها وخلاص، لكنه أعاد السؤال بصورة جميلة ومغط الكلام شويتين
- في الجملة الثانية ذكر اسم المدينة والدولة، وهنا نحتاج لوقفة بسيطة، يعني فكرة حلوة انه قبل ماتذكر الأنشطة اللي في الحي اللي ساكن فيه، تذكر وين ساكن أصلاً
- في الجملة الثالثة أسلوب مرة حلوووو، فالطالب أراد أن يوضح أنه يوجد العديد من الأنشطة يمكن القيام بها، وليش الأنشطة متنوعة في الحي؟ لأن عدد كبير من الناس ينتقلون لمدينته هرباً من برودة الطقس، فاستخدم هنا أسلوب وصفي رائع وهو كلمة (Because) وبعدها السبب بعدين فاصلة (,) وبعد كذا يجيب الحدث نفسه اللي تسبب في مابعد الـ (Because)
نوضح أكثر
Because Reason, Result
يعني بسبب كذا صار كذا
وممكن تتكلم بلغة رسمية أكثر وتقول (Due to) بدلاً من (Because) وبنفس الصورة
Due to Reason, Result- في الجملة الرابعة هنا تكتيك حلو وهو لابد من ذكر الأمثلة حتى لو كانت كذبة بيضاء زي القشطة لأنهم بالأخير يختبرون قدرتك على الكلام مو معلوماتك اللي عندك، بمعنى لو يعرف الشخص اللي أمامك ان المعلومة هذي مو صحيحة فراح يتغافل عنها لأنه يختبر مدى قدرتك على توصيل المعلومة لامدى صحتها لأنه مو تحقيق
- في الجملة الخامسة الطالب يعدد ماهية الأنشطة
- والجملة السادسة امتداد للخامسة بإضافة بسيطة
السؤال الثاني
كالعادة، لو مافهمت السؤال حاول تعيده حتى لو كان بصيغة الاستفهام، ولو نلاحظ في مثالنا ان السؤال مو واضح مرة، فالطالب أعاد السؤال والاكزمنر قال ييس يعني أقصد كذا، وبدأها بجملة ممكن تستعمل في كثير من الأسئلة وهي
Um, that’s quite a difficult question
وممكن نستخدم الجملة
Well, to be honest
في بداية كثير من الأسئلة، والهدف منها انك تحسس الأكزمنر انك تتكلم بطلاقة، وفيه جمل كثيرة لابد من حفظها عن ظهر قلب، وأعيد وأذكر انه حفظ الكلمات ككلمات مفردة غلطة كبيررررررة، لذلك اختصر واحفظ جمل مركبة
نلاحظ في آخر إجابة الطالب للسؤال الثاني قال
my neighbourhood is too dark
فالكلمة (too) عادةً تستخدم للصفات السلبية وليس الإيجابية، فلما تقول (too) ويكون استعمالها في موضع إيجابي فقد تؤثر سلباً على درجتك
السؤال الثالث
نلاحظ انه ابتدأ بالجملة
Well, as I mentioned
وهي من الجمل اللي لازم تحفظها، لأنها مفيدة جداً جداً وكذلك الجملة
I guess one of the recommendations that’s made to
وهذي ممكن تستخدمها لأي استخدام آخر
في الجملة الأخيرة ممكن نعدل عليها بصورة بسيطة لتكون في هذا القالب
If I was able to *****, I would *****o
هنا ممكن تبني عديد من الجمل قمة في الروعة، وهي كأنك تقول:
لو انها بيدي كان سويت كذا وكذا،
وممكن نستخدم (were) بدلاً من (was) لأنك تستخدمها للتخيل مثل لما تقول
(If I were you, I'd ***** j)
السؤال الرابع
هنا ابتدأ الطالب بالإجابة بالجملة تو بو أونست، وبعدها قال جملة ممكن نستفيد منها كثير وهي
I’ve never really enjoyed
طبعاً الطالب يقصد انه مايستمتع كثير بالكتابة، فحنا هنا ممكن نستفيد من الجملة في الأعلى وبعدها ممكن تقول أي شيء ماتحبه أو ماتستمتع فيه كثير
في الجملة الثانية ذكر جملة فورمال ممكن تنحفظ
I find it incredibly boring! l
وممكن نستفيد منها لأي شيء نعتبره ممل وغبي، يعني اسمعها ورددها عشرات المرات للحد اللي تقدر تقولها بأي لحظة من دون ماتتذكرها أو تتردد وأنت تنطقها- الجملة الثالثة فيها وصف ممتع جداً
It seems as though my brain works faster than I can write and I end up forgetting all my good ideas before I have a chance to write them down!
ويقصد الطالب هنا انه مايحب الكتابة لأنه بطيء شوي، فلما يكتب تجي أفكار معينة برأسه، بطء كتابته ينسيه الأفكار، بمعنى آخر كأنك تستمع إلى الراديو وتحاول تكتب الكلام اللي جالس تسمعه خصوصاً لما يكون المتحدث يتكلم بسرعة، وجمل مثل هذي اهتم فيها شوي، ماأقول هنا احفظها، لكن حاول تجمعها وتقرأها باستمرار وبيجي اليوم اللي تستفيد منها بإذن الله
كلمة أو جملة
Of course, ....l
من المفيد والمفيد جداً استعمالها بدلاً من ييس وممكن نقول
ويجي معناها (بلا شك)
وكلمات مثل هذي لابد من التدرب عليها مع الاهتمام بـ(البدي لانقوج) أثناء الكلام، وتشمل تعابير وجهك، حركة اليدين، رفع الصوت وانخفاضه، وأفضل طريقه لتعلمها هي مشاهدة أهل اللغة وهم يتكلمون
في الجملة ماقبل الأخيرة ذكر الطالب في البداية
The funny thing is ... l
وهنا ممكن تستعمل كمقدمة لنكتة حتى لو كانت بايخة
السؤال الخامس
في البداية، الطالب يفكر ويعيد السؤال وبالأخير يستخدم جملة
Ah, that’s easy!l
وأرى أنه لابد من أخذها بعين الاعتبار، لأنها بتزود كلامك وهي صغيرة
في الجملة الخامسة ذكر الطالب قصة قديمة واستخدم جملة حليوة
at the time
وهو يقصد في ذلك الوقت وممكن نستخدمها بالصورة
at that time
السؤال السادس
استهل الطالب إجابة السؤال بالجملة
In my opinion, I think... l
وهي جملة رائعة بحق، وجميل أن تستخدمها كديباجة قبل أن تطرح رأيك
في الجملة الرابعة ذكر الطالب جملة معقدة شوي لكنها جميلة
A person who can write effectively and decisively has a tremendous advantage over those who can not
ولو نلاحظ انه استخدم مقارنة وكذلك حالين (two adverbs) اللي هم (effectively and decisively) بالإضافة إلى الصفة (adj) اللي هي (tremendous)
قبل الأخير، استخدم الطالب الجملة
it’s just come to my mind now ... l
وهي مفيدة في حال إضافة معلومة جديدة خطرت على بالك للتو
السؤال السابع والأخير
عدد كبير من الطلاب اللي اختبروا، واجهوا السؤال: ماهو المفضّل لديك ويكون السؤال إما عن هواية أو طبخة أو حتى مادة دراسية، ففي السؤال السابع هنا قد يكون تطبيق، فالطالب ابتدأ الإجابة بإعادة السؤال
My favourite piece of writing. Well,...l
وفي الجملة الأخيرة ابتدأ الطالب بجملة لطيفة وهي
Over the years, ...l
ويقصد مع مرور الوقت، فممكن تتكلم وتحتاج انك تعبر عن الجملة هذي فخليها على بالك جاهزة
هذه بعض النقاط للجزء الأول من الامتحان الخامس
سيكون هنالك وقفات بإذن الله للتركيز على بعض النقاط في الجزء الثاني والثالث من هذا الاختبار
متابعة ممتعة - يعطيك العافية على الوضوع7 "
- موضوع يشهد له التاريخ. شكرا لك اخوي والله افادني كثييير في الاختبار و لله الحمد اجتزتة بدرجة ما كنت متقعها ولا 1% شكرا لك.7 "
الله يوفقك في الدنيا و الاخره - ماشاء الله تبارك الله موضوع قيم جدا جدا .. الله يعطيك العافيه واحسدك على الاجر الي بتحصل عليه ان شاء الله الي بيستمر معك الين مابعد حياتك وهذا من قول الرسول عليه الصلاه والسلام7 "
: « سبع يجري للعبد أجرهن وهو في قبره بعد موته :من علم علما, أو أجرى نهرا , أو حفر بئرا , أو غرس نخلا , أو بنى مسجدا , أو ورث مصحفا , أو ترك ولدا يستغفر له بعد موته » [ حسنه الألباني رحمه الله في صحيح الجامع برقم :3596].
اسال الله ان ينفع بك ويعطيك الاجر على مساعدتك اخوانك الطلبه واسال الله ان يوفقنا جميعا وان يكثر من امثالك
ومثل ماقلنا ياليت تجاوب على أي سؤال قبل أن تقرأ أو تسمع الإجابة وبالتوفيق للجميع ..
Part 1:
بالنسبة للسؤال الأول فأنا سألوني فيه أربع مرات بامتحانات مختلفة يعني شبه أساسي فاحفظ وتمرن على الإجابة ..
في السؤال الرابع بدأت بـ As I said وهذي بداية حلوة للإجابة طبعاً لأنها تتعلق بالإجابة السابقة ، وعندنا الإجابة رقم 7 و 8 بدأت بكلمة Well وهذي ضرورية لبداية الإجابة وأيضاً نلاحظ في إجابة السؤال الأخير بدأت الإجابة : Well, actually فهم يحبون الكلمات هذي مثل
actually فياليت تكثر منها في الامتحان قد ماتقدر واستعمالها وأخواتها مثل : in fact, Basically, honestly
في الإجابة الثامنة قالت However وهذي بمعنى but لكنها أكاديمية فياليت تستخدم قدر الإمكان وأخواتها أيضاً مثل : Besides, however, nevertheless, otherwise, so, therefore, still, yet, though
وهذا شرح وأمثلها بسيطة لها :
besides (conjunction) means "in addition". It usually precedes its clause, but can follow it:
Note that moreover could replace besides here in more formal English.
otherwise as a conjunction means "if not/or else":
or could also be used here in more colloquial English:
It was so cold outside that. . .
As a conjunction, so precedes its clause:
As a conjunction, however usually means "but". It can precede or follow its clause or come after the first word or phrase.
But when two contrasting statements are mentioned, however can mean "but/nevertheless/all the same"
However, as conjunctions, yet and still appear at the beginning of clauses and have different meanings:
The films is boring; yet people go to cinema to watch it.
Though/although introduce clauses of concession.
Another use of though (but not although!) is linking two main clauses.