يا جماعة المنتدى هذا شبه معطل و اغلب الزوار يروحوا لمواضيع المنتدى الامريكي يا جماعة رجعوه هاك و خلوا الدنيا تستفيد
7 " حوار كيف أقولها بالإنجليزي؟ - أكثر الأخطاء شيوعًا بالنسبة للسعوديين -
حوار كيف أقولها بالإنجليزي؟ - أكثر الأخطاء شيوعًا بالنسبة للسعوديين -
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4630 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- نعم نعم صدقت اخوي7 "
هو و غيره من المواضيع
اررجو نقله الى مكانه الاصلي" ملتقى طلاب امريكا " حيث تعم الفائدة اكثر منه هناااا - شكلي بتوكل على الله و افتح لي جزء ثاني في هذاك المنتدى مع استخلاص اهم الجمل و النتائج من هذا الموضوع لعل الفائدة تعم ..7 "
- اعقلها وتوكل7 "
طرح مميز
الله ينفع به - احلى شي HUG ME7 "
يعطيك الف عافيه - موضوع مميز جدا الله يوفقكم استفدت منه7 "
- Uppppp7 "
up - يارب ما نحتاج هالعبارات القضائية التي تستخدم في المحاكم ولكن خلال الاسابيع الأخيرة قرأنا الكثير عن بعض القضايا التي كان فيها أحد أخواننا طرفاً وبعضها للشهادة فقط والعبارات التالية تكاد تكون هي نفسها بكل المحاكم وخاصة الأمريكية ..لا أقول هذا من خبرة! ولكن من خلال الاطلاع ومشاهدة الأفلام ...7 "
Defendant will be remanded
Don’t discuss the case.
I direct the jury to disregard the statement that …
Keep your voice up.
Please proceed.
Please raise your right hand.
Please remain standing.
Remember, you are under oath.
Rephrase the question.
See if you recognize it.
Speak into the microphone.
Will the defendant please rise.
Would you raise your right hand?
You have exhausted that subject, please move on.
You may be seated.
You may proceed.
Requests for information (requiring a yes or no answer)
- Are you familiar with a device known as (a beeper, a cell phone, etc.)?
- Are you familiar with this?
- Can you tell from looking (whether it’s yours, etc.)?
- Do you recall making this statement?
- Do you recall this question?
- Do you recognize that exhibit?
- Do you swear that this is a true and accurate statement?
- Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
- Do you swear to well and truly interpret these proceedings, so help you God?
- Do you wish to say anything before sentence is imposed?
- Does (the picture, etc.) reasonably and accurately depict (the building, etc.)?
- Does that ******* your recollection?
- Did you discuss (cocaine, etc.?)
- Did you go to trial or did you plead guilty?
- Did you notice anything about (the envelope, etc.)?
- Did you post bail for (x’s) release?
- Did you advise (someone) of his rights?
- Did there come a time when you (left the house, etc.)?
- Have you filed a notice (of appearance)?
- Have you had any involvement with (the criminal justice system, etc.)?
- Have you had occasion to be involved with (an investigation, etc.)?
- Have you ever been involved in (drugs, etc.)?
- Have you formed an opinion as to (the cause of death, etc.)?
- Have you reached a verdict?
- Have you read the pre-sentence report?
- Have you received a copy of the complaint?
- Have you retained a lawyer or has one been appointed for you?
- Have you reviewed the pre-sentence report with your client?
- Is there anything that would prevent you from serving fairly and impartially?
- Is that your testimony?
- Is there any reason why sentence should not be imposed at this time?
- Is time excluded, your Honor?
- Is it fair to state (that you were living together, etc.)?
- Isn’t it a fact that (you were his girlfriend, etc.)?
- Isn’t that correct?
- Isn’t that right?
- Juror No. (x), is that your verdict?
- What was your state of mind regarding the reliability of the informant?
- Would that ******* your recollection?
- Would it be fair to say (that you knew him/her, etc.) prior to that time?
- Would you like the jury polled?
- Would you like to be heard?
- Would you like to say anything on your own behalf?
- You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult your lawyer and insure his presence at your interrogation. If you want a lawyer and can’t afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand each and every right that has been explained to you? Having all these rights in mind, do you wish to talk to me now?