الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


ممكن الحل الصحيح لهذه القطعة

ممكن الحل الصحيح لهذه القطعة


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Sara 2
    Sara 2

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Sara 2 المملكة المتحدة

    Sara 2 , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى X , بجامعة X
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    • السعودية
    • Feb 2009

    June 7th, 2010, 09:01 PM

    السلام عليكم

    حاولت أحلها ... لكن صعبة شوي علي... فإذا ممكن تساعدوني

    محتاجتها ضروري

    .Building on the antecedent industries—for bicycles and carriages—the automobile, with Henry Ford’s breakthrough for the mass production of the Model T (1908–1927), being accomplished by the moving assembly line (first used in 1913), when combined with inexpensive gasoline for fuel, ushered in (1910) what the great petroleum geologist Everette Lee DeGolyer called the “motor fuel” age, and for America what Max Lerner denoted as the “civilization on wheels.” The automobile transformed the uses of the land, affected the environment in new ways, became a major employer for people in its manufacture, and fostered a greater use of raw materials in the production process from glass to rubber.
    While the automobile was initially a luxury item for the wealthy, Henry Ford realized that at some point the market for automobiles would be saturated. Since the use of the assembly line reduced the time and cost of building each car, Ford decided to lower the price of the vehicles and increase the wages of his employees so that they, too, could afford an automobile. In the process, Ford expanded the market and helped create a middle class in the United States. Basing its profits on volume instead of price, the Ford Motor Company became the number one automaker in the United States. Another manufacturer, General Motors, fought for its market share and achieved success by changing the body style in 1926. With obsolescence built into the product through the introduction of new accessories, style, or color, the automobile industry was ensured of the continued consumption of cars into the future.

    a short life, adapted to, adapted with, alternative, at the same time, cars, challenged, changed, cheap, cheaper, dominated, employed in, employed with, foundation, founded
    fuel, in the same time, in this way, increasing, increasingly, on this way, opened, opening, phenomenon, popular, popularity, profit, profited, related, related to, resources, sale, sales, through, wealthier, wealthy

    The automobile industry was partly __________________ on the bicycle industry and quickly ________________ mass production ________________ the moving assembly line. The ready availability of ________________ along with cheap _________________ brought about the _______________ of the car. Being widely used, the car ___________________ the way people used the land, and it changed the ways people ___________________ their environment. Also, many people became ________________ the production of vehicles, and many new _________________ were being used in its production.

    Ford used the assembly line to produce __________________ cars while ___________________ wages so that workers could buy them. In this way, he __________________ the market so that a _______________ middle class grew in the US. __________________, company profits were based on the number of __________________ rather than on the __________________ of a sale. __________________, Ford __________________ the automobile market. GM __________________ Ford by diversifying its product so that consumers could opt for __________________ styles. The longevity of the auto market was established by building __________________ into the product. The name of this __________________ is obsolescence.

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