المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK

حوار كيف أقولها بالإنجليزي؟ - أكثر الأخطاء شيوعًا بالنسبة للسعوديين -
حوار كيف أقولها بالإنجليزي؟ - أكثر الأخطاء شيوعًا بالنسبة للسعوديين -

تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4726 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
You are right!
And because I like grammar, I would like to share with you some thoughts about these two sentences.
Grammatically speaking, the first sentence is correct whereas the other one is incorrect both grammatically and "logically". The main verb playing can be either intransitive or transitive. The latter may be the intended one as the context suggests. Thus, it should be followed by a direct object.
He was playing (football) when we saw him. (The word when begins with a small letter unless
when it comes initially in some cases, then we also add a comma somewhere in the
middle just before the second phrase). In this very sentence, the verb palying
is,obviously, an INTRANSITIVE but, I guess, it was meant to be the regular transitive verb
"play" that we all know its connotations. As a result, we have another meaning here
other than playing football ,etc. It all depends on the context! But because grammar is
used to clarify ambiguities, we should use it properly especillay in writing as we seek
clarity and plainness.
In the second sentence, there are a few considerations concerning structure and diction
but I will mention only 2 :
- We usually don't use ings with the verbs of senses... Also, "seeing" ( and not watching)
may have taken a moment and that's why it is not a continuous action and therefore
can't be used in this sense. So, it is ungrammatical, incorrect and illogical but as
language is mainly an oral communicative means, those two sentences
are well understood in the normal conversations - الأخت الكريمة ..7 "
تخصصك ترجمة ..
عطينا مما اخذتموه في الجامعة لو تكرمتي - Well done my friend7 "
قريت كلامك وجا في بالي كلمه دائما الناس يخلطون فيها ..!
كلمة Because ....
كثير من الناس اذا جاوا يكتبونها تلاقيهم يكتبونها كذا Cause .. وهذا غلط لان هذي كلمه تختلف ومعناها غير .!
Because : لأن كذا وكذا
Cause : سبب في كذا وكذا ..
احيانا فيه ناس تحاول تكتب باالعاميه اكثر .. فيستخدمون cause على اساس انها اختصار لكلمة because .. وهذا مو صحيح .. لان الكلمة المختصره لكلمة because هي cuz (هذي متعارفه عليها) ..
اما الـ cause ... فهذا موضوع يختلف .. لان هالكلمه تستخدمها لتوضح سبب الحدوث .. باعطيكم امثله عليها :
#Using cellphone while driving can cause accidents.
# Smoking causes cancer
... and so on!
اتمنى أن الفكرة وضحت لكم .! - ههههه تصدق نادر اكتبها بالطريقة المختصرة ...عموماً عدلت في الرد ....و الرد نفسه أخذ مني ساعة في التنسيق لأن الجمل تطلع فوق بعض !! وآخر شي فرقت الأسطر وباعدت بينها ونجحت العملية ....7 "
coz ,cuz, cos و cause 'مع الابوستروفي إختصارات متعارف عليها في الشات وبعضها أصبح شائعاً في المراسلات الرسمية الاليكترونية تحديداً
وحتى cuz ليست فورمال ...مشكور على التنبيه وكما قلت في نهاية ردي أن اللغة الأصل فيها التواصل بين الناس وهي كما الكائن الحي تتبدل وتتغير ولذلك من مميزات اللغات الحية ان تكون developmental - ما شاء الله تبارك الله على فكر صاحب الموضوع..7 "
أسأل الله أن لا يحرمه الأجر..
بالنسبة للأخطاء..
بعض الناس يقولوا:
He don't know
وهذا خطأ.. والصح يقول:
He / She doesn't know..
لأن ال He, She, It..تجي معهم الـ Does..
أما الـ Do فتجي مع الـ You, They, We..مثل:
We don't know
You don't have..They don't
ولي عودة إن شاء الله..
وعسى الله ييسر أمورنا أجمعين..
.. - Great ^_^7 "
I see you were great in what you meant while I was not hahahahaha, maybe because I do not like grammar much..
Anyway, when I said "playing" is more like verb, I did not mean that it should be "play".
At first, I said: either it is the act of play--which means continous (playing)--because the preceded sentence was "he was playing football, When we saw him..", or it is a gerund.
Now, the info that you gave about the sentence must have one verb only is new to me.
I searched about it online, but I did not find anything ensure it. Could you please clarify it more to me? Can you give me online link for it? And ’cuz I see many sentences have more than one verb.
Let us go back to your sentence, logically "we saw him", okay, doing what or where? I am not convinced that "playing" is a noun because a noun just name something to you, as I know.
Take this for instance, we saw him "swimming" pool, can we say that?
And think about: we saw him "playing" football.
We can say the second sentence comfortably in contrast to the first! Why?
The ones you asked me to apply: he was awesome while he was playing football-- if I got your idea, ’cuz I’m not sure if you want me to put in this order.
Second point, I do understand your idea, but I learned that every tense has time clues which enable learners to understand easily.
Useful debate with you instead of talking Arabic with friends out here. xD - Well my friend,7 "
I know you might be confused, but I assure you that is a basic grammar.And if you don't have the basic knowledge of grammar! then I think a hard review will be a good suggestion for you!
When I said "Play" I was pointing on the act of the verb! I didn't mean that you said to put there !
I just wanted to make my point clear that's all.
Since you didn't get it clearly, I'll clarify my point.
خليني اوضح لك اكثر بالعربية حتى تفهم الفكرة .. نحن نقول بالعربية " نلعب , لعب , يلعب " .. كلمة "يلعب" توضح أنه صاحبها يلعب بالمضارع ..
طيب احنا عرفنا الفعل ... طيب لو جيت للملعب وسألك واحد قالك هذا الملعب ليش مسويينه ؟ بتقوله "للعب كورة القدم" ..
هنا ردك اخذت كلمة "للعب" من اساس كلمة "لعب" .. فأنت صار عندك للعب مبتدأ وكورة القدم هو الخبر !
او بمعنى ثاني .. كلمة "للعب" اصبحت إسم الفعل اللي يفعلونه بالملعب .. !
مثلا كلمة مرر الكورة .. اذا قلنا تمرير الكورة .. فهذا اسم لفعل وليس الفعل !
فبالتالي اصبح الفعل .. اسم للفعل نفسه !
So again, as I said, we used "Playing" to emphasize the continuous action. Also, it's an Object. and an object is a noun.
that's why I said it's a noun, because it was in a place of an object.
we saw him "swimming" pool>>!!!!!!!! ("Swimming pool" it's a place where you can swim my friend).
Swimming pool, it's one word a name of the pool where you can swim and relax
and yes, the second one is different than the first oneunless if you say " we saw him swimming at the pool".. then it'll be the same as the second one.
Part 2:
About my examples, you misunderstood what I was saying.
I put the examples to let you compare and think between the two examples, and you'll find out why I say it's a noun.
AND about TENSES, yes you're right, but also we should be using "TIME" to put the scenarios side by side, and let the reader knows which time we are talking about, if is it past then when exactly, be specific!.
anyway, it was a nice discussion....
thanks for giving me some of your time - طيب شباب سؤال7 "
هل يصلح اقول كذا
He played when we were saw him - Can a noun be a continuous action?7 "
I am going to ask one of my teachers about it to verify 100%...
I admit it that I get confused with grammar sometime:P, simply because, for me, a thought is more important than grammar, universites do not ask students when applying for statement of purpose to see their grammar only! They look for many other things.
Thanks always for your time my brother
I appreciate your patience with me xD